Frank Viola is a best-selling author, blogger, speaker, and consultant to authors and writers. His mission is to help serious followers of Jesus know their Lord more deeply so they can experience real transformation and make a lasting impact. To learn more about Frank and his work, go to 20 Years of Projects. To invite Frank to speak at your event, go to his Speaking Page. Due to a new problem with persistent spam that we haven’t figured out how to control, comments are closed for the present time. To contact Frank, use the “Contact” page in the top menu.
The messages were delivered in Florida, not Oregon. I just mentioned the people who were there from Oregon. I am pretty sure at the end of the audio I talk about how to get the rest of the messages. They are already available. Did you not listen to that part?
Are you going to release the other talks from that conference in Oregon as part of the series? Would love to hear the follow up to Part 12.
The messages were delivered in Florida, not Oregon. I just mentioned the people who were there from Oregon. I am pretty sure at the end of the audio I talk about how to get the rest of the messages. They are already available. Did you not listen to that part?