This post has been expanded and turned into a chapter in God’s Favorite Place on Earth.
About Frank Viola
Frank Viola is a best-selling author, blogger, speaker, and consultant to authors and writers. His mission is to help serious followers of Jesus know their Lord more deeply so they can experience real transformation and make a lasting impact. To learn more about Frank and his work, go to 20 Years of Projects. To invite Frank to speak at your event, go to his Speaking Page. Due to a new problem with persistent spam that we haven’t figured out how to control, comments are closed for the present time. To contact Frank, use the “Contact” page in the top menu.
Hi Frank,
I know I am a little late in the game reading this blog but I want you to know that when I stumbled upon your books last year, I soaked them. My Spirit man was starving for truth that I sought when everyone around me was compromising truth and living a status quo life. I was dying inside and needed to know I wasn’t crazy. Although, I knew I was “radical” in my beliefs, I also knew they were put there by God Himself. It’s not an easy road but one that I couldn’t ignore and I most certainly was not giving into the status quo. So, Thank You
Hi Frank, I’m just catching up with some of your posts today, so hope you get this. I just wanted to let you know that I noticed. I hope that makes a difference.
Brother Frank thanks for this post. I really appreciate this insight on pleasing God not man. Wow so simple but so powerful. Its easy to get caught up in that all too often. What a better way to live.
Thanks Frank for this post!
I’ll say that looking unto Jesus will give us the daily strength and encouragement that we need. Surely, He sees everything that happens in the secret place to reward us one day (even though people may not notice it or misinterpret us).
I believe the Lord will deliver many of His own from the trips of
the enemy.
Thanks again brother!
Great reminder! Thanks!!
Thanks Frank, only Abba knows how timely your words are for me!!!
Frank, thank you. I’m going through a rough spot and these words are refreshing. I appreciate very much what you’re doing and the blessing it is your ministry. Blessings, amigo.
Gotta say it…
(’cause what you wrote provokes it)
…thanks. Right on.
p.s. write on…!
Love this thoughtful post! Thx, Frank. An interesting phenomenon I’ve noticed is how hesitant and suspicious our increasingly ironic generation is in the face of a blessing. For as many times as I’ve put a blessing out there and received a happy acknowledgment from the recipient, there have been at least as many times that people have responded with palpable panic and suspicion. Kinda proves out your point about blessings really having only one Person to please, I think. Still, I like the “Audience of One” mindset because if we practice it whole-heartedly the Spirit may work through us to turn the cultural tide so that genuine, God-honoring blessings happen more often and we’re spurring each other on to good works and a Phil. 4:8 lifestyle. Super soul-sensory experience just thinking about the wonderful power of a blessing, and how it glorifies the Father as it does our bodies good!
Wow, this is so amazing. I do a daily phone call** called “15 to Focus” your day with Scripture, reflection and prayer. This week my topic is “the Power of One” and today I was very clearly directed to focus on “the audience of One.”
and here is your blog on the exact same thing. Thanks, Frank, for listening to God’s voice and encouraging his people.
**712 432 0800 code 119914# 7 a.m. PST
Thank you for the challenge and the encouragement, especially the third related thought.
Wow! This post is very timely for me and has truly blessed me. I am faithful and excited about practicing these truths to experience yet more transformation in Christ. So glad it is written so I can refer back to it as a reminder until it is written in my heart ๐
Oh what a freedom to truly ‘walk-out’ a life in all circumstances/situations that is purely unto God. May this be a blessing and visible truth for all God’s people. And what glory this would bring to Him in the world!
Thanks for sharing brother ๐
I was inspired by your post today. Really I am always inspired by your posts and I learn so much by what you share. I agree with you that we have to ‘keep loosing’ and ‘keep laying down our lives’ and as we discipline (as you said practice)ourselves it becomes easier and easier as time goes on. Great post as usual. Very encouraging and inspiring as always.
