For over two decades, I’ve engaged in the practice of writing and rewriting songs.
The latter (rewriting) is nothing new. For centuries, Christians have been taking the best tunes that the world has produced and they’ve redeemed — and elevated — them by writing new lyrics to the music.
Many of the greatest hymns known to humankind were created this way.
Yet it’s a lost art today.*
Not only have I practiced this method myself, but I’ve taught it to all the churches I’ve planted or worked with over the years.
Using this method, one of the kingdom communities I founded in the past took Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” and raised it to the 50th power.
The rewritten lyrics tell the story of God’s eternal purpose in 5 minutes.
Watch the video below where you can see the saints performing it during a live conference.
(The lyrics are below.)
Also, HERE’S AN AUDIO of the song.**
The words contain echoes of From Eternity to Here.***
It tells the Story of the Ages in 5 minutes.
(Unfortunately, the video recording isn’t the highest quality, but I’m glad someone captured the moment.)
Bride: I heard there was a secret chord, that David played and it pleased you Lord. The Mystery of the Ages hidden in ya.
It goes like this: the birth, the gift, the minor fall, the major lift. The Risen King commanding Hallelujah.
Lord: I knew e’er creation’s song. In the garden we walked along. My presence and my kinship offered to ya.
But you took a bite from a different tree. Another life that’s not from me, and from your lips it stripped my hallelujah.
Bride: Jesus, I’ve been here before. I know this room and I’ve walked this floor. I used to live alone before I knew ya.
Now I’ve seen your death on the wooden arch. Love is not a victory march. It’s a cold and it’s a broken Hallelujah.
Lord: I came to earth, I gave my life, for you to be my Eternal Wife. I tell the truth, I died to never lose ya.
And now I live and move in you, the Holy Dove is moving through, and every breath you draw is hallelujah.
Bride: And now we live so all can know what’s really going on below. Your sacrifice restoring all things to ya.
Together with a heavenly throng we’ll stand before the Lord of song with nothing on our tongue but hallelujah.
Other Innovative Songs
He Has Anointed Us (based on Living in the Divine Parenthesis)
In Christ (based on the Ephesians in 3D Master Class)
Bethany (based on God’s Favorite Place on Earth)
Since We’ve Tasted and We’ve Seen
It’s Jesus (based on Jesus Manifesto)
* I discuss the precise method of how to rewrite an existing tune in Part 3 of Finding Organic Church.
** The audio version is sung by Bridget Babione and Tobias Valdez.
*** The rewritten lyrics are attributed to Toby & Brenda Valdez and Bridget & R.C. Babione.
Can’t get past the – “Love is not a victory march, It’s a cold and it’s a broken hallelujah”
Just powerful and I have to add my WOW with chills!!
Wow. Thank you for resending this email on the 3rd. I finally clicked and watched it and it definitely brought tears to my eyes.
I cried. Anointed song sure to elevate one’s spirit.
I had been having terrible night terrors and wondered where I had opened the door to such horrible, demonic things that had me sobbing or running in terror in my sleep. I would awaken with my pillow soaked in tears or my legs beating frantically to escape the terrors.
But after listening to your video several times, reading the lyrics, weeping and worshiping – that night I had dreams. I cannot remember what happened in the dreams, but in my dreams I was singing “Hallelujah!” And each time I woke up I was singing, “Hallelujah” and praises to the Lord will all my heart and voice – out loud!! Yes, I was singing out loud, not just dreaming I was singing!
I also received a healing that day! And courage!
Now, I just listened to it again several times – both on video and audio. So beautiful!
Thank you for sharing this, Frank. I’m so thankful for the body of Christ and for this group.
Thank you for sharing this. I am deaf and appreciate you including the lyrics.
I have a question though, What is the “CHORUS” lyrics?? I’m guessing it’s:
“It goes like this: the birth, the gift, the minor fall, the major lift. The Risen King commanding Hallelujah”???
Is this the line that’s repeated at each Chorus??
Thanks in Advance! I look forward to your other songs and how to convert them in to sign language!
The chorus is simply “Hallelujah” sung four times.
Yes, I was deeply moved. I can’t decide if the lyrics moved me more or the demonstration of the Body as it was performed. What a way to start the week. Thank you for sharing!
This post has added fuel to the fire that seems to be getting stirred up here in the northwest. Over 25 years ago, a number of songs emerged from the kingdom communities here. Recently, I’ve been moved to go back and revisit some of the music birthed in the Spirit among us. This version of Hallelujah made me weep and has stoked the fire.
For the redeemed! And for the King!
Beautiful words. I love the singing.
A breathtaking and sublime rendition, brought me to tears.
Today I’m sitting near my daughter who was in a triple head on collision last week. I sing a broken hallelujah. This morning I reviewed my cue cards. I surrender the right to decide how each day will go. Frank you have taught me a lot. I am truly grateful for Insurgence and other tools that taught me how to go from living for God to living with God. He is Lord.
