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About Frank Viola
Frank Viola is a best-selling author, blogger, speaker, and consultant to authors and writers. His mission is to help serious followers of Jesus know their Lord more deeply so they can experience real transformation and make a lasting impact. To learn more about Frank and his work, go to 20 Years of Projects. To invite Frank to speak at your event, go to his Speaking Page. Due to a new problem with persistent spam that we haven’t figured out how to control, comments are closed for the present time. To contact Frank, use the “Contact” page in the top menu.
LOVE it 🙂
Wonderful lyric. It’s already a song half-written. You would like to have music written to it, I would be glad to give it a go. 🙂
Alan in Nashville
We can’t have enough Christ centered hymns!
Great job!
I like the song: lyrics and melody. Hey frank can you spare me some of your thoughts on eternal salvation-once save you are saved and there is no possibility of falling away. I don’t know if my memory is correct but I thought I read one of your article about this but I don’t know where to find it. I just need to
confirm if what I think about this issue is right. Or can you mention some good books on this matter even from the two sides of the fence. Thank you very much and God bless you more.
Glad you like the song. I plan to write a blog post on the subject someday. No time for more.
What books can you recommend regarding the subjects? Thank you very much.
“From Eternity to Here” goes to the root behind the very question itself: http://
Thank you very much
I like the idea…..reminds me of the show Sing Off with the group Pentatonix
Awesome song and great tune!! I want to hear someone record this too.
The Church needs more of a clear biblical anthem then just amazing grace, though a powerful message is given in that classic timeless hymn. Yet on further inspection you do not find the word of Christ, God or other vital aspects to Christian experience. I am not arguing to take away amazing grace but we need more modern supplements for the church universal in our day. Just a thought.
Have you read the full song?
“The Lord” is in the fourth stanza, and “God” in the sixth stanza (although the sixth was not written by the original author).
I personally prefer the Portuguese version (Maravilhosa Graça),
“Marvellous Grace that found me [being] lost,
Being blind I could see, Christ rescued me,
When His grace touched me, [it] freed from fear,
How precious [is] the Lord’s grace to me
From a prison I left free,
My Saviour rescued me!
Mercy and forgiveness
Eternal love and redemption
God has promised the best for me
And in Him I shall hope
Shield and Strength He will be
As long as I live
From a prison I left free,
My Saviour rescued me!
Mercy and forgiveness
Eternal love and redemption
And if my world ends,
And the sun no longer shines,
The God who one day called me,
Will be forever mine.”
To clarify I was referring to “amazing grace” when I stated it did not have “God” or “Christ” in the verbiage. I trust that clears up my statement for you Brother.
Franks’ lyrics have many mentions as you referred of titles of the Godhead.
Do you mean we sing “amazing grace” when we should really be singing “amazing God”? Or do you mean that the classic stanza opening stanza doesn’t mention Him?
Either way, those are good points.
Greg – I think Eric was aware you meant Amazing Grace that is what he is referring to. No song holds all truth. I guess you could find great lack in the inspired songs held in the Psalms! I find that Amazing Grace is filled with Christ. Each line can only pertain to Him alone. There is certainly a wonderful fullness of truth in it that points to Christ and draws out the heart in thankfullness to Christ. Sadly I find a great lack of Christ and truth concerning Him in most contemporary songs.
This is a beautiful song to sing together among brothers and sisters! But, what really makes it stand out is when we sing not from our minds, but from our hearts. When the words “We are His body serving His lost world, they will see Jesus, He has anointed us. For He’s the true King!” are sung from experience. From loving the lost world. From serving those around us. Not out of duty. But out of love. Christ’s love in us being expressed.
Two days ago I had this experience…
I work in the medical field at an urgent care center. A young man came into our center seeking help for anxiety over a situation that was overwhelming for him. I brought him into the exam room and he broke down into tears. A 24 year old sobbing uncontrollably in front of a starnger.
What I could have done was get his vitals, tell him the doctor will be in to see him in a few minutes and left the room having done my job. What I DID, I sat for 30 minutes letting him share his fears and struggles. His response…I can not believe a perfect stranger would offer me this. What he saw was Christ’s love being expressed as I sat and shared his hurt and cried with him.
We are His body
Serving His lost world
They will see Jesus
He has annointed us
Excellent. Love it! I’m not sure though I get “God’s future now … we’re on the throne”. Does that thought come from Matthew 19:28. Is that not during the Millennium and is that not an amillenialist view? Which leads me to asking, would you ever consider doing a blog post on the four milennial views? That’s another subject never talked about in churches unless you are of pentecostal persuasion. Just askin’.
Nancy: Listen to the message and you’ll have your answer. The song goes with the talk. The link is on the post. Not interested in writing on that other subject. It’s been written on to death.
That’s a great song! Can’t wait to hear it finally recorded!
Awesome! I’m going to talk to a couple of my friends about this. One of them works at a recording studio. I can also lay down the drum track. 🙂
Greg: I’d SO love someone to learn and record this. The Young Artists who did it were only around 15 or so people. So it doesn’t take much. Just some time and effort.
I will definitely look into this, talk to some friends, and see what we can do. Don’t want to promise anything, because I will be relying on other people 🙂 hee, hee. But I will do the best I can.
Awesome lyrics! Perfect tune to put them to. I heard the message (great) and the song is icing on the cake. Thanks!