Frank Viola is a best-selling author, blogger, speaker, and consultant to authors and writers. His mission is to help serious followers of Jesus know their Lord more deeply so they can experience real transformation and make a lasting impact. To learn more about Frank and his work, go to 20 Years of Projects. To invite Frank to speak at your event, go to his Speaking Page. Due to a new problem with persistent spam that we haven’t figured out how to control, comments are closed for the present time. To contact Frank, use the “Contact” page in the top menu.
Frank, thank you for being obedient to the Lord by posting this. It truly was a fitting Word for me today!
Dear Frank
Thank you for your insightful post. I wonder if there is one more option I can suggest, or if it can be categorised under your primary reasons:
Having loved the Lord for most of my life, I have sought Christian fellowship for exhortation and community, (Church) and been sorely disappointed because of wrong teachings that placed me under condemnation. This was propagated by Christian ministers who wanted to ‘build church.’ From topics such as ‘spiritual authority’, ‘tithing’, to ‘being saved’ and ‘making disciples’, I have allowed myself to be manipulated into thinking I’m spiritually alive, when all the time, I was spiritually bankrupt. Paul’s writings in the New Testament (Christ in me, the hope of glory) has been the greatest turning point in my understanding that ‘going through the motions’ while loving and serving God is unnecessary, though it may appear that I have become spirritually bankrupt! What say you?
Kind regards
I’d put that in the poverty category over against bankruptcy. Legalism creates the illusion of having spiritual wealth when in reality it produces poverty. See my post on legalism and libertinism at
So I know the point is about the Christian life. But why does it have to be filling chapter 7 on God. What if you do not find that Christianity can not answer all the questions. You say have faith but what if your faith includes all ways to God and that everything on earth is from God. What if you just were not offended by God but your view changed from what you are saying. I ask for my sake not to challenge you
We cannot know God outside of Jesus Christ. And there is no God outside of Jesus Christ. The Father and the Son cannot be separated, and each reveals the other by the Spirit. So if a person rejects Jesus after trusting in Him, yet still believes that God exists, they have filed chapter 7 in the manner in which I’m speaking in this post. I don’t believe that “Christianity” gives the answers to every question. No religion or faith can do that.
I guess here is the thing. I believe that there is no God outside of Christ. But I watched this thing the other day about prostitutes in Iran, and how this woman always asks god(I am sure she means Allah as in the Muslim god) how long she is going to have to do this. She cries and hates it, and though Allah is no God at all she prays for help, suffers through this life, and then will be judged with and eternal conscious punishment. That is hard for me to grasp. So i have wrestled with the idea of annihilationism and find good argument for that, but am not interested in believing it just because it makes me feel good. So the list goes on with many other subjects regarding the Christian hope/faith. I have studied to the point of being so exhausted and in some since I have attained answers and at the same time gotten no where real fast. This is what I mean, and when I try to give up and throw in the rag, I find that I find Christ again and that there is not hope apart from Him, but it drives me crazy that I can not get answers on such matters and makes me really down at times. N.T. Wright says one thing Jimmy Dunn another and so goes on from the left behind series to Preterism, it is endless man. I was in short playing the devils advocate because i needed some answers myself. Maybe you have one last little word of advice filled with wisdom and grace you could share with me?
See my post “On Certainty” in the archives. It strikes at the root of your struggle.
I guess the thing that I need to trust is that it is okay to just know Christ and Him crucified. To not really be to concerned with the other questions, though that is hard and not that I will not study but I hope and believe that the Lord is okay with me not knowing much other then Him. Not saying there are no answers but I must learn to agree with what you have said that the Bible does not answer every question, and one thing I have learned about it, is it is a message mostly concerned about the righteous who live by faith in the Lord and where we will spend eternity and not so much a message to us about the lost or even a message to the Lost.
What a great post! It’s a wonderful reminder, that we need to be wise, and keep our relationship on fire with the Lord! Thank you for sharing it!
Bless you,
Skip Rigney
I’m glad you blog and podcast. I needed some encouragement today, and you’ve given it to me. I’ve been feeling kind of like Teresa of Avila when she said, ” βDear Lord, if this is how You treat Your friends, it is no wonder You have so few!β
I/we so need this. I have been so easily knocked off course in last 12 months. The problem is THERE IS NO SUCH BODY HERE. What do you do when there is no such Body to join? I keep myself encouraged but its a long way from what I’m longing for, what you have focussed (rightly) on, Christians together
I have personally come to realize that the root of all disillusionment, regardless whether it was the result of something someone did to us or something we feel was a result of God’s action or inaction, comes from our preconceived idea of who God is, how He thinks and interacts with the world.
