Frank Viola is a best-selling author, blogger, speaker, and consultant to authors and writers. His mission is to help serious followers of Jesus know their Lord more deeply so they can experience real transformation and make a lasting impact. To learn more about Frank and his work, go to 20 Years of Projects. To invite Frank to speak at your event, go to his Speaking Page. Due to a new problem with persistent spam that we haven’t figured out how to control, comments are closed for the present time. To contact Frank, use the “Contact” page in the top menu.
I live in the country and firearms are a regular part of life. I got a BB gun passed down to me from my older brother when I was 6 or so. Got a pellet rifle that would kill squirrels at age 10 and my own 12 gage by age 12. The more game we put in the freezer the less meat we buy at the store, so guns save us money and cause us to eat more healthy. I recently bought the controversial AR15 rifle, erroneously referred to as an assault rifle. AR stands for Armalite Rifle, the name the manufactor gave it because it is a no frills lightweight rifle better suited for our soldiers to carry. Those same benefits are why I love it. The stock collapses so it will fit in the hood of my farm utility vehicle. I deer hunt, kill coyotes and armadillos, (both are invading central Alabama). Coyotes are killing our cattle herds, reducing deer populations and almost killed my border collie. (Ate her tail off.) It is the perfect rifle for me, so much better than my 30-30 which is heavy and easily scratched or damaged. We live in a unique nation, the only one with 2nd amendment rights, and I just don’t see how we can ever move to a position to remove those rights any easier than one can un-ring a bell. There will always be those who use legitimate tools for illegitimate uses, just like Cain used a rock or stick to kill his brother. We can’t fix the moral issue Cain had by outlawing rocks and sticks. Spirit led believers don’t kill others so there is the real solution, lead others to Christ.
I must admit I have struggled a great deal with the issue of self-defense. I do think I would take out anyone trying to kill others, but it seems to cause a conflict inside still. After the mass shooting in a theater I got a conceal carry permit and now I pack heat when I am at a movie. I have started thinking about what might happen in America if the power grid failed for a long time, or the dollar collapsed, or an EMP bomb or solar flare took out all electronics. We could have a bad situation on our hands and again I see my self wanting to help feed others rather than kill them to protect what I have. But I need my guns and ammo to run business as usual here and sure don’t need the government taking them away.
I met a guy who works in Washington for the CIA. I asked him why the Department of Homeland Security bought 6.5 billion rounds of ammunition, enough to fight the Gulf War for 26 years. His response was, “I think anyone who asks that question already knows the answer. They are planning on a civil war.” So we live in a different time than ever before in history. We have things to ponder and plans to make for which there is no precedent. What will Spirit led behavior look like in times of crisis? I am not sure but I do have faith that Christ will lead me if I seek him, and I will.
What weapon did Jesus carry?
I dont have a gun, and as a Christian have definite non-resistant leanings, but have come to the conclusion that even the New Testament allows for the basic right of self defense. In the interest of full perspective, people need to realize that many attempted mass shootings have been stopped by an armed citizen, but the main news outlets do not cover this because they ARE biased against self defense. Thankfully we now have other ways to get those stories.
In response to someone else, please do not repeat the favorite athiest line about most killings in history being by so-called “Christians.” As a serious student of church history, I am keenly aware of the atrocities therein, but the numbers cannot hold a candle to atheist, occult, or other non Christian government entities genocide against their own or other people. Hitler, Stalin, pol pot, the Turkish massacre of Armenians, Darfur, Chinese and other communists, the current Muslim attacks targeting Christians in Egypt and Syria. There is a book called Death by Government that totals the numbers. Government is the single most murderous entity ever, and atheism the most murderous ‘religion’– even without counting actual proper ‘wars,’ most of which are stupid and unjust and kill vast amounts of non-combatants.
May the Lord come back soon to set things right!
Thanks for sharing that Amanda. I just ordered a copy of Death by Government.
Stick to your guns.
Henry Schlauch
If Christ was planned from the beginning then the fall of Adam & Eve was not an accident but planned.If we are to become sons of GOD then we need to know good and evil, how else are we to decide one from the other? Love your neighbor as yourselves tells the whole story,do we do enough to understand what creates the deranged minds that kill innocents? Guns are tools that kill more and faster but the question we should ask is what could we collectively have done to prevent this mind from becoming so deranged?
Henry don’t waste you time eating from That other tree… from the Tree of Life! Your brain may not hurt as much.
Chad Lerighfield
Well said, John.
Thomas Loy Bumgarner
When Christ returns to rule Earth, then guns and other weapons will be destroyed and only then, will the 2nd ammendment be nullified and outlawed.
Arnaldo Piccinelli
I’m going to approach this from the assumption that no one is against guns but in favor taking a life under certain circumstances. In other words, those that are against guns are against them because they do not believe we have the right to take a life for any reason. (Perhaps for some the exception is capital punishment.)
Also, I think many people mistake Jesus for a pacifist. A pacifist would not have caused the scene Jesus caused at the temple with the merchants. Did Jesus have a reason? Sure He did. But a pacifist (at least all I’ve known) wants to take no physical action against another, no matter the consequence of not doing so.
Echoing a point others have made, what is the difference between a gun, a baseball bat or a knife? The difference is 100% perception and 0% substance. All 3 can kill, all 3 can save. All 3 can be yielded by a good person, all 3 can be yielded by an evil person.
So regarding guns, here’s a hypothetical. (Pardon me for being graphic, but this world is graphic!) Your house is broken into. You and your spouse are kept in one room by one strong (stronger than you) individual while your children are taken by another strong (stronger than you) individual to another room for reasons you know but don’t want to think about.
Is it evil to take measures to stop these individuals from fulfilling their intentions? If it takes a gun to do it, does God disapprove? Do you really think God is pleased or honored if you allow your children to go through this ordeal? Is it really “living by the life of Christ” really in line with allowing children to experience that suffering when it is in your power to do so? Is it really faith to allow innocents to be harmed? Or is it something much less commendable? Is a gun the problem here? (Quick point: the 7th commandment properly translated is “Thou shalt not murder”, not “Thou shalt not kill”. Big difference.)
