Christians are . . . you fill in the sentence.
Update: The responses below simply confirm a major reason why evangelical Christianity is dying today. It has to do with the nasty way that so many evangelicals treat one another.
See the related posts which discuss this problem in more detail. It’s no wonder why countless people who love Jesus with all their hearts, minds, and souls are moving beyond evangelical.
Warning: The World is Watching How We Christians Treat One Another
We must make a difference between a Christian and believer (someone who believes in God). The Christian has the life of Christ and even with its flaws is a person who is constrained by the love of Christ to love. Believes that love is the bond of perfection because God is love. Is someone resting in Christ believing that He did everything that had to be done by us. Believes that there is no treasure more precious in life than having the life of Christ. Being a Christian is a privilege and very good when you find a Christian to share the life of Christ with him.
Bored with Jesus, so are chasing every new wind of doctrine, fad, secondary issue – anything that promises to provide or rekindle the sense of meaning, purpose, transcendence that is supposed to accompany the christion life. Hence they are caught in a web of distractionism, being bored with Him of whom Paul fainted befor “the unsearchable mystery of”. John “fell down as dead” before a vision of Him. Christions need to be overwhelmed with a fresh vision of the supremacy, centrality, immensity of the One who has taken up center stage in the eternal purpose of God, the true star of the meta-narrative, and never fall to boredom of Him or Distractionism to Him again. There is the chief sin of most Christians.
Christians today are…
Loved by God. Saved by the Blood of Christ. But…
Misguided by fear, hurt by friends, left feeling alone.
Caught up in a system, victims of history, lacking in vision.
Fighting a battle, loving their children, doing what they know how.
Longing for more, walking behind others, tired.
Christ today is…
EVERYTHING. Everything that answers every problem in every way.
Christians are…human beings that are broken by our sin and are redeemed by the Grace of God (Jesus).
We are God’s children in spite of our best efforts. Jesus, in spite of our brokenness, our legalism, our blindness, our hopelessness (or even our best hopes) calls us His own and the Father echos the words through Jesus “this is my beloved child, in whom I am well pleased”.
In spite of our best efforts.
Thanks for this post. Reading what everyone is saying just confirms how I feel about the state of Christianity right now. A lot of the same is in the book “UnChristian” by Barna. The related posts at the bottom were excellent. The beyond evangelical post is my favorite. It’s brilliant. I’m looking forward to rest of the series.
…wondering how helpful this post really is.
…just bearers of a name that has no clear meaning. I once asked a guy if he was a Christian. He said “yes, kind of”. I asked him what he meant. He said: “Well, my uncle’s a priest”. And it really is like that: people call themselves Christians for so many different reasons, and not at all necessarily because they actually belong to Christ and follow Him. So these days, if I want to know about someone’s “Spiritual status” I try to avoid using the word “Christian”. Because a yes to the question “Are you a Christian?” simply won’t tell me if the person is really a sister or brother in Christ.
Christians are . . . PEOPLE – just like everyone else: sinners saved by grace. We (all people) make mistakes but sometimes have good days. Christian is just a label we call a certain group of people and whose meaning has changed over the years.
Tough question to answer.Do you want an opinion or definition? One definition out of the World English Dictionary is 1: a person who believes in and follows Jesus Christ. If that is true I’m not sure I would want to be one of the ones who made a negative comment. As I have made my transition to organic church living I have noticed people can sound pretty harsh against those who still go to “traditional church”. One thing I could say about both a follower of Christ, and a Christian if they are different, is sometimes we all have a log in our eye that needs to be taken out before we try to get the spec out of anothers. Bless God Today!
I like that comment about the log in our eyes being removed. I think that it was very well put!
willing to sacrifice Gods word to be more loved by the world.
they make up stories, lies, or twist facts when they don’t like another christian.
Generally spiritually immature and lukewarm.
…declared righteous for Jesus’ sake .
Christians are broken reeds and smoldering lamps in desperate need of God’s loving mercy and patience. (See Kenneth Bailey’s “Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes”.)
wow…after reading these comments…Christians sure do have a negative view of “Christians” (for the most part)….
so, Christians are a people who need their minds renewed most definately!
Desperately needing to know the Gospel, aka what they don’t know they don’t know. Thus Paul’s discourse in Eph. 1:3, 15-17, 2:6.