Only when we go through a detoxification of our conception of God, be it something we conjured up ourself or were spoon fed by others, are we able to take all the bitter things that life throws at us and we will never blame God again for anything. Men can still do us harm, no less than they did to the Apostle Paul, who said that God would repay them one day, but we can still lift up our heads in a noble way without living in bitterness and know that in the end we are safe in God alone.
Dreams may never be fulfilled but we should never forget that God is not our slave to fulfill our dreams. Life is about the journey we live for our Savior and it is over before we know it. The only question any believer in Yeshua should confront every day is whether they are taking the opportunity to live for Him or whether at the end of their life they will have only regretted that they only lived for themselves.
Good insight. It maps to point #1. I’ve met countless Christians who fell away from the Lord. And every one fit into one of those three reasons. The other mini-reasons could be put under those broader categories. Jesus Himself taught so much in His parables. I’m glad the post has helped so many people. I’ve even heard from people (off blog) who are severely struggling in their faith, and it’s been a help to them. One man said it brought him to fears and relief. Testimonies like that make the effort of blogging worthwhile.
thanks so much Frank for this timely message from Christ in you to me, π
William Timmers
Spiritual Bankruptcy can be avoided… I agree because I have experienced this and now I am much stronger Christian. I got my attention to this blog post because of “Iβve watched the passing parade, some of the most zealous, devout, committed Christians that I knew in their 20s and 30s are now atheists in their 40s.”
I concur… I did almost became agnostic about 5 or more years ago. I will have to agree that “REVISE US AGAIN” book can be 3rd impact book that averted me from becoming either agnostic or atheists. (Jim and Casper Goes to Church by Jim Henderson and Matt Casper and Irresistible Evangelism by Steve Sjogren, Dave Ping, and Doug Pollock). I have learned from those books about GOD’S GRACE.
I hope that you also will concur with “UnChristian” by David Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons; “Next Christians” by Gabe Lyon; and “You Lost Me” by David Kinnaman as they addressed young generations today in similar concept that you talk about How to Avoid Spiritual Bankruptcy, do you?
Never read those books. My blog is read mostly by that generation (20s and 30s) and I’m in touch with them on a daily basis via social networks and in person. Both believers and non believers.
Frank, if you have never read the book “Jesus and the God of Israel. God Crucified and other studies on the NT Christology of Divine Identity” by Richard Bauckham or any of his stuff you should check it out. He works with Jimmy Dunn and Larry hurtado but has so much insight.
I’m familiar with it. You’ll see a reference to an upcoming book of mine. Stay tuned.
cool, sounds good. I think his work is the bomb. His mind and view of things is brilliant. I have spent much time reading Dunn and Hurtado and I just think that his mind is a perfect example of intellect combined with spiritual revelation/knowledge/insight.
I had a tough week last week and I said to God ” I really need encouragement to keep going,” two friends who’ve I never met in person but we have emailed occasionally emailed me and encouraged me. One let me know I had heard from God correctly regarding where she was at, which I needed to hear and another just to say he felt prompted to send some encouragement our way. I am so very, very grateful that these folks took the time this week. The problems remain but the view is very different from the side of encouragement.
Valeria T
Strange question probably but I want to ask it anyway- Frank, do you experience such spiritual bankruptcy nowadays? For some reason I always presume that people like you don’t π If you do, where/how do you find strength to keep blogging?
Since I first believed at around the age 10 and became a serious follower (when I “got it”) at age 16, I’ve had several dark periods in my life, and have had bouts of doubt and regrets. By by God’s grace, I’ve never turned my back on Him or His purpose (filing Chapter 11 or 7).
But to my point, that’s only God’s grace which I rely on each day as all of us do. And I’m just in need of encouragement as the next Christian. I’m not sure what you mean by “people like you.” I’m just a brother in Christ and nothing more as are ALL people who write books and speak, no matter how well known they might be or how large their influence. We all need God’s grace.
I think that daily encouragement from real live brothers and sisters is so important!
May Joy
I praise Jesus for continually using you to encourage and build up His community of followers. I pray for His eternal blessings upon you my brother. Trusting that Jesus will continue to speak and live through you.
