Frank Viola is a best-selling author, blogger, speaker, and consultant to authors and writers. His mission is to help serious followers of Jesus know their Lord more deeply so they can experience real transformation and make a lasting impact. To learn more about Frank and his work, go to 20 Years of Projects. To invite Frank to speak at your event, go to his Speaking Page. Due to a new problem with persistent spam that we haven’t figured out how to control, comments are closed for the present time. To contact Frank, use the “Contact” page in the top menu.
All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing that now exists came into being… In Him was life…For it was the Father’s gracious will that the whole of the divine perfections should dwell in Him…He who ascended again, far above all the heavens, in order to fill the universe…
JESUS!!!! Life without Him is meaningless
I love this Blog. It is so encouraging and yes in deed isn’t HE amazing!!!
I agree with Dwayne about the River of Life and Indwelling.. and when I search in the wrong places..
What I love about Jesus is that he know me so deeply, I don’t need to pretend just being truthful and honest,that brings me closer, cause the truth always sets free..There is Love in truth. HE is Love and truth.
I love the aspect of “Indwelling” and “River of Life.” When I used to search for Him in all the wrong places, I came up empty hearted. Now when I search for Him, I go within and find that River of Life.
That is such a cool way to look at it. And as He increases and we decrease, people see these things, which are really His attributes, at work in our lives.
Isn’t He amazing!
Oh, how I love Him!
These words are merely our feeble language to try to relate of Christ in our speech. Our Lord Jesus Christ can never be confined to language, or an utterance, or a single expression. No more than a letter and can hug you with presence. Paul made an outstanding attempt through words to exhaustion and yet he knew he could not define Christ in written word. “To know Him” should surmise as well as any word can be expressed.
All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing that now exists came into being… In Him was life…For it was the Father’s gracious will that the whole of the divine perfections should dwell in Him…He who ascended again, far above all the heavens, in order to fill the universe…
JESUS!!!! Life without Him is meaningless
I love this Blog. It is so encouraging and yes in deed isn’t HE amazing!!!
I agree with Dwayne about the River of Life and Indwelling.. and when I search in the wrong places..
What I love about Jesus is that he know me so deeply, I don’t need to pretend just being truthful and honest,that brings me closer, cause the truth always sets free..There is Love in truth. HE is Love and truth.
I love the aspect of “Indwelling” and “River of Life.” When I used to search for Him in all the wrong places, I came up empty hearted. Now when I search for Him, I go within and find that River of Life.
That is such a cool way to look at it. And as He increases and we decrease, people see these things, which are really His attributes, at work in our lives.
Isn’t He amazing!
Oh, how I love Him!
These words are merely our feeble language to try to relate of Christ in our speech. Our Lord Jesus Christ can never be confined to language, or an utterance, or a single expression. No more than a letter and can hug you with presence. Paul made an outstanding attempt through words to exhaustion and yet he knew he could not define Christ in written word. “To know Him” should surmise as well as any word can be expressed.