…often delusional
Christians today are known or defined as those who are enlisted with membership in all the denominations, sects, and many variations of the religion called Christianity and the world often confuses these members of religion with the disciples (or followers) of the Lord Jesus Christ. The confusion is simply a matter of identity with the religion titled Christianity.
The questions which beacon are these:
Can the Christians of the Christianity religion be the disciples of Jesus Christ the Lord?
Is Christianity and Jesus Christ the same Person?
……all on a journey, trying to do what they can but we could all show a little more grace
the children of God… and one with Jesus Christ, as well covered by his blood and part of his body being members knitted to one another and serve as kings and priests.
… His beloved bride, the object of all His passion and desire.
… privileged!
…are living in man-made shackles serving a system, under fear, without a connection to the life giver, Jesus the Christ.
I guess it depends upon what you mean by “Christian”. There are an awful lot of people using that label who don’t resemble what I see in the bible very much (and that probably includes ME). Not trying to be judgmental here…just making an observation. I recognize that we are all fallen, imperfect creatures, but that is not what I am talking about.
I don’t really know the majority of “Christians”, so I am not sure I can describe them. However, the majority that I have met seem to be well-meaning people. I believe they really do love Yeshua/Jesus as best they can and they do try to be a “good Christian”…whatever that means. We have been very blessed by Christians and also deeply wounded by them. We love them all anyway and think we understand why the hurts come. It is OK.
A lot of them also seem to be very afraid of the “law”. Even though G-d gave it to us for our good…to teach us how to interact with Him and others…they seem to be scared to death of being called “legalistic” if they obey any of it. The majority also seem to assume that, if you follow any part of the law, it means you somehow think that makes you better than them…or that you are trying to earn your salvation…or (fill in the blank). The idea of simply having a genuine relationship with G-d and allowing it to be expressed in whatever way the Holy Spirit leads a person (while not going against clear scripture, of course) seems not to be there.
One thing I can safely say for sure…the majority of Christians think that church on Sunday morning (and maybe during the midweek, too) is what is meant by “assembling together”. They also think that “church” is a bible word for a building or for something they do. I really believe that most do not know that it is what they are and that it can be expressed in many different ways.
I hope I am not sounding judgmental here. It is not my desire. I just know that I have come to a place of traditional “church” not being enough and most of the Christians I meet and know don’t get why. But I am trying to “splain” it to them! 🙂
They are trying to find their identity in a system and not a person (33,000 Denominations). Lost in works and duty supposed to just abiding in Christ. They still however are brothers and sisters in the family of God.
A city on a hill with a bowl placed over it!
Christians are too busy doing church instead of surrendering to the One who is the Head of the Church, which is Christ’s body.
Too busy doing church instead of surrendering to the One who is the Head of the Church.
Christians are WIP(work in progress)
Christians are often confused about what is truly important in their walk with Jesus. It’s not so much right doctrine or practice or form of worship, but simply being obedient to whatever He says do. At the wedding feast of Cana, Mary told the waiters to do whatever Jesus says. I think that is the highest level of love and devotion to the Lord, and it brings one to the most successful life that can be lived.
Christians are graphically diverse from culture to culture and yet the same.
IF they’re truly saved Christians, the MAJORITY are, IMHO, Bible-illiterate, milk-guzzling babies who, for the most part, give the Father a bad name. 🙁
Christians are as they have always been, those who embrace the cross and know Christ, and those who only see Jesus as a good thing……a way to heaven.
Christians are … adhering to a lifestyle, not relating to a person.
often too self-interested,self-feeding, self-satisfying and self-protecting from the world, BUT many Christians are responding to their hunger and desire for a real walk that plunges them into the world to impact others for Christ…ultimately impacting themselves in a profound way they had never imagined for themselves…a win win
…FORGIVEN! And, in my opinion, we abuse that privilege!
Some Christians are “busybodies in other people’s lives” which the Bible condemns. They think it’s their right to know everybody’s personal business but they wouldn’t dare share the private details and sins of their own lives with others. So these people are hypocrites. I’m glad the Christians I know and spend time with aren’t like that at all.
Christians are struggling to live by the Spirit.
…hungry and thirsty
A person who has to tell you they are Christian is one that that doesnt exude Gods love and acceptance. They are the ones who judge, criticize and hate on other people and then talk good instead of just being good. The person who is loving, supportive, and accepting is a Christian even if they dont claim to be.
Christians are largely lost in a world with a lot of information. They (and by they I mean we all) need to reconnect to the one and true Head, Jesus Christ.
