Frank Viola is a best-selling author, blogger, speaker, and consultant to authors and writers. His mission is to help serious followers of Jesus know their Lord more deeply so they can experience real transformation and make a lasting impact. To learn more about Frank and his work, go to 20 Years of Projects. To invite Frank to speak at your event, go to his Speaking Page. Due to a new problem with persistent spam that we haven’t figured out how to control, comments are closed for the present time. To contact Frank, use the “Contact” page in the top menu.
Awesome article Frank! God bless you sir! Keep doing what you are doing. You are a blessing to the body!!
I cannot express how happy and encouraged I feel each time I read these messages. Sometimes I just cry with joy to hear the name of Jesus so exalted! It’s wonderful wonderful wonderful to be reminded that no matter how important any good and precious thing may seem in and of itself, it becomes vain and worthless if it does not draw us to Christ and cause is to know His Love. Thank you again.
Linda Donegan
God has given each and every one of us a special gift. To me he gave strength. To my good friend he gave prophecy. A deep connection to God is finding out what that special gift is and then sharing it with others. It gives your life a deeper why and has filled me with gladness and willingness to serve.
This post was like music, it has a real anointing upon it. The more I learn about and walk in relationship with Jesus, the more in wonder and awe I am of Him and what He’s done for us. I’m am so thankful that the Holy Spirit lives within us and leads and guides us for as we live in the Spirit and instead of depending upon ourselves and depend instead upon His Life within us, the joy and peace and delight of just doing life with God is amazing. All praise belongs to our God who went to unimaginable lengths to enable us to dwell forever in wonderful relationship with Him!
Peter Deniet
You are hitting the nail on the head with these posts regarding gifts. The message you speak, with its biblical foundation and a balance that seems very difficult to find in teachers and their writings these days, is right on target. Jesus Christ is preeminent and deserves all the attention and focus that you give Him.
Thanks for these great thoughts.
As a caregiver to my husband with stage IV prostate cancer, this post rang true and clear. It is with God by my side that I can endure in this most precious mission of sharing time with my husband
Frank, thank-you for these helpful balanced articles over the last number of weeks. Would it be possible to bring them all under one umbrella so that we can make reference to them again ie. part VII,VI,V,IV, etc.
Thanks again
They are in the Archives in order, under “Rethinking the Status Quo.”
“The way to ministry lies in seeking Christ. It rests upon receiving a new and fresh revelation of Him to our hearts. Our special knowledge of the Lord Jesus is what constitutes a ministry, and it is through the trial of our faith that we come into this knowledge”
This makes me understand why I always disliked “ministry gift surveys”. I am realizing more and more that the question isn’t “what can I do for Christ?” as much as it is, “in what way has He shown Himself to me?”
Awesome article Frank! God bless you sir! Keep doing what you are doing. You are a blessing to the body!!
I cannot express how happy and encouraged I feel each time I read these messages. Sometimes I just cry with joy to hear the name of Jesus so exalted! It’s wonderful wonderful wonderful to be reminded that no matter how important any good and precious thing may seem in and of itself, it becomes vain and worthless if it does not draw us to Christ and cause is to know His Love. Thank you again.
God has given each and every one of us a special gift. To me he gave strength. To my good friend he gave prophecy. A deep connection to God is finding out what that special gift is and then sharing it with others. It gives your life a deeper why and has filled me with gladness and willingness to serve.
This post was like music, it has a real anointing upon it. The more I learn about and walk in relationship with Jesus, the more in wonder and awe I am of Him and what He’s done for us. I’m am so thankful that the Holy Spirit lives within us and leads and guides us for as we live in the Spirit and instead of depending upon ourselves and depend instead upon His Life within us, the joy and peace and delight of just doing life with God is amazing. All praise belongs to our God who went to unimaginable lengths to enable us to dwell forever in wonderful relationship with Him!
You are hitting the nail on the head with these posts regarding gifts. The message you speak, with its biblical foundation and a balance that seems very difficult to find in teachers and their writings these days, is right on target. Jesus Christ is preeminent and deserves all the attention and focus that you give Him.
Thanks for these great thoughts.
As a caregiver to my husband with stage IV prostate cancer, this post rang true and clear. It is with God by my side that I can endure in this most precious mission of sharing time with my husband
Frank, thank-you for these helpful balanced articles over the last number of weeks. Would it be possible to bring them all under one umbrella so that we can make reference to them again ie. part VII,VI,V,IV, etc.
Thanks again
They are in the Archives in order, under “Rethinking the Status Quo.”
“The way to ministry lies in seeking Christ. It rests upon receiving a new and fresh revelation of Him to our hearts. Our special knowledge of the Lord Jesus is what constitutes a ministry, and it is through the trial of our faith that we come into this knowledge”
This makes me understand why I always disliked “ministry gift surveys”. I am realizing more and more that the question isn’t “what can I do for Christ?” as much as it is, “in what way has He shown Himself to me?”
That’s beautiful, Sabrina! Keep pressing on!