I’m thinking of you today, Muriel and praying for you and your daughter. Sensing your Lord holding you close.
Thank you so much for sharing this brother Frank. I work as a music therapist in my earthly job and often do re-writes, or as we call them “piggyback” lyrics with some of my clients with developmental and intellectual disabilities. It was so edifying to hear this song redeemed with godly lyrics and intentions. So much so, I think I’ll refer to this as “Hallelujah (Redeemed)” if you don’t mind? Thank you again!
Wonderful, a foretaste of heaven!!!! Greetings from Germany!
Yes definitely touching and tears from my eyes and from my heart washing me from within!
Thanks for sharing.
So beautiful. So powerful. So encouraging.
A beautiful song with beautiful lyrics to match. I can feel the emotion and depth of God’s love through this video. Thank you so much for sharing!
Blessings guys, thank you! Wonderful rewording … words of LIFE. Thanks for resharing it Frank.
Brought me to tears. Oh, how beautiful He is! Such a telling of a beautiful love between Christ and His bride.
Thank You Lord! For 2+ days in a row I’ve been basking in God’s presence over the fact that Christ had blood and water removed from His side to build His Bride just as Adam had a rib removed to build his.
And then this??? Amazing!!!!
Very moving.
Took my breath away! ????
This song absolutely melted me. So lovely to see a Kingdom community. I haven’t found one yet but I hope to one day. That last line of the first verse the Lord sings made me feel for Him in ways I’ve never felt before.
So powerful!
Hi Frank,
I’m Claudio from Chile. I’ve been following you for years. Every Thursday I get your unfiltered email and today I enjoyed the singing of the brothers to the point of crying for the beautiful content and the sincere way of interpreting the song.
I thank you for sharing it, and despite the language barrier, there is a spiritual language that is understood by all.
I feel part of this great thing of belonging to the bride of Christ. A hug for you and the brothers in the Spirit.
I’m glad that tears welled up within me!
I remember the original, and I hope that I never hear this without tears flowing, because it touches the Holy Spirit within us and reminds us of why we made the decision to follow Jesus in the first place.
Thanks for sharing, brother and keep up the good work that you do.
So precious. Thanks so much for sharing.
I’m 25 and it brought tears to my eyes. Outstanding!
Absolutely incredible! Cried for sure!
I absolutely enjoyed this. Not sure I ever really paid attention to the lyrics before. The moment the gentleman spoke of the hallelujah being stripped from their mouth, I cried. This is beautiful. And beautiful doesn’t really even touch it.
It made me cry ????????
I love you Jesus! ❤️❤️❤️
That silent chorus was pretty heavy duty. Thanks for sharing.
This song had me crying almost instantly! Beautiful. The birth, the gift, the minor fall and the major lift! Love it. LOVE it!
Powerful! Thank you for posting this today. It was such an encouragement to me.
Love this ❤️❤️❤️
I’m older and seldom cry, can not remember when was the last time, But as I listened water “leaked: out of my eyes! Yes I cried. Thankyou JESUS!! There are somethings like coffee, that can start your day off with a bang, AND THIS REMIXED VERSION, SURE, pulled the water from my eyes! thank you JESUS! { and Frank} for sharing this.
[The video was removed sometime after 2013 and it was gone for years. But in June 2022, the video was recovered. Therefore, the comments from this point and below are from the first time the video posted.]
Your song, corporately performed, expressed the true love between the bridegroom and the bride. It refreshed my own love for the Lord as my day begins. Hallelujah!
This is way better than the original. It’s amazing how something so beautiful can turn a bummer of a day around. Thanks for posting this.
The anointing/presence of the Lord was transferred and I was led to worship with tears of longing and adoration for my Groom! Thank you and blessings!
Yes, yes — creativity from within a local body is compelling and impelling. Working with a dynamic youth group in Delaware in the late 90s, I had a similar experience — 3-4 viable songs written in one weekend (lyrics by teens with devoted, focused hearts).
Simplicity of devotion! Yes & Amen! 🙂
I found myself lifting my hands with the tears streaming down my face. HALLELUJAH! PRAISE GOD!
Goosebumps, chills and tears all around. God bless you guys and knit you together and be one as He desires. Please post more 🙂
Wow. Joyful Tears. Amazing.
Sisters and brothers, I want you to know that I’ve listened to this song twice and cried both times.
Hallelujah Jesus!
hallelujah and all glory to God! Thank you brother for sharing this blessing! Father God is so amazing!
Beautiful….absolutely amazingly beautiful….
Nice adaptation of the Leonard Cohen classic!
so beautiful. praise the Lord
Loved, loved, LOVED the new words – such truth!
That. Was. Amazing. Made me cry. Glad that song’s been redeemed, too. 🙂
Ya David these organic expressions of Christ have music that represents where they are in Him, much like the great music from Rose Creek Village! Which still can make me cry.
Yep. What a blessing!
Nothing else to say but WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!