Here are 14 random thoughts. I trust you will find some of them edifying. Others, well, interesting at the very least.
- “You can only find truth with logic if you have already found truth without it.” ~ Chesterton
- “Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.” ~ Japanese Proverb
- The life of many American Christians today is a chosen story; not a story of God’s chosen.
- If you wish to be a rock star in the Christian world, do not challenge the conventional wisdom.
- Anglican Jeremy Thomson in ‘Preaching as Dialogue: Is the Sermon a Sacred Cow?’ (Grove, 1996) shows difference between sermonizing & preaching.
- “Is it to something that I am devoted, or is it to secure for the Lord Jesus Christ His absolute centrality and supremacy?” ~ Austin-Sparks
- Played bocce ball yesterday and found myself quoting Johnny Mac several times – “You cannot be serious!”
- Jesus Christ is All – everything else is commentary.
- It takes the Holy Spirit to reveal Christ to someone. We can proclaim, but He must unveil.
- Many thanks to Dave Travis & Leadership Network for the invitation to participate in the Aha! Conference yesterday. You all did a great job!
- A revelation of Jesus Christ will always lead to a revelation of His Church because the Head and the Body are one. Ephesians 1:17-23.
- “Every knee shall bow at Your throne in worship; You will be exalted oh God, and You’re kingdom shall not pass away, oh Ancient of Days.”
- Rick Warren Tweet. Rick says: Never automatically believe reports on the Internet. “Any story sounds true until someone sets the record straight.” Proverbs 18:17
- Life is short. Make every day count.
Thanks Frank. Good wisdom there.
Some good stuff there, Frank – thankyou!