Over the last few weeks, we’ve been discussing some pretty heavy things on the blog. So to lighten the air up a bit, what follows is one of the better surveys I’ve seen online.
My childhood ambition: MLB pitcher, preferably for the Mets or Yankees.
My fondest memory: Too many to list. One is when I reconnected with my old high-school buddy Joe Calautti after many years. He’s one of the most amazing guitarists on the planet. It was awesome hearing him play live and spending time in his home studio watching him play his blistering riffs and some of the songs we used to play in high school together. And of course, reminiscing about our high school antics.
My soundtrack: a mix of songs from 1965 to 1995 of most genres and many different artists.
My retreat: sitting on an ocean-side balcony overlooking Panama City Beach, Florida.
My wildest dream: A healthy, authentic organic expression of the church in every city on the planet. (These are churches where Jesus Christ is truly head in practice and the entire body functions under His headship. See Reimagining Church for details.) Plus a flood of seminary students and young pastors leaving their clergy positions to get to know the Lord in profound depths in organic church communities with their peers . . . learning Christ as brothers among other brothers and sisters. I know quite a few folks who are doing just that. May their tribe increase dramatically! (If you’re new to the blog and the above doesn’t make sense to you, see Finding Organic Church.)
My proudest moment: when I struck out 17 batters in one game and led the lead in home-runs the same year. I was a teen.
My biggest challenge: to be faithful in fulfilling *all* the responsibilities that are upon me each week, and not to lose motivation due to feeling overwhelmed.
My alarm clock: Internal – 6 am EST. Backup – iPhone set to harp ringtone.
My perfect day: if I could go back in time and accompany T. Austin-Sparks and Watchman Nee at the Keswick Convention in 1938. Both men went together, although neither spoke at the conference. Two giants in the audience!
My first job: plumbing assistant with dad and my cousins on a construction site in Homestead, FL. I was 14.
My indulgence: Pandora Internet Radio, NY Style Pizza, and Cheesecake.
My last purchase: books from Amazon.com
My favorite movie: a tie between The Notebook, The Cutting Edge (original 1992 version), and Message in a Bottle (though I hated the end). Here are other favorites of mine.
My inspiration: music and music artists honing their craft in the studio.
My life: God’s Eternal Purpose
My card: the Ace of Spades. In life, I always seem to discover one up my sleeve.
Now it’s your turn. Answer all 16.
My childhood ambition: To be married and to have a family.
My fondest memory: Feeding the ducks at the park when my engagement ring flew off my finger and my husband had to roll up his pants and wade through the water to find it…he did.
My soundtrack: It can go from Queen to Neil Diamond to Styx to Elton John and don’t forget Wings.
My retreat: On my swing outside my country home.
My wildest dream: I don’t know
My proudest moment: When my son graduated from high school and when he told us he was joining the national guard. Very proud of him.
My biggest challenge: Keeping my mind on things above and to have self control.
My alarm clock: The Holy Spirit wakes me up at 5:45 am c/t when I ask him to, he never forgets – thank you.
My perfect day: If I could go back in time like Frank, I would take anyday with Madame Guyon.
My first job: Mentally ill hospital
My indulgence: Shopping
My last purchase: Christmas present for my Auntie Bev xxoo.
My favorite movie: The Lion King, all The Lord of the Ring movies, Harry Potter. I’m pretty much a good vs. evil type movie person.
My inspiration: All the saints that have gone before me, their courage and faith even to death.
My life: Is now in Christ, Jesus is my Life, I live by his life. I was the lost coin that fell on the floor and rolled in the dark dusty corner, till my savior swept and searched for me until he found me. And that he did!
My card: Lately it’s a dance card; been playing a lot of dance central with my daughter.
My childhood ambition: To be a veterinarian/Teacher
My fondest memory: Childbirth {sounds very strange Im sure, but this is when I changed physically, spiritually and completely~ for the best!}
My soundtrack: My list on Pandora is super long! Many stations including country, christian contemporary & rock, Adele, Neil Diamond, Norah Jones, jazz, Les Miserables…. the list could go on forever really.
My retreat: Anywhere that I can see the ocean and anywhere where I can see the trees.
My wildest dream: Running away and joining the circus. Again.
My proudest moment: When my daddy walked me down the isle <3
My biggest challenge: Organizing my house and some aspects of my life!
My alarm clock: Ugh, I hate alarm clocks. I wake up by 9am at the latest unless we have to be somewhere earlier!
