Recently interviewed me on the book, Jesus Manifesto. You can hear the 37-minute audio here.
What follows is an excerpt from a new print interview that Len and I have done that will be published in the near future. Here’s an excerpt answering the question – “what motivated you to write the book?”
In August 2008, Len and I began talking about our shared concern that Jesus Christ was getting short-changed in many quarters. This comes in two directions mainly.
On the one hand, there are many who affirm the orthodox teaching of the Person of Jesus, yet in many cases, other “things” are being put on the throne in place of Him. As A.W. Tozer once put it, “you can be straight as a gun barrel theologically and just as empty as one spiritually.” It’s easy to get distracted with “things” . . . even good things that are related to the Lord . . . yet miss the Lord Himself. Again, Tozer said, “the devil is a better theologian than any of us and is a devil still.” It’s not enough to be able to parrot correct doctrine about Jesus. The Holy Spirit wants to reveal Christ to our hearts in a living way and make Him preeminent and supreme in our lives, our ministries, and our churches. This happens when our eyes are opened to see His greatness.
On the other hand, the biblical testimony of who Jesus is … that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (rather than one way, a relative truth, or a nice life) . . . has come under massive assault by postmodern deconstructionists. Len and I hold strongly to the apostolic creeds that present Jesus as the Savior who was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, was crucified for our sins, bodily rose again from the dead as this world’s true Lord, ascended to the Father, and will return to this earth one day as supreme Judge of the living and the dead. (The Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed are solid, yet ancient statements of the above.)
We also feel that many Christians are frozen when they turn to the left or the right (politically speaking). Both the Christian left and the Christian right are seeking to use the power of the Empire to accomplish its goals. Both come to Caesar’s table to negotiate as another political player in the game. We feel that this is not the proper place for the church of the living God, especially in post-Christendom world. Thus we are presenting a “third path” that isn’t left or right, but forward. Forward to the Christ who lives today–who is the same Christ who is presented to us in the inspired Scriptures.
Finally, we see the Christian camp divided between those who see Jesus as mainly the Justifier (advocates emphasize the portrait of Jesus painted in Romans and Galatians) versus those who see Jesus as mainly the Justice-Giver (advocates emphasize the portrait of Jesus painted in Matthew, Mark, and Luke). Our book brings both portraits together and puts them within the larger context of Paul’s revelation of Christ in Colossians, Ephesians, and the Gospel of John. He is Alpha and Omega, and He is far more than the One who justifies the sinner and brings justice for the oppressed.
Charles Spurgeon rightly said that Christ “is the whole gospel. His person, offices, and work must be our one great, all-comprehending theme.” Our book seeks to unravel that statement to a 21st century audience.
Related: The Jesus Trilogy by Viola & Sweet – all on one page
Just wanted to stop by and say that JM was great. I’m glad you and Len got together on this project. Now I need to go back and reflect on a few areas. May the Lord’s light shine.
(I don’t have any google ads on my page.)
Hey there Frank… When’s the book going to be available as a free PDF download? 🙂
thanks for stopping bye, Dave. how are you, bro? You’ll have to ask Thomas Nelson your question. They have made some of the book free on Google books. As odd as it sounds, if they did make it a free PDF, very few people would read it. That has been proven by ALL of my free eBooks that we’ve self-published. I tell the story here —
Enjoy the article.
Hey Frank – I got an ‘ad by google’ too at the bottom of this post. Advertising a new church in Brisbane near where I live! Way over in Oz
ps Can’t wait to read your new book. Keen to share it within our churches asap – a much blessed message!
Weird. I’ve never seen a Goggle ad on this blog before – even from signing from different accounts or computers.
How many others see ads by Google on the bottom of this blog page? I’m curious now.
Too Funny! Not sure if others see it but there is an add for…
Become a Pastor
With an Online Pastoral Degree. Study Online, in your spare time.
…at the bottom of the post.
Which seems completely out of place, considering…lol
Lol. You are joking right. I see no such thing. Is it subliminally placed?