In my part of the world, Norway, Christians are divided into two main groups (but thousand undergroups). Clergy and laity.
The clergy group (paid staff, elected leaders etc) runs the activities in the church organizations, and they are pushing the laity group to work as volunteers.
In the laity group there are only a minor group doing practical volunteer duties in the church organizations. This makes them all frustrated. And the cry for more money to hire more people are constant.
The majority of the laity group are attending church occationally, choosing the activity that appeals to them, but for the most they living their christian life in their families and/or bibelstudie group.
The clergy group are mostly theological liberal, their faith is theoretical and in practical life they do alot of good deeds, but when it comes to miracles they believe like atheists.
The laity group believe in Jesus and are mainly theological conservative, even they don’t deal with theology, their faith is practical in doing good deeds and collect money for world mission, and they believe in miracles.
My nation have a great believing christian flock, but they lack believing shepherds.
The clergy group (the educated ones) believe they are more enlightened than the laity group, and the laity group believe the same. This organize churches in a unhealthy “power matrix”, that sucks out the enthusiasm of a christian. But it’s hard to break loose from the traditional mindset.
However, when the frustration is strong enough, som christians breaks loose and organize their own church, but after few years the new church are sunk into the same power matrix.
We call this power matrix the Law of Jante.
Many spirit filled christians are now leaving organized religion for house churches. I pray they’ll manage to keep them organic. 😉
I can only speak of the world I know (and if you’re honest that is the only world you know) i.e. the island community west of Bergen (second largest city in Norway, 260 000 inhabitants). I see them committed to their own denominations, but there are signs of crossovers and interdenominational fellowship (I with some other Christian friends host breakfast meetings for Christian leaders).
Christians in this part of the country are traditional Lutheran fundamentalists (in the correct meaning of the word). Unfortunately that means replacement theology figures strongly implying a general apathy toward Israel and/or the Jews. There are, however, pockets of belevers that really honour the fact that “salvation is of the Jews”.
Our closest neighbour, Bergen, has been the birthplace of a lot of missionary activity and “Law and Gospel” revivals (a typical Lutheran thing) which has overflowed to the community where I live (25 000 inhabitants). However, the Christian community here is a cross section of all the major revivals that have swept the world in the last few hundred years. There is no telltale signs of persecution or spiritual bullying as in former times. Tolerance is now the in-thing.
We are a metropolitan society (mainly a result of immigration of the families of guestworkers, and asylum seekers given refuge) in Norway and the Muslims are asserting themselves. Christian values that our constitution (established in 1814) was built upon are being undermined, even by professing believers in a bid to appease the followers of Muhammed. Jesus is quickly looking to become just another out of space prophet with no relevance for todays world.
The young generation (under 25 years old) have begun making a stand for the true Jesus. There has been a significant move of the Spirit whereby emboldened young people from a church with a large number of youths have won many of their unsaved peers.
All in all, it strikes me that that while the older generation is waiting passively for a new awakening and nationwide revival, the young people are finding “persons of peace” and implementing Jesus’ method of reaching the lost.
Christians are inclined to be judgmental and superior about those they feel do not have the same “answers” that they have. It pains me how many Christians are inclined to a form of elitism where they look down on everyone who is not part of their “Christian Club”
Christians are the reflection of who Christ is.
Just a few words says it all and i would put this at 99 % ” Full of Religion”
Most Christians are religious.
They don’t even know Jesus, or rather he doesn’t know them.
The majority of those that know him don’t know him deeply. They have inherited traditions that cause blindness (thus the need for eye slave). God has tried to tell them many times about these traditions, but they wouldn’t listen and so he has given them a delusion (Isaiah 66).
Then there are the overcomers, the remnant – those that have chosen to heed his voice. Hard nuts that the Lord cracked in order to teach them what is a tradition of men and not of God. What the difference between selfish ambition is and knowing the Lords will. Letting him be the head and not our ideas and theories.
This concept is really really hard for my brothers and sister to grasp and hear. It was hard for me.
When Peter told Jesus he would never die he said this with loyalty, zeal, commitment, dedication, compassion, etc in his heart. Yet Jesus said the source was Satan. We don’t realize that evil is simply not submitting to him. It was the Fathers will that Jesus would die and so any idea to the contrary no matter how GOOD was/is evil.
As Israel rejected God in order to have a king so too my brethren have rejected Jesus as head and place men as their heads. What confuses them more is God uses and blesses it and them (delusion?).