Obviously this scenario borders on the extreme, and is not likely to happen, although some families have encountered themselves in this situation.
But if you allow for the use of lethal force in this scenario, then it is now matter of spectrum, not of black and white. Now we are saying that taking a life is not _always_ wrong (which I agree with). So as with all decisions in life, we must be living by the Spirit to make these decisions.
And then we can understand guns (and hammers, baseball bats, tennis balls, cars, etc.) properly: tools to be used carefully, in a God-honoring way.
Guns? I’ve got two of ’em. *flexes*
OHHH, you meant firearms. 🙂
To be brief…
I have no commentary that ultimately matters about their prohibition/legalization. The talk of “rights” among believers can, in the minds of many, often cause the Lord’s and Satan’s kingdoms to mix…which is very unhealthy for the body of Christ, as we have seen for the past seventeen centuries or so.
But as for their use…if you want to hunt with them, go right ahead. But I seriously doubt a person has ever pulled a gun on another by the life of Christ.
Nick… more brief.
Well, guns are tools, what those tools are used for is entirely up to the user. Same thing with knives, screwdrivers, needles, pens and so on. Anything can be used as a weapon, knives can prepare food, or destroy humans. Screwdrivers can be used to turn screws, or really screw people up. Pens can be used to write anything, laws allowing abortion, documents declaring war on nations, or spiritually edifying things (they also can be used as a stabbing weapon if in the wrong hands.) Guns can be abused or used in the same way. They could be used to procure food for people.. Or used to destroy people. Personally I am for guns, I shoot as often as I can, I am not going to kill anyone. Guns seem to be a very touchy subject in these times, reasonably so, the Sandy Hook shooting, The Colorado incident, and the other mass shootings. If you look back in history, every since corruption, people have killed one another, the tools available are the tools necessary, hammers, clubs, sticks, canes, even wheelchairs can be used as weapon. Point is people kill people, not guns. Jesus did not ban the ownership of weapons, he told his disciples to purchase swords, (I understand this is misused a lot.. bear with me.) he rebuked Peter when he misused that item, and thus the use and mindset behind the tool is what he tells us to beware of, not the possession. (Defensiveness is a thing of a different nature entirely, which I will not comment on in this “guns” post.)
Dan Hergott
I am so glad I live in Canada, we don’t have the right to bare arms like the US does, and our gun deaths clearly reflect that.
When ever I visit the USA I am wary that someone might try to shoot me just because they have the right to carry around a gun.
Oh well, no matter how many innocent people are murdered by guns in the US, I highly doubt the US gun laws will ever change.
My opinions are mine, and you don’t have to agree, that’s your right and mine.
What a lame answer Dan
Robin White
How is saving lives lame? When people believe they can have power over another person with the light pull of a trigger they should give their head a shake. Putting guns ahead of children’s lives is just short of evil. The mind set in Canada is in general very different then the states. A very different culture.
That’s why it’s Canada Ay. We have great sin down here but also great Grace. Why do you think everyone wants to come to America? The land of the Canucks is 2nd choice.
Chad Lerighfield
Why is it a lame answer John? I thought it was well balanced!
Steve Orr
Dan, Some would contend that you have the divine or natural right to self defense in equal measure regardless of whether the state recognizes it. For the last 10+ years Canada has allowed its citizens to possess handguns. This right is exercised mostly in B.C., Alberta and Saskatchewan but not so much in the Eastern provinces. I’ve seen some very good statistical analyses that show homicides rates are on par by various demographics. Your fears in visiting the US seem overblown.
We have had guns for hundreds of years without mass shootings.
If you look at the data overall murder by guns, knives, blunt instruments has gone down significantly in the last 10 years. With 24/7 media it gives the impression that they have gone up. But check into it, that is not the case. There are other factors contributing to the mass shootings and those appear to be cultural. The glorification of violence is certainly one of them. We must also be very wary of a government that want to restrict law abiding citizens a way to protect their families from violence ,while they keep that right for themselves! And who also want to arm Syrian rebels (of which a good percentage are part of Al Qaeda).
Robert Brown
I thought America was the land of the free,what sort of freedom is that when you all have to arm yourselves I need a gun to protect myself from all the other gun owners: ! maybe trust in the Lord to protect you and your country and America may be what it should be land of freedom .
That is just a song Roberto. This isn’t the land of the free. No freedom ANYWHERE except in Christ!…..He’s the Land.
And guess what He(Jesus) is the same God who in The Old Testament told the Israelites to bash out the brains of children. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Even the Kingdom of God has violence in it!
“Guns” like many objects aren’t inherently evil I enjoy and get excited hitting a tennis ball @ 500 yards but cry when I see the damage done by people to each other even if the word is “Brick”
Vinny in da house!!…..or is left field? Laughing…..
Cherilyn Phipps
Frank, I love a good pot-stirring every now and then. I will try to be brief.
Guns are tools as mentioned before. I can just as easily do harm with a pen in two ways. I could stab someone or write some nasty, disparaging remarks, which may do just as much harm, if not more because that person has to continue living with those words. Jesus addresses the law of murder in Matthew 5; it is more far-reaching than a physical act. Evil intent begins in the heart.
My husband has been in law enforcement for 20 years. In that time he has lost a dear friend in the line of duty and another severely injured due to gunfire. However, he still straps on his gun to keep the peace on the streets every day. I think the public is mostly unaware of the daily battle that is happening in their own backyard. Criminals have guns. Military and law enforcement have guns because it levels the playing field so to speak. My husband believes in his God-given duty to protect and serve. And though his view of humanity is somewhat jaded, he loves the Lord and serves Him first.