I have to say the above quote is true and that is the a big reason why I have followed your ministry since ’06. It’s also a big reason that I desire the organic expression of the Church. I also have to say thanks for writing this particular post. I don’t know if this is something that those out of the institution face a lot, but I’ve struggled with question of whether I’m doing something wrong at times, because those of my friends in the institution are far more recognized and respected by the christian community. Thank you for the reminder that there is no glory in it for us, it is all for Him. Very encouraging!
Dear Frank, This has been my exact thought for a while now. But the seed began with music. I love to sing and play the guitar, but my main audience is my kids. One day while I was rocking my little one to sleep, singing to her, I thought about all the times I have performed, or shared music with others; I would trade it all just to sing for that audience of 1. What greater blessing and privilege to perform for my Savior. ๐
yes indeed your messages that you send to my e-mail are truly a blessing—thank you
Great Post Frank! I am encouraged daily by your blog! I so appreciate the way you share Jesus Christ. Thank you for laying your life down to help and bless others!
Frank, thanks so very much for your timely comments! I’ve been encouraged regularly by your blog and have recommended it to numerous friends. Also, while I’m at it, thanks for your books! What a blessing you are to the body of Christ.
Be encouraged, Frank! I also have been receiving your blog by email for several months now. I am actually going to share the “Farewell to Self-Righteousness”, that you wrote last week, on a girls trip that I am going on. It made me cry! I’ve forwarded it to so many people. You know, I had heard your name around for quite a few years, but always in a negative way. Sorry! Then, somehow, I read one of your blogs and realized that this church that I went to didn’t know what they were talking about. I can say that I have never been so ministered to by any blog! I look forward to it every day and am always ministered to.
Thanks, Frank, for sharing some great thoughts this morning on living to please an audience of One. It is so easy at times to get wrapped up in people-pleasing and appearances rather than living genuinely for Him alone. This was a good and timely reminder for me this morning.
If you only knew how I needed to hear this today. Thanks
So right on Frank! I actually talk about this very same thing. It took being in the darkest of places for me to realize such truth. I am so thankful God set me free from all the anxiety and worry caused by being a people pleaser. I respect and honor people but not over my deep respect and honor of the Lord, God. He alone, is worthy of my praise and He alone is who I answer to in this life. Love your blog. So enjoying getting your nuggets of wisdom!
Such a great post…!
Frank, you are so correct that our focus should be to please our Lord…but not because the opinions of others do not matter. I believe that God tells us over and over that our words, our actions and our impact on people matter. That we are to be “known” by our love, that we are not to cause others to stumble…so it is not that what others think of us is not important…it is that if we live to please Christ…what other’s think of us will please Christ as well, and we won’t have to be preoccupied or worried with their opinions. If we are living with our eyes on Him, then the opinions of others, both positive and negative, will be well earned and appropriate. Just as you were lifted by a positive opinion…but not dependent upon it ๐
Thanks Frank, you are such an encouragement to me. I look forward to your blog each day. The insight you have been given has blessed me. Keep writing! Love your books and the ones you recommend (especially as of late NT Wright, just finished Simply Jesus and am now into How God Became King, WOW! How great is our Lord). Again Thanks brother
Hey Frank,
Very timely post for me. Very encouraging and challenging. Thanks for sharing this. BTW, I have always been blown away by how you have handled criticism in your writings. You and Jon Zens set a remarkable example for many.
Thanks, my friend!
Hi Frank,
I have been receiving your emails now for about 4 months and this will be my first comment. Thank you. Thank you for reminding me that I need not get so angary and that my foul attitude can sometimes get the better of me. I have never been a church person but recently I have admitted to myself that I need help from a group like AA or NA which seem to hold there meetings at church venues so I am going to become a frequent church person I assume. I am embarrassed to be going to something like AA but it’s that foul attitude and my poor self esteem that lead me to do the things I chose to drown myself in. So in a nutshell again thank you because tonight I was foul and until reading your blog I was still angry now I’m sorry.