Vern Sheppard
There are other reasons Frank. Some of us were curious and we read the Bible cover to cover. Some of us read many books covering many subjects from science to history to biographies and writings of great people. For some of us it simply became impossible to continue to believe. The behaviour of people and the behaviors of the universes makes so much more sense when you are no longer trapped by a belief in a God.
Hi Vern. I’m not sure we are speaking about the same kind of belief that I described in the beginning of the post. Nonetheless, I’m curious to know how you found this blog. Thanks for commenting.
Robyn G
Vern…I graciously have to say that reading the Bible cover to cover and finding that GOD doesn’t measure up probably could be similar to being “offended” by God…finding that GOD isn’t what you thought; and also your observation of people and their behaviors could possibly equate with “bitterness toward others” for not meeting your expectations. Regardless…I hope that you will continue to test GOD and test His truth and that somewhere you will be encouraged by believers who are attempting a genuine and sincere walk with GOD…though while on this Earth it will remain imperfect to the human eye.
I do not think you can put his experience in the category of “offended”. I think that is an injustice to what he just what he said. One of my very best friends told me when he was young he would press on his eyes and think about death, he came to the conclusion when he was eight years old that God did not exist.
I used to say that every person knows in their heart, but now I must not speak for everyone else but only for myself. Also I myself have gone through a very dark season that I believe God lead be into, and read nonstop and yesterday I looked over at my stack of books and thought to myself, if God is real why are there so many volumes written on Him that my whole house could not hold them all……and I do believe in God in Christ, and yet that very struggle enters my reality.
I think we need to be careful and think that we can say, this is what you are and what you are thinking, we should listen to people and take them at their word, not psycho analyze them.
Robyn G
Michael, I guess my tone came off opposite of what I had hoped. I absolutely believe that indviduals have to question and even doubt before they can be convinced…and that doubt and question can still taunt us after firmly believing and accepting. I was just supporting the 3 broad categories that Frank had displayed and that the word “offended” carries a broad definition that can mean “put off” or “put at odds with” which is what we are when we are questioning…God invites us to question, he invites us to test his goodness. My hope was to encourage Vern to continue to do that…to keep his dialogue open with God and to keep his heart and mind open to people that God will bring into his life that can be an encouragement and discouragement. I deeply apologize and regret any words that may have sounded closed or negative…that definitely is not my heart, and thanks for calling me on it π
Vern Sheppard
Hi Frank, thank you for your reply. I found your blog through an iPad app called “Zite.” With the app you select topics of interest. One of the topics I’ve selected is “Spirituality and Philosophy.” So every time I open Zite there are many articles pulled across the Internet for me to read. Your article was selected by Zite and was of interest to me. I dropped by your site and will again from time to time.
Although not religious now, I have many in my family who are and I try to remain respectful of their beliefs and the beliefs of others even when they are different than my own. We’re all on this planet together and I think trying to appreciate each other is a good thing. I get the sense you might feel the same way.
Thanks Robyn. I was not offended by it, but just like Vern posted, that we are all on this planet together we need to respect one another. Not to beat a dead horse, but I think the best way to do that is to listen to people (not saying you are not).
I feel that I used to project what I thought and experienced in the depth of my being onto others and see many followers of Christ being so convinced of what they believe that they think everyone else must know it too, whether this is true or not really does not matter, what matters is that we take people for what they say. I myself follow Christ and believe that He is Ultimate reality in the Godhead and the Divine Image to human kind. But I also hold firmly to the protection of others and not trying to place someone under my same conviction, but trusting that it is the Spirit of God who does the work in Christ. Anyhow, thanks and much love to you in spirit. Its just I have many friends who do not believe and try not to project my experience of truth onto others thinking that what I know they must know too.
Robyn G
Michael, thanks again π I believe we are on the same page, and one of the real dangers of this electronic media is that we see cold,typewritten verbage that has no tone, no facial expression, no personality behind it. Crediting myself somewhat as a writer, I really need to work harder on the “feeling and tone” of my written comments to others. My life and my home are open to non-believers whom I walk with daily and organic relationship has opened more natual diaglogue about all things. Again, thanks for reminding me to be gentle and sometimes silent. π
Mick Smith
Forgiveness and supernatural love towards each other are key to releasing blessing on others and on yourself. In the parable of the servant who failed to forgive the one that owed him a very small debt it was the one who chose not to forgive that was placed in prison and unforgiveness and bitterness lock us up in a prison. I agree that I have seen many who hold on to bitterness and unforgiveness that are no longer living in the good of the love of God. Very sad!!