My perfect day: Snuggling with my two kids all day in bed watching Sponge Bob & Dick Van Dyke.
My first job: Busing tables at a Pizzeria in Tiera Verde, FL, I was 14!
My indulgence: Photography, editing, chocolate, choreographing, and baking.
My last purchase: Custom DVD cases with my logo.
My favorite movie: Hmm, not sure, have a couple but none really stick out.
My inspiration: God has a purpose for me and He is my inspiration in trying to find out what that purpose is…
Two places that inspire me and ignite my inner core are the beach and the country!
My life: can be utterly chaotic and disorganized at times and when it isnt it is almost too perfect!
My card: American Express. Whats in your wallet?
My childhood ambition: Was always to be an artist. I’m now a designer – that’s close enough 😉
My fondest memory: A tie between meeting my husband for the first time and our wedding day.
My soundtrack: All country – ironic coming from a city girl.
My retreat: The mountains/woods
My wildest dream: To meet some real Christians (in person) who aren’t completely ridiculous.
My proudest moment: The first time my design work was printed in a publication.
My biggest challenge: Putting the ‘still small voice’ above the megaphone of false teaching that’s blaring in my ears from every direction imaginable.
My alarm clock: My 3 alarm clocks actually. I really don’t want to be late for work. It’s set for 7am.
My perfect day: Pretty much any recreational activity and good meal with my hubby is the perfect day for me.
My first job: Ice cream stand. When I worked there, this man threw a tract (sp?) at my head and told me I needed Jesus. He ran out the door before I could tell him that I was a Christian.
My indulgence: I’d say coffee. I quit for awhile, but it pulled me back in with the invention of the Keurig .
My last purchase: 75% off candy (after halloween clearance prices)
My favorite movie: Not much into movies
My inspiration: The people who do great things without telling anyone. I work with a man who, for no particular reason, isn’t very popular around the office. Actually, they consider him to be a loser, in every sense of the word. Well – every Sunday he goes to a nursing home and spends quality time with the residents there, out of the goodness of his heart – and the only reason I know about it is because I ‘caught’ him doing it. That’s my inspiration.
My life: only makes sense in retrospect. The Lord has me moving all over the place, and it never makes sense until I look back. Sometimes it doesn’t make sense at all.
My card: The memory card. heh 😉
My childhood ambition: deep down, to be just like my mother..that definately changed when I got older
My fondest memory: anytime I spent with my cousins on the beach or in the ocean, or anytime I spent holidays with my cousins at the ranch having cow patty wars or getting lost in the woods when it was cold and your nose ran like crazy! Staying up really late with my best friends and laughing so hard I would cry and almost pee my pants!! Good times..
My soundtrack: any song by U2, a few faves from Sinead Oconnor, Celtic Women, and Duffy’s “Dreamer (my ultimate theme song!)
My retreat: I have many..it depends on my mood, but one of my faves is out on the ocean with water surrounding me as far as the eye can see
My wildest dream: that hospitals will close down and doctors will have to find another job because EVERYONE believes AND receives the healing that was put in place for us the day Jesus died and rose again and defeated ALL of our enemies! And we ALL are appropriating the gifts that were freely given to us by our Papa! AND I often day dream of the day I get to see Him face to face and embrace Him and feel His embrace! (I have a feeling I already have, just don’t know it yet)
My proudest moment: when I realized over time how far I had come and I could look back and see the fingerprints and nudges of God in my life. The fact that I am raising human beings and they aren’t dead like the plants. I am functioning as an adult and making adult decisions, yet I have my youth intact and can still be a kid. I wouldn’t say it is a proud moment.. I would say “When I see the evidence of God (especially in my own life) I am pleased and satisfied, and it thrills me to know that He is aware of who I am as I am aware of who He is and He likes me just the way I am and He will help me ALWAYS”~when this became a reality for me, then it was a rest assured moment!
My biggest challenge: people who don’t like me…I am SO likeable, I don’t understand why some people don’t like (and sometimes hate) me
My alarm clock: Internal~5:27 am, my cell phone is set for 5:30 am
My perfect day: usually when I get the ‘stuff’ done that I planned to get done for the day and I am still smiling at the end of it
My first job: (not counting babysitting) sacker at Randall’s
My indulgence: books (I work at a bookstore to appease my urge) and coffee
My last purchase: gummi worms
My favorite movie: this isn’t fare, I have more than one: Forest Gump, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Across the Universe, The Princess Bride, Pride and Prejudice, and The Breakfast Club……just to name a few…..
