Have you ever seen something amazing and then asked, who created it? I call this “the man behind the curtain.” So today, I want to interview the man behind the curtain. I want you to know who is, what he does, and what he created. And I hope you’ll share this post with your friends, because “the man behind the curtain” deserves to get noticed.
Brian Mead is the man who created the gripping new video trailer for my upcoming book, God’s Favorite Place on Earth. Brian used to work with the uber-talented Christian film creator, Phil Cooke, who I’ve interviewed twice on this blog.
Instead of embedding the video that Brain created to this post, which I’ve done in previous posts, you can click the image below to view the High Def. version which is much clearer.
If you like the video, please spread it!
It’s so new that not even 2,000 people have viewed it yet (at the time of this posting).
Being so impressed with Brian’s work on this trailer, some of my fellow author friends have expressed interested in hiring Brian to do video trailers for them.
So I decided to interview Brian today. Here it is:
Give us some background to the work that you do. How did you get involved in it?
I became involved in TV/Film during my senior year in high school. Putting sight and sound together is a great medium and I enjoy the process. Also, I believe it it was my passion in the arts that got me started in this industry.
Tell us about how you created the video trailer for God’s Favorite Place on Earth. Walk us through some of the steps.
In creating the trailer for the book, I chose some Gustave Dore illustrations, which I think are some of the finest you will ever see. I edited the trailer on what is called an Avid Media Composer, I then exported the project into Adobe After Effects in order to create Motion Graphics. The Gustave Dore illustrations were individually cut out and animated in After Effects by using a camera in 3D space. In the trailer is made up of about 80 layers of animation, stock footage and effects.
Other than book trailers, what others kinds of videos have you created?
Other projects that I have worked on consist of producing, directing, and editing nationwide programming from commercials, TV shows, documentaries, short films and etc.
If someone wanted to hire you to create a promotional video, how would they contact you?
My contact information is on my website at jbmeadcreative.com
What sorts of things give you inspiration for your work?
What gives me inspiration for my work is everything thing around me. Art, paintings, music, nature, film, design, and TV are all ways one can be inspired. Art and inspiration is all around us every day.
Most importantly, my main inspiration is my Heavenly Father.
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Hi I made this question before, but no feedback.
This is the question: Will be the book ‘God’s Favorite Place on Earth’ available in e-book format, please?
You will find out on May 1st. Check back then.