Robyn G
as I was saying above before I inadvertently hit the return button…and maybe I SHOULD just stop at TRUTH…it is the TRUTH of your blog that keeps me tuning in. The pressing down on us of all things anti-GOD/Jesus/Spirit just seems to be multiplying. I don’t feel “down trodden” as it really just heightens my awareness of the unseen warfare we are to stay alert and sober to, however, one can feel alone in the crowd of unbelief if we don’t stay encouraged by one another…not in an elitest, holier-than-thou attitude, but a tender-hearted reality that stays compassionate for the lost, yet fiercely steadfastly holding to that which was once and for all delivered to us…
Greg Gordon
“The truth is, all of us are hanging by grace. Every day.” – Excellent post brother. In even my short walk with the Lord (15 years) I have been many go by the wayside, I would say you comment to keep Christ central and always in focus to me is the solution to endure in the Christian walk. We need the daily realization we are in need of grace and mercy as you said. What wonderful truths to keep before our eyes even when we are very mature in the Lord. May God use this post to encourage some who are deceived to think they cannot fall or falter in this race.
Robyn G
Frank, you have most certainly encouraged and lifted…it is the TRUTH
Great Post Frank! I so appreciate your blog and podcast. It gives daily encouragment that I need right now.
alan leonard
“The truth is, all of us are hanging by grace. Every day.
βThe one who endures until the end will be delivered,β Jesus said.”
Thanks so much for your post. This may be off topic but it’s too easy to feel alone in following the Lord. Sometimes it feels like the Lord Himself has turned away and that you have reached the end of things. . . that you have crossed the line, that He no longer is going on with you and you can’t see Him.
But then Hebrews 12 comes into view: “Have you forgotten the exhortation that addresses you as sons?
“My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, nor be weary when reproved by Him. For the Lord disciplines the ones He loves, and chastises every son whom He receives.”
All this by way of confession, but have found that it is worth going on with the Lord, that He is still there even when it is hard to see that and that there is nowhere else to turn that means life. Discipline is not failure and Jesus is worth it.
Thanks for sharing this, Frank. π I really needed this today.
I completely agree with what you said about having someone to go to, to reach out to in those slumps we experience. The season of my life right now has given cause for MUCH reaching out in terms of reassurance, venting, or just needing a sounding board. Each time I do reach out, the Lord has provided the right people to hold me up and cheer me on. At the same time I have been that support for others. It’s funny how He supplies our need and yet in our neediness equips us to encourage others. a reminder of how we can do ALL things through Christ.
What an awesome God we serve!
Awesome word Frank! Thanks for the encouragement to stay close to the Lord, and receive vision for the long-haul.
L. McCleese
This was the encouragement I needed today to press on. God bless you richly.
Kristine McGuire
This is spot on! Thank you for articulating the issue so perfectly. I think this applies to many who fall away from the faith. I spent eight years wandering through the occult for these very same reasons, before repenting and reconciling my life to Christ.
I think being able to admit there are times we all struggle with questions of faith would allow people to know they aren’t alone and seek encouragement when they need it.
Curt Schmitt
A great timely post! Poverbs 4:23 gives similar sentiments “Keep your heart with all dilligence, for out of it are the issues of life.” Our heart is like a garden that needs daily tending, identifying and pulling of any weeds, keeping the soil fertile that good seed might be planted there, and staying under the influence of God’s Spirit that our ground will never dry out.
Exactly keep our <3(garden) with all diligence. While I was surfing the web I found this message saying: to keep our hearts (soil) fertile for G_d's Kingdom and toxic for the devil.
Thank you for this thoughtful post. I agree, and find that a lot of people who are struggling in their faith have had experiences in their church or gathering of believers where tearing one another down is a common occurrence.
Paul Harlan
Most of my generation finds it enjoyable and funny to tear each other down. I’ve watched it alot lately. I was reading Ephesians 4:29 ” Let not corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.”,and I realized that in order for my generation to be successful spiritually it will have to overhaul that whole mentality and realize how powerful their words are and how much damage they are currently doing. Because even though it would be called “playing around” we never know what is going on in the deep places of a person soul. Good Post
I think playful teasing is very different from the kind of tear-down I have in mind. The latter is quite serious. Although sometimes a person can couch a deliberate misrepresentation under the guise of “teasing.” I’ve seen a few people do this, but it was many years ago.
