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I have a lot to write about this week, but I thought I’d start today with some sanctified humor.
Are you looking forward to breakfast tomorrow?
Well, check this out . . . (just want to brighten your day.) 😉
As Larry Norman said, ‘Why Should the Devil Have all the Good Breakfast?
Too funny. Now how do I get it out of my head??!!??
CUTE, and here is another one for you on the light side. A hen and a pig were in the barnyard having a discussion about all the hungry people in the world and sudden the hen said to the pig, “I have a great idea, let’s partner up and feed the world ham and eggs.” After a brief pause the pig said, “Well, Hen, I can appreciate the sentiment and the sacrifice on your part but, that’s TOTAL COMMITTMENT for ME.” Hummmmm……
De-lite-ful! Aaahahahahaha! A cereal killer in the kingdom. Loved the fact that it was done with an accomp. track. Thanks Frank.
A good song to listen to while you are fasting. 🙂
That’s true!
I knew grits had more than one syllable!
Don’t want to be mean, but I think the female singer could have used some breakfast… and especially coffee. She looked to be in serious danger of falling asleep.
For real? Oh man… groan…
You are right Steve. She didn’t look real thrilled.