Dear Frank,
I haven’t read your book yet, but I disagree with it completely. You make too many assumptions, your logic doesn’t follow, and you have missed the boat. Feel free to reply if you want to.
Joe xxxxxx
Dear Joe.
Thank you for your email. I disagree with it completely. If I ever get around to reading it, I’ll explain why. 🙂
Sigh. Half-story Joe. You see it all the time on social media. Drive-by assassins. Commit our way to The Lord. Seek out the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God. Ha Ha.
I know this is an old thread, but I just finished reading your “Humor” posts and enjoyed them thoroughly. Thank you.
I’m assuming pert 2 is reImagining Church, right? I read the book buy I honestly forget how to reply to that answer. Time to look it up 🙂
Reimagining Church is the necessary sequel to Pagan Christianity. Read the explanation on this site: – the books go together. Pagan Christianity was never a stand alone volume.
That’s really an interesting exchange! LOL.
Okay, I’ll start.
Hi Frank,
I LOVE “Pagan Christianity.” BUT there is one point I believe the Scriptures are clear about that you glossed over. It’s your position of the woman’s role in the church. I do not see how you can write “Pagan Christianity” and so clearly miss the mark on that one.
As both a biblical and constitutional purist I find saying things the bible is absolutely clear about is like saying things the constitution is clear about . . . people don’t think it says that at all and respectively call you names like “pagan” and “un patriotic.” It reminds me of the children of Israel getting back to Jerusalem and hearing the Law after having been deprived of it for 70 years or more. They cried when they heard it. They repented. Well, we really need to do the same thing. “Pagan Christianity” was a breath of fresh air, but errors on the woman’s role IN the assembly is clearly a departure from God’s word. In the worship assembly, the woman IS to remain silent, and there is no getting around this. It is clearly the Lord’s command. To do so is simply sin. And sin always takes us further than we intended going, keeps us longer than we meant to stay, and makes us pay far more than we dreamed it would cost.
I hope I’ll get a message whenever someone replies.
Thanks, Don Wood
Don: I can’t tell if your note is a joke or if it’s serious. A woman’s role in the church isn’t mentioned in PC. It’s mentioned in the sequel. I’m assuming this is a spoof email.
Thank you! The perfect answer to the “perfect” question!
thats a cool answer.
Thanks for the laugh. At least he was honest in that he didn’t read your book.