Paul Harlan
Jim Puntney
“Therefore, whoever thinks he is standing securely should watch out so he doesn’t fall”
Paul of Tarsus
“Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.”
Paul of Tarsus
Frank, thank you for being obedient to the Lord by posting this. It truly was a fitting Word for me today!
Dear Frank
Thank you for your insightful post. I wonder if there is one more option I can suggest, or if it can be categorised under your primary reasons:
Having loved the Lord for most of my life, I have sought Christian fellowship for exhortation and community, (Church) and been sorely disappointed because of wrong teachings that placed me under condemnation. This was propagated by Christian ministers who wanted to ‘build church.’ From topics such as ‘spiritual authority’, ‘tithing’, to ‘being saved’ and ‘making disciples’, I have allowed myself to be manipulated into thinking I’m spiritually alive, when all the time, I was spiritually bankrupt. Paul’s writings in the New Testament (Christ in me, the hope of glory) has been the greatest turning point in my understanding that ‘going through the motions’ while loving and serving God is unnecessary, though it may appear that I have become spirritually bankrupt! What say you?
Kind regards
I’d put that in the poverty category over against bankruptcy. Legalism creates the illusion of having spiritual wealth when in reality it produces poverty. See my post on legalism and libertinism at
So I know the point is about the Christian life. But why does it have to be filling chapter 7 on God. What if you do not find that Christianity can not answer all the questions. You say have faith but what if your faith includes all ways to God and that everything on earth is from God. What if you just were not offended by God but your view changed from what you are saying. I ask for my sake not to challenge you
We cannot know God outside of Jesus Christ. And there is no God outside of Jesus Christ. The Father and the Son cannot be separated, and each reveals the other by the Spirit. So if a person rejects Jesus after trusting in Him, yet still believes that God exists, they have filed chapter 7 in the manner in which I’m speaking in this post. I don’t believe that “Christianity” gives the answers to every question. No religion or faith can do that.
I guess here is the thing. I believe that there is no God outside of Christ. But I watched this thing the other day about prostitutes in Iran, and how this woman always asks god(I am sure she means Allah as in the Muslim god) how long she is going to have to do this. She cries and hates it, and though Allah is no God at all she prays for help, suffers through this life, and then will be judged with and eternal conscious punishment. That is hard for me to grasp. So i have wrestled with the idea of annihilationism and find good argument for that, but am not interested in believing it just because it makes me feel good. So the list goes on with many other subjects regarding the Christian hope/faith. I have studied to the point of being so exhausted and in some since I have attained answers and at the same time gotten no where real fast. This is what I mean, and when I try to give up and throw in the rag, I find that I find Christ again and that there is not hope apart from Him, but it drives me crazy that I can not get answers on such matters and makes me really down at times. N.T. Wright says one thing Jimmy Dunn another and so goes on from the left behind series to Preterism, it is endless man. I was in short playing the devils advocate because i needed some answers myself. Maybe you have one last little word of advice filled with wisdom and grace you could share with me?
See my post “On Certainty” in the archives. It strikes at the root of your struggle.
I guess the thing that I need to trust is that it is okay to just know Christ and Him crucified. To not really be to concerned with the other questions, though that is hard and not that I will not study but I hope and believe that the Lord is okay with me not knowing much other then Him. Not saying there are no answers but I must learn to agree with what you have said that the Bible does not answer every question, and one thing I have learned about it, is it is a message mostly concerned about the righteous who live by faith in the Lord and where we will spend eternity and not so much a message to us about the lost or even a message to the Lost.
Have you read “Jesus Manifesto” by chance? That has helped a number of people in this area.
I am really impressed with this piece. Thanks for articulating what a lot of us have been thinking. Bravo!
What a great post! It’s a wonderful reminder, that we need to be wise, and keep our relationship on fire with the Lord! Thank you for sharing it!
Bless you,
I’m glad you blog and podcast. I needed some encouragement today, and you’ve given it to me. I’ve been feeling kind of like Teresa of Avila when she said, ” βDear Lord, if this is how You treat Your friends, it is no wonder You have so few!β
Blessings…good post. Shared it on Facebook.
Thanks Rita. Fixed the typo too.
