Honor one another above yourselves. (Romans 12:10)
As I pointed out last week, recently I awoke with a heart of thankfulness to the Lord for the many close friends and spiritual co-workers I have in my life. This led to the thought of honoring them on this blog, highlighting some of their contributions. And making you aware of them and their work.
Today, I want to lift up my good friend Milt Rodriguez.
I’ve known Milt for over a decade.
We’ve been on numerous trips together, worked with churches together, shared the ministry in numerous settings (in the trenches as well as in conferences), and we have traveled overseas together (with some interesting stories). 🙂
We’ve encouraged one another during dark times, and God has put us in situations where people were in dire straights and we joined arms in seeking to comfort and encourage them by God’s mercy and life.
It’s somewhat rare to find men today who are serving the Lord together and who submit to one another on personal and spiritual matters.
Milt has written a number of books, all of them recommended. But my favorite is The Community Life of God. I liked it so much I added it to my Top 100 Best Books list.
Milt is a man consumed with Christ and with God’s Eternal Purpose in Him. On those two things, as well as our mutual love for God’s people, we are joined at the hip.
While I’m speaking about Milt, another good friend is Alan Levine. I’ve known Alan since the mid-90s. Milt, Alan, and I have collaborated in ministry together numerous times. Alan has a great sense of humor. That’s one of the things I love about him. He also turned me on to fine teas.
So whenever Milt, Alan, and I get together, we have tea. 🙂
Tomorrow I’ll be honoring another close friend and co-worker of mine.
Lifting Up My Friends: Part I – Tony & Felicity Dale
The following may have best been said in a email directly to you, I understand if it does not get posted on the blog, it is mainly for you.
Frank, thank you. After reading these post, I also realized how blessed I have been to have the handful of close friends and brothers that I have in my own life. However I wanted to thank you for the part you have and are currently having in my life, in this regard. A couple of years ago I happened upon this blog, and it excited so much, finally I found someone else who had many of my thoughts, and he could write.
As I scoured all I could read that you had written, I saw a mention of Alan Levine, and it caused me to write you. I knew of Alan from years earlier from South Florida, we have a lot of common friends. You forwarded Alan’s contact to me. I hope to get to know him better in the future, I believe he is planning a move to Gainesville, perhaps that relationship will grow at that time.
Though your blog I became acquainted with Milt Rodriguez. I then met you and Milt in Dallas at a conference. From then on, my respect and love for him has sky rocketed. He is the real deal, what a fantastic brother. We began to meet regularly, I always looked forward to “coffee with Milt”. We could cut though all the bull, and get right to the things of Christ. He is a rare breed, and I am blessed to know him. I truly miss my time with him, now that he is on the road. Thank you again for the introduction.
Then there is you. Thank you for all your words. I have read much of what you have written (in recent years). I have had the privilege of observing you personally, mainly in gathering, large and small. I have spoken to others who know you, better than I do. Though all this, one thing is abundantly clear, you are a man in love with Christ. Nothing else, simply Christ and His Church, how rare you are. It is real to you, this I know. It not simply stuff you write about, this is what you are about. I have heard my fair share of criticism about you, I right it off as people not knowing you, otherwise they could not say what they do. Thank you Frank for being who you are, and being true to Christ. I pray for you, Milt and Alan, as well as the Gainesville church plant often. Thank you for all your hard work and sacrifice, continue in Him. With highest regards, John Morris.
PS- you also introduced me to Jon Zens and T. Austin Sparks, thanks for that as well.
John: thanks so much for your kind words, brother. They are greatly appreciated. I hope you have much peace and blessing this year. Much love in Christ. 🙂
Amen! Can I join in on the tea party?
When I met and spoke with brother Milt at an event I was pleasantly surprised by his expression of humbleness, openness, and meekness. I can be a bit timid when it comes to speaking, but as I spoke to brother Milt I felt very much at ease, for me anyway. Christ in him was so plain to see. There was an apparent confidence with the fragrance of Love as he spoke at the event. The Spirit message he voiced reached deep into my heart with new light. I could never forget that event gathering! The impact was beyond what I can explain in this comment. I have respect for brother Milt and also much appreciation for all that Christ Jesus in doing through him. If you happen to read this brother Milt, I again would like to say to you, Thank You !
Milt is definently the salt of the earth. Selfless, and genuine. He was the first man of God I had ever had the pleasure of seeing the humility of Christ through. I’m thankful for his life to express the Lord in such a real way. Love ya Milt.
Frank I had the privilege of listening to all three of you at (almost last years) Threshold conference. You all struck me as humble men of God seeking the best for people, while your love for Him was very evident. True brothers in Christ and it was an encouragement, I am sure, to all who were in attendance. I hope to make (almost next years) Threshold conference too. By the way may I be an encouragement to you and Milt because having read ‘The Butterfly In You” and also listening to the sermon you gave in the Florida panhandle about Peter, last night I finally “got it”. What it means to really receive His love without having to do anything BUT receive 🙂
Thank you!
Happy New Year!