As for my “guns,” I tone them with push-ups, planks, and free weights. 🙂
Cherilyn you Rock Doll! I would like to see those
“Guns”. Keep em ready. 😉
Steve Orr
Final comment for me…
Given this discussion, I believe it comes down to each individual’s thoughtful, prayerful and very personal decision. I could be wrong but given that there are Scriptures which could be used to support either side of question of weapon possession and self defense, I believe it’s very hard to be dogmatic that one believer’s decision is more virtuous than another’s. Just as Paul allowed for diversity as regards the consumption of meat sacrificed to idols, we should be respectful of those who differ from ourselves on such matters.
“In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity.”
Peace, love, joy.
Peace, Love, Joy, and The Grateful Dead.
Greg Amey
All the comments and viewpoints are fascinating. I guess Im a pacifist. Im definitely anti-war. I agree with the lady there that Gods Kingdom is not of this world. Ive been quite transfixed of late in reading and re-reading John 18, 10-11 and “why” Peter had a sword. (Im glad he didn’t have a machine gun, that would’ve required a significantly bigger miracle). Maybe its upbringing too. (Australia) We had a massacre down in Tasmania and thousands of guns were destroyed during the amnesty.
The misuse of guns is chilling, whether it be the thought of against loved ones,innocents,without Jesus, the fallen nature knows no bounds. God Bless You
Greg…..don’t we all love “Bigger” miracles !?
Sorry Frankie couldn’t help but jumping in on this one.
The best gun control is two hands and a steady aim.
Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.
If guns were outlawed only outlaws would have guns.
If you divided a city in half and one half of the city guns were allowed and in the other half of the city guns were NOT allowed, which half of the city do you think criminals would exploit?
More guns, less crime.
However, it is a sad day in history when we have to have the discussion and possibility of having to Arm school teachers.
I was in the SANDF for over 10 years and had guns around me on a daily basis, I became a Christian before I went into the army and by Gods grace saw many miracles as Jesus protected us in the Angolan war. We killed the enemy daily and were protected by Father as we did so, time and again I spoke to guys who heard the Father direct him in the bush and told us where the enemy was. We all used guns and other weapons and when we came out of the army we were all normal. It does amaze me though how very interested the unsaved among us was about Christianity at that time,
In my recollection of OT battles, God ordained many and God sent them into war TO WIN and to take spoils! The OT saints had to defend themselves on many an occasion, so why not we? Faith is faith, but to be foolish and tempt God is worse. If we shouldn’t defend ourselves, then let us not lock the doors of our homes, cars, don’t vaccinate children, don’t get a flu shot, etc, etc, etc,. Faith can easily turn into foolishness and some cannot discern between the two.
I’m not a gun owner although I do know how to shoot and probably will at some point own one. The gun owners I know are responsible individuals who know how to use them carefully. If outlawing guns would take them off the market, just look at meth. Outlawing that hasn’t made it any less readily available for someone who wants it. Guns in and of themselves are neutral. The person who wields it is the responsible party.
Seems to me that the security at the Naval Yard is to blame. How could someone get into the facility with a huge gun in a bag even if he had clearance? We are failing our homeland by this one cause.
Angel Pla
The issue of guns conjure lots of emotional responses in our country of late. I believe in the Constitution of the United States. I have swear to defend it and our Nation against foreign or domestic enemies. I am of the opinion that a weapon is a tool that used properly helps protect the individual. All the cases we have seen lately were weapons have been used to massacre individuals whose only error were to be present at the wrong time in the right place, were acts performed by deranged individuals. The most recent case at the Navy Yard proves that as a Nation we are failing to identify the “domestic” enemy. We allow individuals with known issues on record to work in areas where they should not be allowed. The excuse used for this error is the lack of funds to ensure the security of the employees specifically at the Navy Yard. We need to realize that limiting the rights and privileges of the law abiding citizen is not the solution. Funds need to be allocated prioritizing the safety and security of the Nation first! Then we can start providing weapons to Syrians and others!
Steve Orr
Thank you Frank for exercising your spiritual gift of provocation. 🙂
In my close knit organic faith circle in Jesus, because of firmly established loving relationships, I can be quite “expressive” without over fear of offense. But it’s much more challenging in this venue. It is nevertheless needful I believe. While some subjects may seem tiresome, I don’t want to tire of worthy provocation so keep up the good work.
Regarding guns, it just so happens that last night there was a huge bump noise in the house which woke up both my wife and myself. As we both went to investigate my wife asked if I had “the gun.” Well… I have faith in the Lord’s protection but I also wear a seat belt. I have faith in the Lord’s protection but I also lock my doors. I have faith in the Lord’s protection but I also have my kids vaccinated.
“No weapon formed against the Jews shall prosper.”
Everything in the Christian walk is by the Grace of God through faith through prayer by a believer. Weapons must be operated by a human. If we divinely bless even the weapons of our persecutors, the weapon itself will be a deterent to their being used for evil. But since I’m the only Christian praying this way, a lot of weapons aren’t covered.
Tim: Just a note that this text says “no weapon formed against YOU shall prosper.” Later he says THIS IS THE HERITAGE OF ALL THE LORD’S SERVANTS. So this text doesn’t just apply to OT Jews, but all of God’s servants. Jew and Gentile.
“You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you. You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” (Matthew 5:38-45) This is what our Lord Jesus taught us. It’s not easy, but it is our guideline for the way to live our life.
Steve Orr
Thank you JenV.
Because the Bible is “right-handed,” the reference to the right cheek is commonly interpreted to mean a backhanded slap, an insult, not full blown a bodily assault in the form of the more powerful fore-handed cross punch. In other words, it’s talking about an insult, not an assault, not a matter of self defense.
My wife and my children are very precious to me. If Scripture allows me the liberty of self defense and I let a lawless murderous thug destroy them, have I in principle cast that which is holy to dogs and pigs? I believe we need to be practical and realistic in an evil world and this means we should avoid being overly pious or religious as in, “Do not be overrighteous, neither be overwise– why destroy yourself?” Eccl 7:16.
I don’t mean to be contentious here, I just want to provide alternative perspectives as food for thought.
I don’t have all the answers but I know someone who does and his name is Jesus.
“Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world.'” Jesus never tried to defend himself, and neither did any of the apostles after him in the New Testament. I will follow my Lord’s example. My Kingdom is not of this world.