I/we so need this. I have been so easily knocked off course in last 12 months. The problem is THERE IS NO SUCH BODY HERE. What do you do when there is no such Body to join? I keep myself encouraged but its a long way from what I’m longing for, what you have focussed (rightly) on, Christians together
I have personally come to realize that the root of all disillusionment, regardless whether it was the result of something someone did to us or something we feel was a result of God’s action or inaction, comes from our preconceived idea of who God is, how He thinks and interacts with the world.
Only when we go through a detoxification of our conception of God, be it something we conjured up ourself or were spoon fed by others, are we able to take all the bitter things that life throws at us and we will never blame God again for anything. Men can still do us harm, no less than they did to the Apostle Paul, who said that God would repay them one day, but we can still lift up our heads in a noble way without living in bitterness and know that in the end we are safe in God alone.
Dreams may never be fulfilled but we should never forget that God is not our slave to fulfill our dreams. Life is about the journey we live for our Savior and it is over before we know it. The only question any believer in Yeshua should confront every day is whether they are taking the opportunity to live for Him or whether at the end of their life they will have only regretted that they only lived for themselves.
Good insight. It maps to point #1. I’ve met countless Christians who fell away from the Lord. And every one fit into one of those three reasons. The other mini-reasons could be put under those broader categories. Jesus Himself taught so much in His parables. I’m glad the post has helped so many people. I’ve even heard from people (off blog) who are severely struggling in their faith, and it’s been a help to them. One man said it brought him to fears and relief. Testimonies like that make the effort of blogging worthwhile.
Your labor is not in vain
thanks so much Frank for this timely message from Christ in you to me, π
Spiritual Bankruptcy can be avoided… I agree because I have experienced this and now I am much stronger Christian. I got my attention to this blog post because of “Iβve watched the passing parade, some of the most zealous, devout, committed Christians that I knew in their 20s and 30s are now atheists in their 40s.”
I concur… I did almost became agnostic about 5 or more years ago. I will have to agree that “REVISE US AGAIN” book can be 3rd impact book that averted me from becoming either agnostic or atheists. (Jim and Casper Goes to Church by Jim Henderson and Matt Casper and Irresistible Evangelism by Steve Sjogren, Dave Ping, and Doug Pollock). I have learned from those books about GOD’S GRACE.
I hope that you also will concur with “UnChristian” by David Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons; “Next Christians” by Gabe Lyon; and “You Lost Me” by David Kinnaman as they addressed young generations today in similar concept that you talk about How to Avoid Spiritual Bankruptcy, do you?
Never read those books. My blog is read mostly by that generation (20s and 30s) and I’m in touch with them on a daily basis via social networks and in person. Both believers and non believers.
Frank, if you have never read the book “Jesus and the God of Israel. God Crucified and other studies on the NT Christology of Divine Identity” by Richard Bauckham or any of his stuff you should check it out. He works with Jimmy Dunn and Larry hurtado but has so much insight.
I’m familiar with it. You’ll see a reference to an upcoming book of mine. Stay tuned.
cool, sounds good. I think his work is the bomb. His mind and view of things is brilliant. I have spent much time reading Dunn and Hurtado and I just think that his mind is a perfect example of intellect combined with spiritual revelation/knowledge/insight.
I had a tough week last week and I said to God ” I really need encouragement to keep going,” two friends who’ve I never met in person but we have emailed occasionally emailed me and encouraged me. One let me know I had heard from God correctly regarding where she was at, which I needed to hear and another just to say he felt prompted to send some encouragement our way. I am so very, very grateful that these folks took the time this week. The problems remain but the view is very different from the side of encouragement.
Strange question probably but I want to ask it anyway- Frank, do you experience such spiritual bankruptcy nowadays? For some reason I always presume that people like you don’t π If you do, where/how do you find strength to keep blogging?
Since I first believed at around the age 10 and became a serious follower (when I “got it”) at age 16, I’ve had several dark periods in my life, and have had bouts of doubt and regrets. By by God’s grace, I’ve never turned my back on Him or His purpose (filing Chapter 11 or 7).
But to my point, that’s only God’s grace which I rely on each day as all of us do. And I’m just in need of encouragement as the next Christian. I’m not sure what you mean by “people like you.” I’m just a brother in Christ and nothing more as are ALL people who write books and speak, no matter how well known they might be or how large their influence. We all need God’s grace.
I think that daily encouragement from real live brothers and sisters is so important!
I praise Jesus for continually using you to encourage and build up His community of followers. I pray for His eternal blessings upon you my brother. Trusting that Jesus will continue to speak and live through you.