My inspiration: other people’s ideas (wishing I had that idea and why didn’t I think of that!)
My life: not quite figured that one out yet..I know Jesus is the life I live, but I have also had some questions about life~it has involved a series of rejection and abondments, deaths and losses that should not have been, injustice and downright hatred towards me (mostly performed by the people who are called to love the most..Christians)~and I have asked the question that Jack Nicholson asked “Is this as Good as it Gets?” …My Papa is currently re-writing my ‘thesis’ on LIFE as I live..
My card: a crazy 8!
My childhood ambition: to be an astronaut
My fondest memory: have a few, perhaps when I was younger learning to play softball and fishing with my dad and siblings; later spending time with my mom and driving her to visit my sister who had just given birth. Never had spent such a long time with just my mom before or after she passed away.
My soundtrack: RUSH, Journey, Boston, Asia, Alabama.
My retreat: sitting on a large rock in a forest on a mountain in Lanstuhl, Germany next to the city castle, reading the Bible early in the morning, singing songs to Him, spending time with Jesus.
My wildest dream: to see Christ expressed through me and my family to our neighbors and students at my school, seeing Christ raise an organic expression of Himself, the body of Christ in mine and every neighborhood, including my school!
My proudest moment: when I was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel of the U.S. Army and to have my wife and my dad pin my oak leaf on my uniform.
My biggest challenge: to express Christ’s love to teachers and students at the Middle School I teach at, to those who do not care.
My alarm clock: 5:15 AM, internal: 6:30 AM.
My perfect day: to have the joy and peace of Christ expressed in and through me every moment of the day where it seems everything just happened like clockwork, after God came in and changed everything on me.
My first job: bag/mop boy at Piggly Wiggly
My indulgence: Enjoying jagerschnitzel with my wife at a German Restaurant, drinking Starbucks coffee, reading from Frank Viola/T. Austin Sparks/Watchman Nee, and studying the Scriptures.
My last purchase: a Tiarna Liam’s Ancient Irish Leine from Misty Thicket (for Renaissance Festival!)
My favorite movie: too many, lol.
My inspiration: Words, Songs, and Messages from friends who are expressing Christ’s love!
My life: to express Christ to family, friends, and others.
My card: 10. Seems everything important has happened on that date, my birth and marriage!
My childhood ambition: School bus driver, nun running an orphanage in South Africa, psychologist, marketing director, and always a published writer of many life changing well written books.
My fondest memory: Top Three is the best I can narrow down to: 1.) When I finally “got it” and knew I had to have Jesus to draw breath and that He loved me, 2.) When my daughter made her own choice to follow Christ with her life & 3.) When my husband and I were married and God’s face shined upon us.
My soundtrack: I love me some Christian Rap–the more ghetto, the better. I also like music from my youth and other random songs.
My retreat: Mental imagery mostly in this secluded creek clearing where Jesus and I can communicate without interruption.
My wildest dream: To write lots of books, help support orphanages…maybe adopt a few kiddos for our own personal family, to be a good mom who doesn’t thrust her children into years of adult therapy, to be the wife God wants me to be AND MOST OF ALL to serve Christ with my entire life, witnessing his miracles and movement daily and helping others to see the same, eventually being used to help lead them into a deep and loving personal relationship with God through Christ.
My proudest moment: The day my daughter was baptized, making her profession of Christ public.
My biggest challenge: Staying focused without being overwhelmed with the big picture…following Christ daily and trusting him to guide my steps, even when it’s not making sense to me AND NOT listening to the negative bombs planted by Satan.
My alarm clock: Currently it is my husband saying, “It’s 6:30, you need to wake up.”
My perfect day: Being that I’m 37 weeks and 1 day pregnant (but, whose counting?), I am going to say my current idea of a perfect day would include little Izzy getting here safe and sound, in the midst of our family and friends, and our family being made complete in the arms of Christ.
My first job: Babysitting neighborhood children.
My indulgence: Loud music, Christian fiction novels, and sugary treats.
My last purchase: A LARGE diet coke from Hardee’s.
My favorite movie: Steel Magnolias, Dan in Real Life, & the Narnia movies (can’t wait for the new one to come out this Christmas).
My inspiration: Seeing God move through humans, nature and the arts.