Robin White
You shall not kill. Do gun owners believe God was lying to us. When Jesus stated very clearly believers in Christ are of his Kingdom not Satins. How can we with clear conscience have a bible in one hand and a gun in the other with murder in our hearts. This has nothing at all to do with Christ. It is all about the lie that we can be like God in the knowledge of good and evil. On that path the only out come is death eternal.
Luke 22:35 And he said unto them, When I sent you without purse, and scrip, and shoes, lacked ye any thing? And they said, Nothing.
36 Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take [it], and likewise [his] scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.
Some will say that this scripture does not mean what it seems to say, but is often misinterpreted.
Do you also say then that we should not carry a wallet, or money, or own two pairs of shoes?
Matt 24:43 But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into.
If you are not armed stronger than the thief this whole idea would be useless.
A question for those against guns for protection. I know of a few who keep a baseball bat by their door for protection. Does this make baseball bats evil because someone would use it to do harm to a person?
Along the same lines, the intent of the person using the bat would be the same as using a gun, to do harm to a person invading their home. What is the difference?
Courtney Cantrell
All I know is that I’m tired of hearing all the arguments for them, I’m tired of hearing all the arguments against them, and I’m tired of hearing about them on the news.
LOL..totally agree. Courtney, ditto to you. Spot on.
“of this world.”
“In the book of Genesis we find in Eden no hint of technology, no mention of mechanical instruments. After the Fall, however, we read that among the sons of Cain there was a forger of cutting instruments of brass and iron. A few centuries ago it might have seemed fanciful to discern the spirit of antichrist in iron tools, even though for long the sword has been in open competition with the ploughshare. But today, in the hands of man, metals have been turned to sinister and deadly uses, and as the end approaches the widespread abuse of technology and engineering will become even more apparent” Watchman Nee, Love Not The World.
Sport? Perhaps, you be the judge of your own conscience.
Self-defense? Read the teachings/words of Christ on non-resistance and loving your enemy, then ask yourself honestly if this rationalization Christians use (along with the extended “just cause” for war), is not a deception of the ruler of this world that the Church adulterates itself with, and a big part of the problem. Really, think about it, “Christianity”, and the “Church” has probably spilled more bloodshed in world history in the “name of Christ.” than anyone or anything.
I think your points are mostly valid. However, I think you may be taking Christ’s words a little out of context. True we should love our neighbors. That means we should treat them they way we would want to be treated. However, when the Scriptures talk of “non-resistance” it is in the context of persecution for our Faith in Him. When they come to imprison you, decapitate you, et al because you love Christ, we are to follow His example in the garden that night they came for Him. Just like the Apostles who did not resist in their persecution. If someone tries to kill you just because (meaning not because you are a Christian), there is nothing in the scriptures that states you should just lay there and let them kill you, rape you, take your children, etc.
Many believe the teaching of “turn the other cheek” is related to physical altercation. The context of that Scripture is that when someone wrongs you, you should not seek revenge. That revenge belongs to the Lord. So if someone wrongs you, you should take the high road and turn the other cheek. In other words, turn away.
Like you, I do not believe Christians should be calling for war. But war is not the topic here.
Steve Orr
Nee’s word “abuse” should be kept in mind. It does not preclude “virtuous use” of technology for Scripture based self defense.
As regards turning the other cheek, there’s a reason Jesus specified the right cheek.
Never needed a gun. God never needed a gun. Jesus may have said to get a sword, but that has been misinterpreted to mean be prepared to fight. My Lord didn’t carry a weapon. I shall follow his example and do likewise.
Guns – technology for killing. As a carnivore, I have to accept killing as a part of life that is important to my health. However, as we move into technology from human strength and skills (spear, atlatl, bow, gun) we have a tendency to become further removed from the act of killing. As we get further removed from the act of killing and further from respect for the person or animal that is killed we tend to begin losing our humanity.
Jim Cooper
There were hundreds of people at the Naval facility in DC who wished they had guns to protect themselves and others, but 12 are gone because no one had a “gun” except the killer. Until we are protected, we should be able to protect ourselves and others at all times, and in all places. Obviously, this individual (killer) was known to have serious problems, but no one protected those folks from him. Shame on those who did not protect them.
Grandma Ermz
Amen. I agree, Mr. Cooper.
There was a “test” a number of years ago in a city in Florida. They gave free gun training to women. Many women joined and learned how to handle a weapon.
Crimes against women DRASTICALLY dropped in that city immediately following this program. None of the women had to actually use their weapons against someone else.
Guns….we applaud man’s giant strides in both the medical field and technology, yet war machinery is taboo. Especially in the Christian circle. I come from a very military family here in Canada and I can say I am proud to be Canadian. My greatest desire growing up was to be an Air Force pilot. FA18 Hornet! The big guns you could say. Because I uncooperative eye sight both that dream and the dream to be a police officer were let go. My point is partially that our opinions often come from our backgrounds and our culture. In Canada we are free to not have to think about guns, military, and threat if we really want to. However the reality doesn’t go away. Guns were made by brilliant people that God created no different then the people that cure cancer. And scripture says there is a time for everyone under the sun. War and peace. Whether that is in our own houses, neighborhoods, or cities, or overseas. On this side of heaven guns are a reality and a need. Just as god made the people that make the guns, he makes the people that use them. There is a brain and a heart on the trigger of that gun. So maybe the monologue shouldn’t be about an inanimate object but in the state of the human race that holds the gun. Our heart and intention and sense of duty, as well as human brokenness and sin and depravity.
Riley Rauschenberg
The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is with a good guy with a gun.
That is why our God has instituted the civil government to bear the sword to protect the innocent; it is not a function or authority He gave the Church, nor the individuals of the Body, ie; the Christian. You cannot serve two masters.
Steve Orr
Brother Brett,
Our faith and reliance should be in God Who defends and protects, not the state. One can make an idol out of the state too. I have observed some interpretations of Romans 13 to be overly simplistic to the point of idolatrous support for the evil empire of the military industrial complex.