There are other reasons Frank. Some of us were curious and we read the Bible cover to cover. Some of us read many books covering many subjects from science to history to biographies and writings of great people. For some of us it simply became impossible to continue to believe. The behaviour of people and the behaviors of the universes makes so much more sense when you are no longer trapped by a belief in a God.
Hi Vern. I’m not sure we are speaking about the same kind of belief that I described in the beginning of the post. Nonetheless, I’m curious to know how you found this blog. Thanks for commenting.
Vern…I graciously have to say that reading the Bible cover to cover and finding that GOD doesn’t measure up probably could be similar to being “offended” by God…finding that GOD isn’t what you thought; and also your observation of people and their behaviors could possibly equate with “bitterness toward others” for not meeting your expectations. Regardless…I hope that you will continue to test GOD and test His truth and that somewhere you will be encouraged by believers who are attempting a genuine and sincere walk with GOD…though while on this Earth it will remain imperfect to the human eye.
I do not think you can put his experience in the category of “offended”. I think that is an injustice to what he just what he said. One of my very best friends told me when he was young he would press on his eyes and think about death, he came to the conclusion when he was eight years old that God did not exist.
I used to say that every person knows in their heart, but now I must not speak for everyone else but only for myself. Also I myself have gone through a very dark season that I believe God lead be into, and read nonstop and yesterday I looked over at my stack of books and thought to myself, if God is real why are there so many volumes written on Him that my whole house could not hold them all……and I do believe in God in Christ, and yet that very struggle enters my reality.
I think we need to be careful and think that we can say, this is what you are and what you are thinking, we should listen to people and take them at their word, not psycho analyze them.
Michael, I guess my tone came off opposite of what I had hoped. I absolutely believe that indviduals have to question and even doubt before they can be convinced…and that doubt and question can still taunt us after firmly believing and accepting. I was just supporting the 3 broad categories that Frank had displayed and that the word “offended” carries a broad definition that can mean “put off” or “put at odds with” which is what we are when we are questioning…God invites us to question, he invites us to test his goodness. My hope was to encourage Vern to continue to do that…to keep his dialogue open with God and to keep his heart and mind open to people that God will bring into his life that can be an encouragement and discouragement. I deeply apologize and regret any words that may have sounded closed or negative…that definitely is not my heart, and thanks for calling me on it π
Hi Frank, thank you for your reply. I found your blog through an iPad app called “Zite.” With the app you select topics of interest. One of the topics I’ve selected is “Spirituality and Philosophy.” So every time I open Zite there are many articles pulled across the Internet for me to read. Your article was selected by Zite and was of interest to me. I dropped by your site and will again from time to time.
Although not religious now, I have many in my family who are and I try to remain respectful of their beliefs and the beliefs of others even when they are different than my own. We’re all on this planet together and I think trying to appreciate each other is a good thing. I get the sense you might feel the same way.
Thanks Robyn. I was not offended by it, but just like Vern posted, that we are all on this planet together we need to respect one another. Not to beat a dead horse, but I think the best way to do that is to listen to people (not saying you are not).
I feel that I used to project what I thought and experienced in the depth of my being onto others and see many followers of Christ being so convinced of what they believe that they think everyone else must know it too, whether this is true or not really does not matter, what matters is that we take people for what they say. I myself follow Christ and believe that He is Ultimate reality in the Godhead and the Divine Image to human kind. But I also hold firmly to the protection of others and not trying to place someone under my same conviction, but trusting that it is the Spirit of God who does the work in Christ. Anyhow, thanks and much love to you in spirit. Its just I have many friends who do not believe and try not to project my experience of truth onto others thinking that what I know they must know too.
Michael, thanks again π I believe we are on the same page, and one of the real dangers of this electronic media is that we see cold,typewritten verbage that has no tone, no facial expression, no personality behind it. Crediting myself somewhat as a writer, I really need to work harder on the “feeling and tone” of my written comments to others. My life and my home are open to non-believers whom I walk with daily and organic relationship has opened more natual diaglogue about all things. Again, thanks for reminding me to be gentle and sometimes silent. π
Forgiveness and supernatural love towards each other are key to releasing blessing on others and on yourself. In the parable of the servant who failed to forgive the one that owed him a very small debt it was the one who chose not to forgive that was placed in prison and unforgiveness and bitterness lock us up in a prison. I agree that I have seen many who hold on to bitterness and unforgiveness that are no longer living in the good of the love of God. Very sad!!