“More people have been killed in the name of Christianity than in the name of Islam.” – Dave Andrews; Christi-Anarchy.
Some Christians are like me. They want to know him deeply, they want to mature, but nobody else around them wants to have deep relationships, to know the mind of the Lord, they just want to study (eat from the tree of knowledge and not life) which leaves me flapping in the wind and leaves maturity to come at such a slow pace. Oh how I long for his body……….
Christians are really Pharaoh worshippers fearful of the “desert crossing”, and have deceived themselves by the theology of “bi-relocation”- erroneously thinking that they can BOTH live arround the secure “meat pots” of Pharoah during their earthly life AND be bi-relocated to the Promised Land upon death!
confused and mislead, but once they find the true Giver of life, they can live gloriously in love by His Spirit.
…missing the point. While we’re taught from Christian infancy that we ‘go to’ church, we are duped out of the true joy of experiencing the New Testament example of ‘being’ the church.
…getting ripped off. The televangelists and pastors of North American Christianity are putting the unbiblical burden of tithes and offerings on adherents to finance millions of dollars of debt for air-conditioned offices, ‘company cars’, expense accounts, salaries, conferences etc. etc. Yet try asking a church for money to help someone buy groceries. Good luck. I was a paid staff pastor for fifteen years. I know how much came in and I was acutely aware of how much went out.
…changing. Perceptions of what the Church is are changing. An understanding of the expectation of the believer living directed by the Holy Spirit is changing. While hierarchal institutions will leave people wanting, the unrelenting thirst one has after understanding the Word can only be quenched by discovering worshipping Christ in Spirit and in truth.
…still the best thing on earth! While no one is perfect, and even still, while some find institutional church their thing, the gospel of Jesus Christ being declared by his bride is still and always will be the best thing on earth ’till he comes!
The majority of “Christians” in North America are persons who, to admittedly oversimplify, really are believers, but have been taught (subliminally) to fit into their local status quo such as to neither challange anything or be prepared to be challanged by any practical (as opposed to the theoretical challanges dealt with ad nauseum in certain flavors of sermons), or are not really believers, but fit into the status quo religiosity such that no one, possibly including themselves, realize it, although, if somehow a situation comes up that such a person shows his/her true colors to so much as one believer, that person can easily run to another place. I hate to say that, as it sounds, to myself, distastefully cynical, but I see little acceptance of proper zeal, especially as we gain in age.
I’m a new Christian. So new in fact that the baptism water is still wet behind my ears. However, my conversion from Taoist to Christian has not changed my opinion of those who claim to follow Christ. Christians are why I gave up the church in my 20’s. Why I rebelled against the church in my 30’s and why I disowned the church in my 40’s.
Christians are: Judgmental, over zealous, pushy, self involved, brutal, exclusive, mean spirited, harsh, knowitall’s, unloving, and wrong. They are everything Jesus was not. If they met Jesus today they would jail him, water-board him, then deport him. That’s if he ever managed to get in.
God came and got me, Jesus saved me and I managed to find the one church on the planet who could heal what the Christians broke in me. They don’t call themselves Christians. They call themselves Christ Followers. I call myself a Freak for Jesus.
I want to reclaim the Christian L able and make it what it was intended to be.
Christians are more diverse than they realize. Most believers have very little knowledge of the many Christian traditions outside of there own.
…going to be surprised!
Christians are just like non-Christians. The only difference is that they are forgiven. Unfortunately, the world doesn’t see that we are different because we don’t act different. We go to work, bring up our kids, do the chores, watch TV and go to bed. We sin just as much as they do. We don’t live like we have been forgiven.
Christians are veiled in their understanding.
An honest perception of the majority of Christians in our world today, is that they are nothing like what they claim to be. I’ve worked with several business people and contractors who have told me if they see “the fish symbol” on someone’s vehicle or in their office they automatically run the other way and will not do business with them because the Christians are the ones who will rip you off and it’s usually worse than what any non-Christian would ever do.
In my personal experience, there are few Christians who truly seek to know the Lord and live by His indwelling life. But when you meet them, it is evident in their lives and they are people I am glad to share my life with and lay down my life for. None of us are perfect, but when Christ is center, when He is all, He is evident.
Christians are… generally unwilling to educate themselves or to let others educate them regarding church history, biblical interpretation and understanding, theology, Christology, eschatology, ecclesiology, etc… This is particularly true if the said “education” disrupts their current worldviews/beleifs/traditions/paradigms, and even more so if that education comes from a source that is outside of their own faith tradition. I am not trying to be negative, but I seem to be constantly “swimming up stream” when it comes to attempting to bring other Christians along in my search for truth.