I would also caution against standing in judgment of other Christians who walk in liberty and practice self defense firmly based on their understanding of Scripture. The accusation of serving two masters in matters of liberty is not disagreeing respectfully IMHO.
In this regard, from Frank’s “Best 100 Academic Christian Books” list I respectfully recommend “Anarchy and Christianity” by Jacques Ellul.
Love, peace, joy.
Suggested future one word monologue, “WAR!”
Brett, are you saying it is wrong for Christians to be involved in civil government?? Or the military??
Guns, they are neither good nor evil. I was raised with guns in the home and all we ever did with them was hunt. It is the intent of the person behind the gun that makes the outcome evil or good. As one person stated, “A scalpel in the hands of a murderer kills, but a scalpel in the hands of a surgeon heals.”
Like this. Well said.
Matt Ziemer
Gen 9:1 And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.
Gen 9:2 And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered.
Gen 9:3 Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.
Gen 9:4 But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat.
Gen 9:5 And surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it, and at the hand of man; at the hand of every man’s brother will I require the life of man.
Gen 9:6 Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.
Guns have a purpose. My Dad, His Dad, His Brother, My Grandfater, My Uncles, My Brother, My Husband, My Nephews and even my Niece has a gun, and my husband tells me I have a gun. The purpose of guns, to provide food and I know I certainly have enjoyed venison, duck, even squirrel on my dinner table. I got my first 6 point deer after hunting with my husband for over 20 years; and I didn’t even get Buck fever, that was as good as actually getting my little Buck. History reveals the guns purpose for self defense, and for protecting a nation from radicalism that would try to overtake the liberties of people. There are all types of people that walk with us here, they are different NOT less. Sadly, there are those people who are overwhelmed in their minds and have instability in their minds and have elements of hate within them. They have and most likely will continue to purchase or steal a gun, place their fingers on the trigger and kill innocence. Guns are not a problem, the problem is deranged irresponsible people possessing and using guns.
Robin White
How could they kill with guns if they could not obtain one?
Hi Pennee, there are not too many people, especially in urban areas that kill to eat. In Australia farmers are allowed guns to shoot pests which destroy fencing and crops etc. You can have a gun to kill snakes. Even then licensing laws are very strict. We have gun clubs which shoot targets for enthusiasts. No-one in Australia can just go buy a gun without background checks etc. consequently we don’t have the constant fear that someone might shoot us or that we might have to draw a gun and shoot someone else to protect ourselves. Of course that can happen as there are always those who will obtain guns illegally, but it is not common. And of course violence isn’t limited to guns. Since the Port Arthur massacre in Tasmania – the gun laws have tightened immensely in Australia. Personally I am glad that is the case. Recently there was a travel warning in Australia against going to the USA as you are much more likely to be shot there. That’s pretty sad. Having said that, I have visited the USA and didn’t feel unsafe, but it was disconcerting to think that just about everyone sports a concealed weapon.
The tighter gun laws in Australia do not allow for the existence of hundreds of thousands of unregistered guns in the country. Most of these are probably held by those who could not get a license (crims), so the safety is just an illusion…
“The church can never bless war or weapons. The Christian can never take part in an unjust war. If a Christian takes to the sword, he will daily pray to God for forgiveness of the sin and pray for peace.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
Steve Orr
This is the same Bonhoeffer who was “involved in plans by members of the Abwehr (the German Military Intelligence Office) to assassinate Adolf Hitler.” – Wikipedia
Bonhoeffer made it clear that he believed his involvement was wrong and was a sin. And ironically the failure of the attempt only served to strengthen Hitler’s belief that he was doing God’s will and was thus protected by God.
Steve Orr
You’re quite right. He said it was a willful sin on his part.
A tool that’s used for sport or protection, or abused by killing.
Went through this subject on another forum a few months ago. It got pretty heated with comments from both sides. I am not even sure how to comment.
I believe it is a good thing to have/carry a gun for protection. I believe I will hold off on further explanations until there are others commenting. It is easier to answer or reply to comments than state my whole opinions in one post.
God Bless you all.
Robin White
I would say carry Jesus in our hearts for protection. Just think of the eternal darkness we would have all been in if Jesus would have pulled a gun and killed all of his persecutors . We all together as believers need to be having the mind of Christ in this body of Christ. When we fear death to that extent the first thing we will grab onto will be a gun for protection. This is our power in such an evil world we tell ourselves. The truth is the ruler of this fallen world uses fear and the lack of faith in God so that we are doing Satins work by getting ourselves ready to kill another living soul. With fear and anger in heart and gun in hand the very meekest of us can easily kill. My two bits. A very nasty problem these guns. We all love them too much maybe?
I live in the country and firearms are a regular part of life. I got a BB gun passed down to me from my older brother when I was 6 or so. Got a pellet rifle that would kill squirrels at age 10 and my own 12 gage by age 12. The more game we put in the freezer the less meat we buy at the store, so guns save us money and cause us to eat more healthy. I recently bought the controversial AR15 rifle, erroneously referred to as an assault rifle. AR stands for Armalite Rifle, the name the manufactor gave it because it is a no frills lightweight rifle better suited for our soldiers to carry. Those same benefits are why I love it. The stock collapses so it will fit in the hood of my farm utility vehicle. I deer hunt, kill coyotes and armadillos, (both are invading central Alabama). Coyotes are killing our cattle herds, reducing deer populations and almost killed my border collie. (Ate her tail off.) It is the perfect rifle for me, so much better than my 30-30 which is heavy and easily scratched or damaged. We live in a unique nation, the only one with 2nd amendment rights, and I just don’t see how we can ever move to a position to remove those rights any easier than one can un-ring a bell. There will always be those who use legitimate tools for illegitimate uses, just like Cain used a rock or stick to kill his brother. We can’t fix the moral issue Cain had by outlawing rocks and sticks. Spirit led believers don’t kill others so there is the real solution, lead others to Christ.
