Honor one another above yourselves. (Romans 12:10)
This morning I awoke with a heart of thankfulness to the Lord for the many close friends and spiritual co-workers I have in my life. This led to the thought of honoring some of them on this blog beginning today and throughout next week, highlighting some of their contributions.
I’m deeply thankful for the role each of them has played in my life, for their undying and faithful friendship which continues till this good day, and for joining arms with me as co-laborers and colleagues in the highest work on earth, the work of Jesus Christ.
Today, I want to lift up Tony and Felicity Dale.
Tony & Felicity are dear servants of the Lord. I’ve known the Dales for more than a decade. They are beloved friends.
They began a web magazine for Christians who gather in homes called H2H (house 2 house). Last spring, Felicity released a book called An Army of Ordinary People: Stories of Real-Life Men and Women Simply Being the Church, which is a great encouragement.
They travel all over the world encouraging God’s people to gather around Christ in a simple way, and they have passionate hearts for the lost.
Felicity blogs at http://www.simplychurch.com
If you ever get a chance to meet this wonderful couple, you’d be wise to do so. They are a great blessing, and I thank God for putting them in my life these many years.
Lifting Up My Friends: Part II – Milt Rodriguez & Alan Levine
I’ve never had the chance to talk with Tony, but I have talked with Felicity a couple of times via Facebook. She is one of the nicest and humblest people I have ever had the privilege of talking with. I have a standing invitation to visit their home which I hope to take them up on soon.
My husband and I have attended the National House Church Conf. hosted by the Dales and House 2 House ministries for the past 3 years. We also had the opportunity to spend an evening in their home and attend a local gathering in their home city. They are most gracious people and I too am thankful for God bringing them into our lives.
The book An Army of Ordinary People looks interesting. Hopefully I can get it soon and read it. It almost impossible to find books about people BEING the Church, actually putting into practice what the Bible said. Thank you for telling us about the book!
My wife Michelle and I just spent some time with Alan and
Amy Levine down in Port Charlotte. What dear saints. Something
tells me they’re gonna get a shout-out on one of these posts 🙂