May 1965
Heading: “The day that Christians from all different denominational backgrounds will meet in homes all across the world without a pastor is the day that pigs will fly!” ~ Pastor Fielding Melish.
May 2009
Heading 1: Christians from all different denominational backgrounds are meeting in homes all across the world without a traditional pastor.
Heading 2: Swine flu.
I’m just gonna tell ya, that this pic makes my heart smile each time I see it.
Kids just don’t care.
Love child like faith.
Speaking of the connection between church forms and swine flu… I have Facebook Friends who is a Christian leader who posted this FB update:
brainstorming potential Church implications re swine-flu. Might churches meet in geo small-group clusters?
It kicked off a short discussion of the “innovative” idea of churches meeting in houses.
I think what hinders the organic/house church movement is that usually what happens is we recreate the IC in homes. How can we not do this the current model is all we know? I stopped looking for a way to “Do” church and simply asked God to make me His church and you should see the interesting people he brings into my life. Tonight I’m celebrating Passover (late I know) with some friends who are believers but also celebrate Torah. I have protestors and felons hanging around too. I think church is much different than we think it is. In some ways it’s much easier because God brings the people to us but it’s still relationship and that’s tough.
What I’m hearing God say in relationship to Swine is, “Stop throwing your pearls to pigs”. It’s not my job to convince anyone of anything. Maybe that’s what Swine Flu is really all about……If you throw a pearl to a swine it will eat it but you won’t find see it’s beauty until you clean up the pigs mess.(Smile)
Good question, Rick. I addressed this issue a few years ago in a conference – See my podcast on the 2007 Momentum conference.
I love this picture.
Good thing we now know that children raised arouind dirt and aminals have less allergies! (Worked for my kids, allthough we never had pigs.)
Love it! Now if I could only find folks who want to join up as an organic church who are also willing to deal with the messiness of human relationships. That’s probably what’s hindering the organic/house church movement, anyway. Ahhh, but that’s off topic…
hahahahaha… awesome.
I love this! My daughter and I are both laughing, especially at the adorable, appalling photo! So now we know how swine flew is transmitted to people. Moral: Do not kiss babies!