as I was saying above before I inadvertently hit the return button…and maybe I SHOULD just stop at TRUTH…it is the TRUTH of your blog that keeps me tuning in. The pressing down on us of all things anti-GOD/Jesus/Spirit just seems to be multiplying. I don’t feel “down trodden” as it really just heightens my awareness of the unseen warfare we are to stay alert and sober to, however, one can feel alone in the crowd of unbelief if we don’t stay encouraged by one another…not in an elitest, holier-than-thou attitude, but a tender-hearted reality that stays compassionate for the lost, yet fiercely steadfastly holding to that which was once and for all delivered to us…
“The truth is, all of us are hanging by grace. Every day.” – Excellent post brother. In even my short walk with the Lord (15 years) I have been many go by the wayside, I would say you comment to keep Christ central and always in focus to me is the solution to endure in the Christian walk. We need the daily realization we are in need of grace and mercy as you said. What wonderful truths to keep before our eyes even when we are very mature in the Lord. May God use this post to encourage some who are deceived to think they cannot fall or falter in this race.
Frank, you have most certainly encouraged and lifted…it is the TRUTH
Great Post Frank! I so appreciate your blog and podcast. It gives daily encouragment that I need right now.
“The truth is, all of us are hanging by grace. Every day.
βThe one who endures until the end will be delivered,β Jesus said.”
Thanks so much for your post. This may be off topic but it’s too easy to feel alone in following the Lord. Sometimes it feels like the Lord Himself has turned away and that you have reached the end of things. . . that you have crossed the line, that He no longer is going on with you and you can’t see Him.
But then Hebrews 12 comes into view: “Have you forgotten the exhortation that addresses you as sons?
“My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, nor be weary when reproved by Him. For the Lord disciplines the ones He loves, and chastises every son whom He receives.”
All this by way of confession, but have found that it is worth going on with the Lord, that He is still there even when it is hard to see that and that there is nowhere else to turn that means life. Discipline is not failure and Jesus is worth it.
Thanks for sharing this, Frank. π I really needed this today.
I completely agree with what you said about having someone to go to, to reach out to in those slumps we experience. The season of my life right now has given cause for MUCH reaching out in terms of reassurance, venting, or just needing a sounding board. Each time I do reach out, the Lord has provided the right people to hold me up and cheer me on. At the same time I have been that support for others. It’s funny how He supplies our need and yet in our neediness equips us to encourage others. a reminder of how we can do ALL things through Christ.
What an awesome God we serve!
Awesome word Frank! Thanks for the encouragement to stay close to the Lord, and receive vision for the long-haul.
This was the encouragement I needed today to press on. God bless you richly.
This is spot on! Thank you for articulating the issue so perfectly. I think this applies to many who fall away from the faith. I spent eight years wandering through the occult for these very same reasons, before repenting and reconciling my life to Christ.
I think being able to admit there are times we all struggle with questions of faith would allow people to know they aren’t alone and seek encouragement when they need it.
A great timely post! Poverbs 4:23 gives similar sentiments “Keep your heart with all dilligence, for out of it are the issues of life.” Our heart is like a garden that needs daily tending, identifying and pulling of any weeds, keeping the soil fertile that good seed might be planted there, and staying under the influence of God’s Spirit that our ground will never dry out.
Exactly keep our <3(garden) with all diligence. While I was surfing the web I found this message saying: to keep our hearts (soil) fertile for G_d's Kingdom and toxic for the devil.
Thank you for this thoughtful post. I agree, and find that a lot of people who are struggling in their faith have had experiences in their church or gathering of believers where tearing one another down is a common occurrence.
Most of my generation finds it enjoyable and funny to tear each other down. I’ve watched it alot lately. I was reading Ephesians 4:29 ” Let not corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.”,and I realized that in order for my generation to be successful spiritually it will have to overhaul that whole mentality and realize how powerful their words are and how much damage they are currently doing. Because even though it would be called “playing around” we never know what is going on in the deep places of a person soul. Good Post
I think playful teasing is very different from the kind of tear-down I have in mind. The latter is quite serious. Although sometimes a person can couch a deliberate misrepresentation under the guise of “teasing.” I’ve seen a few people do this, but it was many years ago.
“Therefore, whoever thinks he is standing securely should watch out so he doesn’t fall”
Paul of Tarsus
“Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.”
Paul of Tarsus
Thanks Frank for a helpful insight.