My life: To make straight the pathway to Jesus.
My card: Idk…I guess the 3 of hearts as three is my favorite number and LOVE is of the utmost importance.
My childhood ambition: To be an Author and Teacher.
My fondest memory: A personal interaction with Him.
My soundtrack: I have a favorite instrumental song called, “Music Box Dancer.”
My retreat: Speaking with Father in complete freedom of expression, and too, singing to Him my heart.
My wildest dream: I often have dreamed of seeing His smile, so outstandingly brilliant that the universe itself glows with His Light as I look into His eyes of Purest Love, it feels as if I melt into Him, because in His eyes I see a love beyond what I can describe.
My proudest moment: When I realized I had nothing to be proud of except my weakness.
My biggest challenge: To not let fear stand in my way, especially fear of men.
My alarm clock: 6 A.M., radio
My perfect day: The day we are truly One and our Father’s heart is fully satisfied.
My first job: Office Clerk in an elementary school
My indulgence: Coffee
My last purchase: Oxford Annotated Bible
My favorite movie: Without question, The Notebook
My inspiration: The Holy Spirit, Love
My life: The Lord Jesus Christ
My card: The Wild Card
My indulgence: strawberries w/yogurt & granola, brownies & The Office (1st & 2nd season)
My childhood ambition: be a dentist
My fondest memory: sitting by the campfire in the cool October nights in Lake Tahoe or somewhere in the woods of California when my family used to travel 5 days out of each week for 6 years. (the campfire proved more peaceful than the 36’x6’RV full of 5 other people).
My soundtrack: John Mayer, Etta James, Sade, Ruby Braff
My retreat: Seaside, Florida in the summer or Lake Tahoe, California in the fall
My wildest dream: literally? I have alot of dreams… my sis and I were in some kind of concentration camp and I somehow knew exactly how we could escape. She tried to bring other people with us to escape, but they didn’t want to come. and then I have this recurring dream that my teeth are bigger than my mouth.
My proudest moment: leading 11 other young college students across the U.S.ofA. for 24 days to experience what the church of America is going through now… seeing the burden in their heart grow for the Church due to the current state they saw it in as we visited institutional churches across North America.
My biggest challenge: currently: to not take offense / be offended so easily
My alarm clock: my cell phone: 7AM CST
My perfect day: one spent by myself
My first job: traveling the country directing a drama: helping with inventory of stock, stage set-up, tear down, running the lights/ sound, training cast members
My last purchase: strawberries from Kroger (this was dinner tonight)
My favorite movie: The Notebook, Pride & Prejudice & Beauty and the Beast
My inspiration: people who are patient and collected in the midst of trying circumstance
My life: completely unexpected circumstances, but none the less: so amazing thus far!
My card: do the blank ones count?
Sheesh, this was a lot more difficult than I anticipated. And I’m loving people’s responses!
My childhood ambition: To be a comic book artist or to do something in computer graphics (when I got my Apple ][e).
My fondest memory: The Christmas morning I opened my model ’74 Evel Knievel Stunt Cycle (I was 5).
My soundtrack: …would sound like Toto, Boston, Marty Robbins, Lincoln Brewster, Seal, All-American Rejects, and maybe Enya (the mix of which would probably sound fantastically horrible). Lyrically I hope it would read like “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing” or “The Solid Rock.”
My retreat: My what…? I guess this would be the simple enjoyment of the all-too-rare times I get to sit with close friends who think too much, and (without having to worry about appointments or having to be anywhere else) discuss time and eternity, good and evil, free choice “vs.” predestination (I believe we often create a false dichotomy between these concepts), and what the Word says about those things and the person and character of God. I can’t think of anything more relaxing!
My wildest dream: To see the corporate body of Christ stop being scared to be set free from religious bondage, and to see it embrace its Savior. (and I DO see this happening!)
My proudest moment: Two of them; when each of my children was born.
My biggest challenge: Trying to condense two years of focused Bible study, prayer, and fresh discovery into short conversations to let people know why my family left the institutional church and I left full-time professional ministry.
My alarm clock: I don’t wake up easily. I use my cell phone (won’t repeat the alarm tone no matter what I do), my wife’s cell phone, my bedside alarm clock set to NPR (don’t care for music to wake me up), and often iPing.com, all in concert with one another at 4:30AM.
My perfect day: A day that I can look back on when climbing into bed, knowing that I completely honored Jesus Christ in my motives and actions, and helped people to see Christ for Who He is.
