I don’t normally post on Sundays. But I felt inspired to today.
Some of you who subscribe to this blog still haven’t picked up a copy of my newest book, Jesus: A Theography.
As I explained in a recent podcast, Leonard Sweet and I decided not to have any endorsements for this book. We deliberately broke with the conventional wisdom.
In the podcast, I questioned if this move would end up hurting the book or not.
So for those of you who aren’t sure you want to check out the book because there are no endorsements, you may be interested to know that the most celebrated Christian of our time featured it twice in his newsletter.
I speak of Rick Warren. Here are the snapshots.
From the 10/18/12 Pastor’s Toolbox by Rick Warren:
From the 10/30/12 Pastor’s Toolbox by Rick Warren:
James Robison of Life Today also featured it in his newsletter.
Thanks Rick!
Thanks Brandon Cox!
And thanks James and Randy!
Order from Barnes & Noble (available on the Nook)
Order from your local Family Christian, Barnes & Noble, or LifeWay
Free Resources (Updated by the Blog Manager)
Listen to the Introduction (Audio)
Read the Appendix (Post-Apostolic Witnesses)
Frank Shares the Untold Story Behind Writing Jesus: A Theography (Audio)
Frank Discusses Jesus and the Scriptures (Audio)
Christian Books Interviews Frank on Jesus, Biblical Interpretation, and the Gospel (Audio)
What Happened Before the Foundation of the World? (Print Excerpt)
I’m still catching up on the other books… though I know this one doesn’t need to be read in any order, soon soon soon!
oh and I bought it for my brother’s nook too. :)I don’t need anyone’s endorsement. You wrote it-I read it!
frank, I bought it for my nook. How do you actually know if some have not bought it? Maybe you are not counting nook books?
A number have stated so themselves. But in addition, if everyone who subscribers to the blog got a copy, it would hit the NYTBS List. 🙂
If you have not yet read this book it is a must read! It was recommended to me by my pastor. It is one of those books that makes me stop and say to myself…….oh, now I get it! Now I know what is being referred to when I hear how both the old and new testaments (first and second) are so interconnected. It’s because they are! I have never read a book that brings them together in such a way….a way that brings my Jesus even more into my heart.
A powerful book. A timely book. My children were really confused when a package came to the door with two copies of it in the box. ‘Why do you have 2 of the same book, Daddy?’ Well, I actually have 3. These two books are for my friends. I don’t know that I’ve ever bought a book for a friend before. That probably says something about me. But, I hope it says something more about this book. Thanks to you and Len for your efforts!
You being the author, Frank, is endorsement enough for me!
Frank, I am about halfway through “Jesus: A Theography” . This book with its “circular” view of Scripture, centered around the person of Jesus is one of most stretching things I’ve read in a long time. Last night my mind was blown by the comparison of the first plague on Egypt (blood) to the first miracle of Jesus (water to wine) and the last plague on Egypt (death of first born) to the last miracle of Jesus (raising Lazarus). I actually set the book down just to think about that observation and that way of looking at scripture. Just before reading today’s blog post, I was reading in John 12. Jesus was saying that when one looks at Him, he sees the One who sent Him. Thank you for helping me see Jesus and scripture on a new and broader spectrum. My plan for next year’s quiet time will somehow involve tracing these reflections from the first testament to the second. While, I don’t have the influence of Mr. Warren, I do have some and I will be speaking positively about this book to those who care about my opinions.
Thx. so much. I appreciate it. I love the quote that once a person’s mind is stretched to consider a new idea, it never returns to the same place. A great insight.