I just returned from the INFUSION 2010 DC Conference.
Hungry Christians attended from all over DC, MD, and VA. It was a wonderful time. The reports and testimonies were outstanding.
There was a spirit of grace throughout the whole event. Lots of laughter, lots of sharing heart-to-heart, and lots of love and grace. What also impressed me was that it was the most culturally mixed audience I’d ever seen gathered together in one place in the name of Jesus. Some of the people who attended remarked that this blew them away. To their minds, it represented a genuine work of God.
The last meeting was the highlight for many. Just before a message unveiling God’s eternal purpose was spoken, we all came to the front very close to one another and begin to sing our spirits out to the Lord. The decibels were so high we nearly ripped the roof off!
It was awesome to see people of so many different races singing their hearts out to God, embracing one another, and gathering under one Head – Jesus. It was a visible demonstration of the new creation, the new humanity, where there is no Jew or Gentile, rich or poor, slave or free, but Christ as all and in all.
I’m still reeling from it.
The final message on the eternal purpose can be streamed or downloaded from my podcast.
The last day we spent with the believing community that hosted the event. They are a fairly new multi-cultural organic expression of the church. The group is learning how to live by Christ together. It was beautiful to see a contemporary example of Ephesians 2 – a visible expression testifying to the reality that the separating wall of partition has been torn down in Jesus Christ.
the conference was amazing. thanks for coming.
Remarkable conference! I had my first love restored after so long. I’m excited that the eternal purpose talk will be available. Can’t wait to send it to friends.
Thanks to the beleivers who hosted the event, Alan, yourself and all those who shared the life and love of Christ Jesus in us. The time spent both in and out of the conference sessions were equally encouraging. Saturday evening’s gathering was truely life giving. Through The streams of tears you could hear the Bridegoom say, “Come”.
The conference was AMAZING!! everyone was so loving. the message you shared on the purpose of God was incredible. I’ve never heard it put it together like that before and connected everything in the bible that way. It was very powerful. thank you and Alan for an awesome weekend.
This is great, it’s so encouraging to see Christ as the only “glue” that holds believers together as opposed to preferences, race, doctrines, etc. Encouragin story, I’m very glad all went well.