My first job: A local greenhouse. I was one of the two English-speaking employees.
My indulgence: Chocolate chip ice cream with Smucker’s caramel topping (each night before bed).
My last purchase: Some unusual drink called “Sippin’ Syrup” at a nearby convenience store.
My favorite movie: One of the harder questions, and I can’t list just one: The Gods Must Be Crazy, First Blood, Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
My inspiration: “But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves.” – James 1:22 (NLT)
My life: A journey I would never have imagined; an amazing and mind-boggling presentation of God’s unprecedented mercy and grace. I’d have squashed Dean a very long time ago if I were in God’s place.
My card: I dunno… I have a pretty simple blue card showing my name, e-mail, Twitter, blog, and James 1:22. I give it to people I have the privilege of meeting and talking with. Most need to meet Christ. I’m pretty happy with the card.
My childhood ambition: To make it to the year 2000. I was born in 1953. It sure seemed like a long time then.
My fondest memory: When my son became my friend.
My soundtrack: A lot of 50’s, 60’s and 70’s one hit wonders. Rockabilly to metal to classic country. It does it for me.
My retreat: A good book or movie.
My wildest dream: To be where Jesus is.
My proudest moment: When my son Jeremy was born and I held him for the first time.
My biggest challenge: Not be frustrated with’ churchy’ people.
My alarm clock: Don’t have one. I am retired. But when I do need one it is my cell phone.
My perfect day: When I am tuned into the Spirit and enjoying Jesus.
My first job: At a hamburger joint on US 1in Titusville, Fla. I was 14 years old.
My indulgence: Smoking my pipe.
My last purchase: CD Jars of Clay “The Shelter”
My favorite movie: “The Man who Shot Liberty Valance”Jimmy Steward, John Wayne and Lee Marvin. “The Dat the Earth Stood Still” Original version. 1951 I think.
My inspiration: Jesus and the goodness of the Father
My life: It has not been anything like I expected.
My card:King of Hearts. Jesus is love and shows us who and what our Father is like.
My childhood ambition: Playing in a band, touring the world! or ministering to the youth.
My fondest memory: Deep sea fishing with my Dad, brother and childhood friends. We caught a lot of big fishes. The boatman cleaned and fried the freshly caught fish. It tasted like heaven 🙂
My soundtrack: All most everything. A lot of alternative/rock, currently loving phoenix. Also into the harder stuffs.
My retreat: Coffee-book-music
My wildest dream: Living with a group of young people that are crazy about Christ. Authentic church life. Wasting my life on the eternal purpose.
My proudest moment: Battle of the band. First gig with the band. Third place.
My biggest challenge: Learning to live in and out grace. Dealing with hidden pride.
My alarm clock: is crazy loud. Backed up with a phone alarm (in case I don’t wake up)
My perfect day: When I’m not doing laundry or other chores.
My first job: Does volunteering counts? car wash.
My indulgence: Sleep
My last purchase: Books, books, books. Last purchase — The pilgrim church
My favorite movie: The lord of the rings, Braveheart, Apocalypto, you get my feel 😉
My inspiration: Good reads, music.
My life: God’s Eternal Purpose (Copy pasted it from Frank’s)
My card: The joker 😉
Childhood ambition: Marine Biologist
Fondest Memory: My wife 16 I’m 18 standing there we are making small talk and I ask her out. She was/is adorable.
My Soundtrack: Probably Sade’s greatest hits for something smooth; Marvin Gaye’s greatest for something R+B; Sting’s greatest for interesting backround; The Who’s, The Who for something Rock; The Hollies greatest for old Rock; Roy Orbison’s greatest for superb vocals and plain good stuff; Jim Reeve Big Ones for Country; Rafael Frost’s Time Out for Trance; The Traveling Willberrys just because; Louis Miguel for something Latin; Howlin Wolf/BB King/Big Joe Turner/John Lee Hooker/Muddy Waters/Etta James/Bobby Bland/KoKo Taylor greatest’s for the Blues; Chuck Loeb anything for Jazz; Enigma’s greatest hits superb; Aaron Nevilles greatest hits fantastic; Joe Cockers greatest a must.
My retreat: South Padre Island at the Wanna Wanna Palaypa minutes away.