Christians are lukewarm, indifferent, and even biblically and spiritually illiterate! I believe that the Christian that is daily in the Word, that depends on God for their every decision, that has a walking, talking, daily personal relationship with God, is not only a dying breed, but many Christians were never taught that they could have that intimate relationship with God. I think the majority of Christians today believe that they have gotten their “fire insurance”, and feel their obligation to the Christian life is fulfilled by attending church once or twice a week, and trying to be good the rest of the time. We don’t truly know how to love, as Jesus loved!
Jesus incarnated.
Christians are primarily hearers only and not doer’s of the Word of God.
kinder and gentler in nature and have a deeper desire for relationship.
Christians are, as they always have been, not wise by human standards, usually not influential, mostly not of noble birth, weak things and lowly.(I Corinthians 1:26-28) Like many Israelites of the Old Testament who failed to live by the Old Covenant consistently and miss God’s blessings, so do many Christians of this time fail to live by the New Covenant consistently and therefore misss the blessing of God – the fullness of the Spirit. But God “does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our transgressions . . . for he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust” Psalm 103, We are no different than the difficult people Paul had to shepherd in Corinth, Galatia, and other places. We have our Stephens full of the Holy Spirit and faith and we have our foolish Galatians and dissolute Corinthians! We have those infected by the yeast of the pharisees and those infected by the yeast of wickedness who as Christ said” draw near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their heart is far from me and in vain they worship me teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.” We have those “who worship by the Spirit of God, who glory in Christ Jesus, and who put no confidence in the flesh”. As in Paul’s day we have false teachers and apostles preying on the sheep and also true mothers and fathers of the faith. It is as it has always been, but God has reserved his 7,000, 7,000,0000, 70,000,0000 or more who have not bowed their knee to Baal. He also is seeking out his weak, lost sheep to bring them into the fold of his love and grace.
God’s co-workers and his plan for making the redemption of the world a reality.
i guess i’m thinking of American Christians, since that’s the group I have most experience with. 🙂 so, in my opinion, Christians are bad listeners.
“….not really different from the rest of the world.”
I think that is the “perspective” OF the world, for the most part. I even think that “the world” expects “Christians” to be different ….but by and large, it’s just not playing out that way. Now, I don’t believe all of that is the burden, the fault, of “the Christian”. Much of it is ignorance of “how” we should be different. Should “Christians” put on clothing that identifies them, should we speak in King James English?? (snide-ness) Yet, we are (no doubt) “called” be different. Maybe the world doesn’t know we’re different because they do not “know” our Lord. The modern, institutional model, of the church, (no across the board speak) has taught a lot of things about “Christians”. We HAVE focussed so much on what we wear, our social status, our “leadership abilities”, etc. etc. …and I believe, despite many honorable intentions, have simply gotten off the mark. However, is it possible that we have failed to teach the world, without making excuse, that we are flesh and blood, sinful, yet redeemed, human-beings? Do we get the focus off of us, and onto Him?? We have the same need of mercy and grace as a lost person. It is, simply, that a “Christian” (a true Christian) has believed, confessed, made a decision of obedience, and is, therefore, transformed.
When one gets into a conversation with a Christ-follower (…I like this term much better than “Christian”, because I live in the buckle of the bible-belt…) THAT is when the difference should become crystal clear!! THAT is when there should be no doubt, no shred of doubt, as to whom we make Lord of our lives. If we do NOT do so ….then the burden is absolutely on “us”. I had a seminary professor state once…. “If I am saved, it’s all Christ. If I am lost, it’s all me.” That is referring, specifically, to salvation ….but I like the mentality. If we “recognize” that anything we are, or are to become, is ALL CHRIST ….then we are changed. The Holy Spirit is evident in us. It cannot be hidden!! If we think, even for a moment, that we have some part in the grace bestowed us ….we’re fooling ourselves, and we’re as self-centered as “the world”.
Maybe the next blog could be… “Christ-followers are……”. The word “Christian” hasn’t changed meaning, but the world’s “perception”, thereof, HAS changed. People call themselves “Christian” like they call themselves Americans. As true Christ-followers, we must begin to speak clearly, state clearly, whom we follow, whom we serve, whom we call, and make, Lord, who, what, and Who’s “the church” is. We’re not a heritage. We’re not merely a history. We’re not a movement. We are dead to ourselves. He must increase, and I must decrease.