I must admit I have struggled a great deal with the issue of self-defense. I do think I would take out anyone trying to kill others, but it seems to cause a conflict inside still. After the mass shooting in a theater I got a conceal carry permit and now I pack heat when I am at a movie. I have started thinking about what might happen in America if the power grid failed for a long time, or the dollar collapsed, or an EMP bomb or solar flare took out all electronics. We could have a bad situation on our hands and again I see my self wanting to help feed others rather than kill them to protect what I have. But I need my guns and ammo to run business as usual here and sure don’t need the government taking them away.
I met a guy who works in Washington for the CIA. I asked him why the Department of Homeland Security bought 6.5 billion rounds of ammunition, enough to fight the Gulf War for 26 years. His response was, “I think anyone who asks that question already knows the answer. They are planning on a civil war.” So we live in a different time than ever before in history. We have things to ponder and plans to make for which there is no precedent. What will Spirit led behavior look like in times of crisis? I am not sure but I do have faith that Christ will lead me if I seek him, and I will.
What weapon did Jesus carry?
I dont have a gun, and as a Christian have definite non-resistant leanings, but have come to the conclusion that even the New Testament allows for the basic right of self defense. In the interest of full perspective, people need to realize that many attempted mass shootings have been stopped by an armed citizen, but the main news outlets do not cover this because they ARE biased against self defense. Thankfully we now have other ways to get those stories.
In response to someone else, please do not repeat the favorite athiest line about most killings in history being by so-called “Christians.” As a serious student of church history, I am keenly aware of the atrocities therein, but the numbers cannot hold a candle to atheist, occult, or other non Christian government entities genocide against their own or other people. Hitler, Stalin, pol pot, the Turkish massacre of Armenians, Darfur, Chinese and other communists, the current Muslim attacks targeting Christians in Egypt and Syria. There is a book called Death by Government that totals the numbers. Government is the single most murderous entity ever, and atheism the most murderous ‘religion’– even without counting actual proper ‘wars,’ most of which are stupid and unjust and kill vast amounts of non-combatants.
May the Lord come back soon to set things right!
Thanks for sharing that Amanda. I just ordered a copy of Death by Government.
Stick to your guns.
If Christ was planned from the beginning then the fall of Adam & Eve was not an accident but planned.If we are to become sons of GOD then we need to know good and evil, how else are we to decide one from the other? Love your neighbor as yourselves tells the whole story,do we do enough to understand what creates the deranged minds that kill innocents? Guns are tools that kill more and faster but the question we should ask is what could we collectively have done to prevent this mind from becoming so deranged?
Henry don’t waste you time eating from That other tree… from the Tree of Life! Your brain may not hurt as much.
Well said, John.
When Christ returns to rule Earth, then guns and other weapons will be destroyed and only then, will the 2nd ammendment be nullified and outlawed.
I’m going to approach this from the assumption that no one is against guns but in favor taking a life under certain circumstances. In other words, those that are against guns are against them because they do not believe we have the right to take a life for any reason. (Perhaps for some the exception is capital punishment.)
Also, I think many people mistake Jesus for a pacifist. A pacifist would not have caused the scene Jesus caused at the temple with the merchants. Did Jesus have a reason? Sure He did. But a pacifist (at least all I’ve known) wants to take no physical action against another, no matter the consequence of not doing so.
Echoing a point others have made, what is the difference between a gun, a baseball bat or a knife? The difference is 100% perception and 0% substance. All 3 can kill, all 3 can save. All 3 can be yielded by a good person, all 3 can be yielded by an evil person.
So regarding guns, here’s a hypothetical. (Pardon me for being graphic, but this world is graphic!) Your house is broken into. You and your spouse are kept in one room by one strong (stronger than you) individual while your children are taken by another strong (stronger than you) individual to another room for reasons you know but don’t want to think about.
Is it evil to take measures to stop these individuals from fulfilling their intentions? If it takes a gun to do it, does God disapprove? Do you really think God is pleased or honored if you allow your children to go through this ordeal? Is it really “living by the life of Christ” really in line with allowing children to experience that suffering when it is in your power to do so? Is it really faith to allow innocents to be harmed? Or is it something much less commendable? Is a gun the problem here? (Quick point: the 7th commandment properly translated is “Thou shalt not murder”, not “Thou shalt not kill”. Big difference.)
Obviously this scenario borders on the extreme, and is not likely to happen, although some families have encountered themselves in this situation.
But if you allow for the use of lethal force in this scenario, then it is now matter of spectrum, not of black and white. Now we are saying that taking a life is not _always_ wrong (which I agree with). So as with all decisions in life, we must be living by the Spirit to make these decisions.
And then we can understand guns (and hammers, baseball bats, tennis balls, cars, etc.) properly: tools to be used carefully, in a God-honoring way.
Guns? I’ve got two of ’em. *flexes*
OHHH, you meant firearms. 🙂
To be brief…
I have no commentary that ultimately matters about their prohibition/legalization. The talk of “rights” among believers can, in the minds of many, often cause the Lord’s and Satan’s kingdoms to mix…which is very unhealthy for the body of Christ, as we have seen for the past seventeen centuries or so.
But as for their use…if you want to hunt with them, go right ahead. But I seriously doubt a person has ever pulled a gun on another by the life of Christ.
Nick… more brief.
Well, guns are tools, what those tools are used for is entirely up to the user. Same thing with knives, screwdrivers, needles, pens and so on. Anything can be used as a weapon, knives can prepare food, or destroy humans. Screwdrivers can be used to turn screws, or really screw people up. Pens can be used to write anything, laws allowing abortion, documents declaring war on nations, or spiritually edifying things (they also can be used as a stabbing weapon if in the wrong hands.) Guns can be abused or used in the same way. They could be used to procure food for people.. Or used to destroy people. Personally I am for guns, I shoot as often as I can, I am not going to kill anyone. Guns seem to be a very touchy subject in these times, reasonably so, the Sandy Hook shooting, The Colorado incident, and the other mass shootings. If you look back in history, every since corruption, people have killed one another, the tools available are the tools necessary, hammers, clubs, sticks, canes, even wheelchairs can be used as weapon. Point is people kill people, not guns. Jesus did not ban the ownership of weapons, he told his disciples to purchase swords, (I understand this is misused a lot.. bear with me.) he rebuked Peter when he misused that item, and thus the use and mindset behind the tool is what he tells us to beware of, not the possession. (Defensiveness is a thing of a different nature entirely, which I will not comment on in this “guns” post.)