My wildest dream: To infect my generation (baby boomer) with Organic Ekklesia. Be a part of pulling down the stronghold of systemic man made traditional church concept in the western christian worldview as the dominant thought and expression. To erase the dominant mental image of a building down the street with a white steeple on top as “the church” from collective christian thought. To erase the term “going to church” from the language of christianity. Make it creepy for christianity to be controlled by a written in stone Liturgy Order of Worship regimen. Reverse the clergy layman distinction. Help foster the truth on the collective conscious of christianity that we all are a holy preisthood a holy nation, just not the clergy. To help make the concept of expressing your faith outside of Protestantism/Catholicism/Evangelicalism/Pentacostalism okay, permissable, acceptable, desirable, preferred.
My proudest moment: Marrying my lovely wife (all of you married guys need to say this first).
My second proudest moment:) is building a successful company from nothing and it just dawning on me one day.
My biggest challenge: To remain in faith, not despair, not be overwhelmed, in the current fiery trial and shadowey valley of death I find myself in on the constant cyclical tests we seem to encounter.
My alarm clock: Dreams in the night that wake me up.
My perfect day: Riding my Harley with my wife Ms. Pam to the Island to go to the beach with our dogs ChaCho and Poncho, and going Goose and Duck hunting with my two sons up North where all the big rivers converge.
My first job: Paperboy 7 days a week 365 a year snow,rain,sleet,storm, to the whole town for years.
My Indulgence: German, White Auslese, from the Mosel/Saar/Ruhr river valley slopes. California, Russian River Valley, Black Muscat, from grapes as black as coal. Three inch thick medium rare Prime Rib Beef. Harley~Davidson Road King. Lots of music CD’s.
My last purchase: Books from CBD, Amazon.
My favorite movie: Alien I/The Wizard of OZ.
My inspiration: The Word, books from favorite writers, whom shall remain nameless, I wouldn’t want one to get a big head.
My life: Gods will.
My card: A postcard from a Pastor sent to me after I wrote him a letter telling him I was leaving his church and wanted it to be on the best of terms between him and I. It was a very lovely response from him to me. The postcard was “Night Cafe”, Vincent van Gogh, 1888. I had had a dream earlier about my best friend and closest brother in the Lord who had recently passed away at 52 years of age leaving a wife and 5 children. The picture on the postcard was the setting for my dream. It has a tangible spiritual significance for me.
My childhood ambition: To be a doctor or a lawyer so I could someday buy my mom a house.
My fondest memory: Winning a rap battle at a warehouse party in highschool when I was a junior and the guy I was battling was a senior, everyone threw me on their shoulders and he walked out with his head down.
My soundtrack: Romeo and Juliet
My retreat: Ropping a steer in 10 seconds in front of two big churches while my buff older brother was left in the dust.
My wildest dream: That the Lord would use someone as week as me to reveal himself on the earth. Oh yeah and ofcourse to live in New York!!
My proudest moment: Scoring a goal Against Vail in an Ice Hockey game when we were on a penalty kill 3 against five. I juked three guys out of their skates and scored the winning goal.
My biggest challenge: To be a brother to my little brothers in Christ, to be a brother to my sisters, and to deny myself daily.
My alarm clock: Ringtone #7 on my Verizone flip phone.
My perfect day: To be consumed with christ where I’m caught up in him all day (honeslty).
My first job: Working in an essembly line for my Mom’s company when I was 12 making candy arragements so boring.
My indulgence: Working out, hair cuts, and cleaning my car, followed by eight choclate chip cookies.
My last purchase: Clothes at American Eagle.
My favorite movie: Pursite of Happyness by Chris Gardner
My inspiration: My older brothers and sisters who stick up for Christ and continually lay down their lives every day.
My life: I would have to say God’s eternal purpose it’s the only reason I can wake up every morning.
My card: King of Hearts I guess lol!
My childhood ambition: To be a teacher.
My fondest memory: Falling in love with my husband.
Soundtrack: Flyleaf, Deftones, Brian Head Welch, Spoken (Echoes of the Spirit Still Dwell is THE best album ever!), throwbacks from the mid to late 90’s, and old Shania Twain.
My retreat: A good book.
My wildest dream: To experience body life as a true community. I have never had much of a family (only child raised by a single mom) and was always part of someone else’s. The problem with that was always feeling like the “odd man out”. I would love to experience being the church with my brothers and sisters as a family, the body of Christ functioning as it ought.
My proudest moment: When I tought myself how to play the bass guitar and shocked my husband. 🙂
My biggest challenge: Staying positive and keeping up with the demands of life with the right attitude.