…a generally unattractive group to the world because they’re more concerned with human traditions than they are with living by Christ or loving others.
Granted, that’s a sweeping generalization. But, as I try not to analyze things too much, that’s the first thing that comes to mind, at least when I think of Christians in the Western world. In my walk with God I have had the priviledge of rubbing shoulders with hundreds (thousands?) of people over 20 years in the counseling ministry that, if they were to disappear tomorrow, no one would know. If we are to bind up the broken-hearted, to care for the widow and orphan, to love the ‘least of these’, how can this be?
I’ve also tried in vain to find homes for abused, abandoned, and neglected children through the church when the same folks will spend tens-of-thousands of dollars to fly to parts unknown for a child in another country.
I know many, many wonderfully devoted followers of Jesus. Yet, as a whole, this is my concern for Christianity in America or the Western world. We have grown fat, lazy, comfortable…and insignificant. Too affected by popular culture and enslaved by our own passions. And I fear, as Jim Elliott once said, our “condemnation is written in the dust on our Bible covers”.
Heavy laden.
I think people are still stuck in the ritual of church. And there is not much conversation but lots of “my theology is better than your theology”. There is still religious colonialism happening today. Churches become non-profit businesses and many focus inwards! Sad really. Many different thoughts but I’m typing w one finger! Blessings.
Christians are, in my part of this world, under “bushels”, willingly or unknowingly. May Christ help His Bride to be set free to reveal HIM more and more.
Christians are struggling, we need to listen to the Holy Spirit and block out the worldy stuff.
Christians are…
blessed in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love he predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved. In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, which he lavished upon us, in all wisdom and insight making known to us the mystery of his will, according to his purpose, which he set forth in Christ as a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth.
Christians are just that…Ephesians 1:3-10
some are great but too many are ugly to their fellow xtians making the sins of others larger than their own. the Bible says that all sins are the same in his eyes.
Getting there… If they’re truly a Christian we’re getting there together, the ‘there” is getting in Christ.
Overly concerned with legalistic issues and not concerned enough with following Jesus’ teachings on “the least of these”
Christians are doing a better job of being light than being salt.
That is changing, as “love one another” is emerging as a more prominent element of doing church all over the world — by God’s grace — this is exactly what is needed in today’s highly interconnected and interdependent world.
a different species of creation.
Believe the worst about others. Accept and spread negativity about others. Exactly what Jesus taught us not to do.
Confused, under law, and a vast majority are controlled or somehow manipulated by their particular denomination’s doctrine, pastor, or rules.
(Not that I really believe that, but that is the perception of so many of the people around me. That Christians are just “good people”. So that’s what came to mind first.)
Christians are…
…so concerned with being right about what they believe that they forget to live it.
…the redeemed elect in Christ, past, present and future.
…intended for much more potential than they understand or experience. We are intended to express the love of Christ together by His life dwelling in us.
harsh, insensitive, and religious. I used to be that way. This blog has really helped me with this by the way. so thank you.
religious, legalistic and self-righteous. many are anyway.
Christians are.. Loving and sometimes annoying!
Christian are …. often confused with followers of Jesus. They are not necessarily the same. Jesus is a real person and not a moral system of abstract ideas.
are gossips. They gossip about their fellow christians and try to hurt them and bring them down but do it in a way that’s religious and use religious reasons and jargon to justify cruelty. They really don’t follow the golden rule. Few do, most don’t.
Christians are unaware of what God through Christ, accomplished on the cross.
people who think they are better than the christians they disagree with and those who don’t believe. they are peoplew who think the sins of other people are greater than their own sins. I’m a christian myself and I hate watching this.
I hate seeing this too, Bill.
Christians are … loving (that’s how it needs to read)
judgmental, self righteous, mean spirited, legalistic and treat one another horribly. this is one of the main reasons why people who don’t follow Jesus don’t want anything to do with him or our faith. I love that you speak to these issues on this blog and in your books. It’s changed me.
I have also come across people who fit this description – and sadly they call themselves christian…sad
are in a minority. But a lot of people use to term for much wider groups of people whom we don’t like being confused with.
scaredy cats, too afraid to jump in the water.
Christians are…actors in a play called “Religion” using an acting method based on the doctrinal beliefs of their acting coaches. The story line looks good enough, but the play is a huge flop because the characters never fully develop.