I am so glad I live in Canada, we don’t have the right to bare arms like the US does, and our gun deaths clearly reflect that.
When ever I visit the USA I am wary that someone might try to shoot me just because they have the right to carry around a gun.
Oh well, no matter how many innocent people are murdered by guns in the US, I highly doubt the US gun laws will ever change.
My opinions are mine, and you don’t have to agree, that’s your right and mine.
What a lame answer Dan
How is saving lives lame? When people believe they can have power over another person with the light pull of a trigger they should give their head a shake. Putting guns ahead of children’s lives is just short of evil. The mind set in Canada is in general very different then the states. A very different culture.
That’s why it’s Canada Ay. We have great sin down here but also great Grace. Why do you think everyone wants to come to America? The land of the Canucks is 2nd choice.
Why is it a lame answer John? I thought it was well balanced!
Dan, Some would contend that you have the divine or natural right to self defense in equal measure regardless of whether the state recognizes it. For the last 10+ years Canada has allowed its citizens to possess handguns. This right is exercised mostly in B.C., Alberta and Saskatchewan but not so much in the Eastern provinces. I’ve seen some very good statistical analyses that show homicides rates are on par by various demographics. Your fears in visiting the US seem overblown.
We have had guns for hundreds of years without mass shootings.
If you look at the data overall murder by guns, knives, blunt instruments has gone down significantly in the last 10 years. With 24/7 media it gives the impression that they have gone up. But check into it, that is not the case. There are other factors contributing to the mass shootings and those appear to be cultural. The glorification of violence is certainly one of them. We must also be very wary of a government that want to restrict law abiding citizens a way to protect their families from violence ,while they keep that right for themselves! And who also want to arm Syrian rebels (of which a good percentage are part of Al Qaeda).
I thought America was the land of the free,what sort of freedom is that when you all have to arm yourselves I need a gun to protect myself from all the other gun owners: ! maybe trust in the Lord to protect you and your country and America may be what it should be land of freedom .
That is just a song Roberto. This isn’t the land of the free. No freedom ANYWHERE except in Christ!…..He’s the Land.
And guess what He(Jesus) is the same God who in The Old Testament told the Israelites to bash out the brains of children. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Even the Kingdom of God has violence in it!
“Guns” like many objects aren’t inherently evil I enjoy and get excited hitting a tennis ball @ 500 yards but cry when I see the damage done by people to each other even if the word is “Brick”
Vinny in da house!!…..or is left field? Laughing…..
Frank, I love a good pot-stirring every now and then. I will try to be brief.
Guns are tools as mentioned before. I can just as easily do harm with a pen in two ways. I could stab someone or write some nasty, disparaging remarks, which may do just as much harm, if not more because that person has to continue living with those words. Jesus addresses the law of murder in Matthew 5; it is more far-reaching than a physical act. Evil intent begins in the heart.
My husband has been in law enforcement for 20 years. In that time he has lost a dear friend in the line of duty and another severely injured due to gunfire. However, he still straps on his gun to keep the peace on the streets every day. I think the public is mostly unaware of the daily battle that is happening in their own backyard. Criminals have guns. Military and law enforcement have guns because it levels the playing field so to speak. My husband believes in his God-given duty to protect and serve. And though his view of humanity is somewhat jaded, he loves the Lord and serves Him first.
As for my “guns,” I tone them with push-ups, planks, and free weights. 🙂
Cherilyn you Rock Doll! I would like to see those
“Guns”. Keep em ready. 😉
Final comment for me…
Given this discussion, I believe it comes down to each individual’s thoughtful, prayerful and very personal decision. I could be wrong but given that there are Scriptures which could be used to support either side of question of weapon possession and self defense, I believe it’s very hard to be dogmatic that one believer’s decision is more virtuous than another’s. Just as Paul allowed for diversity as regards the consumption of meat sacrificed to idols, we should be respectful of those who differ from ourselves on such matters.
“In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity.”
Peace, love, joy.
Peace, Love, Joy, and The Grateful Dead.
All the comments and viewpoints are fascinating. I guess Im a pacifist. Im definitely anti-war. I agree with the lady there that Gods Kingdom is not of this world. Ive been quite transfixed of late in reading and re-reading John 18, 10-11 and “why” Peter had a sword. (Im glad he didn’t have a machine gun, that would’ve required a significantly bigger miracle). Maybe its upbringing too. (Australia) We had a massacre down in Tasmania and thousands of guns were destroyed during the amnesty.
The misuse of guns is chilling, whether it be the thought of against loved ones,innocents,without Jesus, the fallen nature knows no bounds. God Bless You
Greg…..don’t we all love “Bigger” miracles !?
Sorry Frankie couldn’t help but jumping in on this one.
The best gun control is two hands and a steady aim.
Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.
If guns were outlawed only outlaws would have guns.
If you divided a city in half and one half of the city guns were allowed and in the other half of the city guns were NOT allowed, which half of the city do you think criminals would exploit?
More guns, less crime.
However, it is a sad day in history when we have to have the discussion and possibility of having to Arm school teachers.
I was in the SANDF for over 10 years and had guns around me on a daily basis, I became a Christian before I went into the army and by Gods grace saw many miracles as Jesus protected us in the Angolan war. We killed the enemy daily and were protected by Father as we did so, time and again I spoke to guys who heard the Father direct him in the bush and told us where the enemy was. We all used guns and other weapons and when we came out of the army we were all normal. It does amaze me though how very interested the unsaved among us was about Christianity at that time,
In my recollection of OT battles, God ordained many and God sent them into war TO WIN and to take spoils! The OT saints had to defend themselves on many an occasion, so why not we? Faith is faith, but to be foolish and tempt God is worse. If we shouldn’t defend ourselves, then let us not lock the doors of our homes, cars, don’t vaccinate children, don’t get a flu shot, etc, etc, etc,. Faith can easily turn into foolishness and some cannot discern between the two.