My alarm clock: I don’t have one…my body hates mornings. 🙁
My perfect day: We enjoyed an almost perfect day last weekend when we went away for our anniversary. It was perfect because we got to fellowship with some amazing brothers and sisters, stayed in a beautiful and relaxing hotel, had a wonderful dinner out, communicated a lot and were able to relax without being interrupted. I’m not too hard to please. 🙂
My first job: I worked as a nanny when I was 14 (I homeschooled).
My indulgence: Anything from Starbucks.
My last purchase: Groceries from Whole Foods, my favorite purchase was the bundle of sunflowers that I brought home. They are so cheery.
My favorite movie: The Lord of the Rings trilogy, LOVE them!
My inspiration: music and music artists honing their craft in the studio.
My life: A work in progress.
My card: Jack of all trades…homeschool mom, personal assistant, bass player in a band, wife, daughter, housekeeper, cook, friend…well, you get the idea! 😉
My childhood ambition: To be the first woman to win the Indy 500…seriously. I still drive that way.
My fondest memory: I have far too many. My fondest childhood memories are of vacations at the beach with my family. My favorite young adult memories were mostly my first boyfriend and lots of fun with friends in college. My favorite married memories have been the times when it felt like we stood together against the world. My favorite memories of my kids are still happening every day.
My soundtrack: 80s, anything Michael Jackson, Yo-Yo Ma playing “Gabriel’s Oboe” (Youtube it), DAVID GRAY (gasp…love him).
My retreat: Topsail Island, North Carolina, Dominican Republic…
My wildest dream: I don’t really know if I have a “wildest” dream, but I think my biggest dream is to love my life all the way through it and to be grateful for every second, good or bad. Gratitude is the key to living a joyful life, whatever your circumstances.
My proudest moment: I don’t know that I have one that stands out.
My biggest challenge: Parenting my sons. I want them to grow up to be caring, compassionate, responsible, joyful, grateful, godly men who know how to treat other people.
My alarm clock: Two little boys named Liam and Brendan.
My perfect day: Any day having to do with good food, shopping, family and friends and beaches…or perhaps travel.
My first job: Retail. I worked at the Pittsburgh Pirates Clubhouse. I used to be able to correctly size people’s fitted hat size as they walked through the door.
My indulgence: Steelers football, Pandora Internet Radio, cheesecake (which is my Love Language, by the way)…I like that we share Pandora and cheesecake. Also, PASTA…seriously, it’s a weakness.
My last purchase: Last night, new skinny jeans…I swore I wouldn’t buy any of those, but I caved.
My favorite movie: Oh, dear. Too many to count. Here’s a random smattering–the whole thing of LOTR, “Saving Private Ryan”, any Alfred Hitchcock, “You’ve Got Mail” (I smile through that whole movie), “Dumb and Dumber” and “Napoleon Dynamite” (I know both verbatim and can use a quote from either for any situation in life)…”Hoosiers” (any good sports movie, really)
My inspiration: My parents…awesome people who believe that you never stop growing into the person God is making you to be. My kids…their awe and wonder about the world is inspiring. My husband…a man of integrity who has a great work ethic. I’ve never seen anyone with as much favor on his life. He’s like Joseph.
My life: An unfinished novel with lots of blank pages left to fill in. Kind of exciting, in a way!
My card: Visa…Ha. Ha. No, I’d say my card is probably the King of Hearts…that’s God.
My childhood ambition: Was to be a teacher
My fondest memory: The night the Lord resurrected my son from death – I will never forget that experience
My soundtrack: a combination of this and that.
My retreat: Outside on my hammock – it’s theraputic.
My wildest dream: To see the body of Christ in perfect unity and agrees with what Frank posted.
My proudest moment: The day I had each of my children .
My biggest challenge: To die daily.
My alarm clock: I naturally get up at 5 am every morning – I don’t have to have one.
My perfect day: Every day I wake up.
My first job: A salesperson in a shoe store.
My indulgence: God’s Word and anything sweet (lol)
My last purchase: A John Deere collectors tractor and collector’s plate.
My favorite movie: This is huge. .. The Iron Giant Disney movie .
My inspiration: Every trial I endure pushes me – I would have to say the life the disciples lived and eventually died for – everytime I encounter something – I think about the radical ness they lived.. also my children.
My life: God’s Eternal Purpose
My card: Does Old Maid count?