As most of you know, I send out a personal update once a week.
Since my email list is quite large, I need an email service to send out the emails.
After using many different types over the years, I recommend MailChimp. Hands down.
(I use Aweber for opting-in to my lists, but no longer for sending them out.)
Sooo . . . if you have an email service, check out MailChimp. They are less expensive than Constant Contact and they are much better in my opinion.
AWeber has a good reputation too, but you have to import and verify all of your previous email subscribers to it.
And each person must verify if they want to stay on your list or not. I don’t like this policy mainly because people get enough emails as it is, and this is just another thing they have to do. So one would probably lose subscribers just because they may not see the email or get to it.
Hmm. I’ve been using Mailchimp for my newsletter and to send out my free ebooks, but have been thinking of switching to Aweber. I didn’t even consider Constant Contact, but now I will. I’m headed over to check them out now.
Did you migrate your email list from Feedburner to Constant Contact? Was it difficult?
I still use Feedburner for the blog. I use Constant Contact for my quarterly updates.