I’m not a gun owner although I do know how to shoot and probably will at some point own one. The gun owners I know are responsible individuals who know how to use them carefully. If outlawing guns would take them off the market, just look at meth. Outlawing that hasn’t made it any less readily available for someone who wants it. Guns in and of themselves are neutral. The person who wields it is the responsible party.
Seems to me that the security at the Naval Yard is to blame. How could someone get into the facility with a huge gun in a bag even if he had clearance? We are failing our homeland by this one cause.
The issue of guns conjure lots of emotional responses in our country of late. I believe in the Constitution of the United States. I have swear to defend it and our Nation against foreign or domestic enemies. I am of the opinion that a weapon is a tool that used properly helps protect the individual. All the cases we have seen lately were weapons have been used to massacre individuals whose only error were to be present at the wrong time in the right place, were acts performed by deranged individuals. The most recent case at the Navy Yard proves that as a Nation we are failing to identify the “domestic” enemy. We allow individuals with known issues on record to work in areas where they should not be allowed. The excuse used for this error is the lack of funds to ensure the security of the employees specifically at the Navy Yard. We need to realize that limiting the rights and privileges of the law abiding citizen is not the solution. Funds need to be allocated prioritizing the safety and security of the Nation first! Then we can start providing weapons to Syrians and others!
Thank you Frank for exercising your spiritual gift of provocation. 🙂
In my close knit organic faith circle in Jesus, because of firmly established loving relationships, I can be quite “expressive” without over fear of offense. But it’s much more challenging in this venue. It is nevertheless needful I believe. While some subjects may seem tiresome, I don’t want to tire of worthy provocation so keep up the good work.
Regarding guns, it just so happens that last night there was a huge bump noise in the house which woke up both my wife and myself. As we both went to investigate my wife asked if I had “the gun.” Well… I have faith in the Lord’s protection but I also wear a seat belt. I have faith in the Lord’s protection but I also lock my doors. I have faith in the Lord’s protection but I also have my kids vaccinated.
“No weapon formed against the Jews shall prosper.”
Everything in the Christian walk is by the Grace of God through faith through prayer by a believer. Weapons must be operated by a human. If we divinely bless even the weapons of our persecutors, the weapon itself will be a deterent to their being used for evil. But since I’m the only Christian praying this way, a lot of weapons aren’t covered.
Tim: Just a note that this text says “no weapon formed against YOU shall prosper.” Later he says THIS IS THE HERITAGE OF ALL THE LORD’S SERVANTS. So this text doesn’t just apply to OT Jews, but all of God’s servants. Jew and Gentile.
“You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you. You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” (Matthew 5:38-45) This is what our Lord Jesus taught us. It’s not easy, but it is our guideline for the way to live our life.
Thank you JenV.
Because the Bible is “right-handed,” the reference to the right cheek is commonly interpreted to mean a backhanded slap, an insult, not full blown a bodily assault in the form of the more powerful fore-handed cross punch. In other words, it’s talking about an insult, not an assault, not a matter of self defense.
My wife and my children are very precious to me. If Scripture allows me the liberty of self defense and I let a lawless murderous thug destroy them, have I in principle cast that which is holy to dogs and pigs? I believe we need to be practical and realistic in an evil world and this means we should avoid being overly pious or religious as in, “Do not be overrighteous, neither be overwise– why destroy yourself?” Eccl 7:16.
I don’t mean to be contentious here, I just want to provide alternative perspectives as food for thought.
I don’t have all the answers but I know someone who does and his name is Jesus.
“Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world.'” Jesus never tried to defend himself, and neither did any of the apostles after him in the New Testament. I will follow my Lord’s example. My Kingdom is not of this world.
You shall not kill. Do gun owners believe God was lying to us. When Jesus stated very clearly believers in Christ are of his Kingdom not Satins. How can we with clear conscience have a bible in one hand and a gun in the other with murder in our hearts. This has nothing at all to do with Christ. It is all about the lie that we can be like God in the knowledge of good and evil. On that path the only out come is death eternal.
Luke 22:35 And he said unto them, When I sent you without purse, and scrip, and shoes, lacked ye any thing? And they said, Nothing.
36 Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take [it], and likewise [his] scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.
Some will say that this scripture does not mean what it seems to say, but is often misinterpreted.
Do you also say then that we should not carry a wallet, or money, or own two pairs of shoes?
Matt 24:43 But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into.
If you are not armed stronger than the thief this whole idea would be useless.
A question for those against guns for protection. I know of a few who keep a baseball bat by their door for protection. Does this make baseball bats evil because someone would use it to do harm to a person?
Along the same lines, the intent of the person using the bat would be the same as using a gun, to do harm to a person invading their home. What is the difference?
All I know is that I’m tired of hearing all the arguments for them, I’m tired of hearing all the arguments against them, and I’m tired of hearing about them on the news.
One-word monologue: guns.
One-word response: tired.
LOL..totally agree. Courtney, ditto to you. Spot on.
“of this world.”
“In the book of Genesis we find in Eden no hint of technology, no mention of mechanical instruments. After the Fall, however, we read that among the sons of Cain there was a forger of cutting instruments of brass and iron. A few centuries ago it might have seemed fanciful to discern the spirit of antichrist in iron tools, even though for long the sword has been in open competition with the ploughshare. But today, in the hands of man, metals have been turned to sinister and deadly uses, and as the end approaches the widespread abuse of technology and engineering will become even more apparent” Watchman Nee, Love Not The World.
Sport? Perhaps, you be the judge of your own conscience.
Self-defense? Read the teachings/words of Christ on non-resistance and loving your enemy, then ask yourself honestly if this rationalization Christians use (along with the extended “just cause” for war), is not a deception of the ruler of this world that the Church adulterates itself with, and a big part of the problem. Really, think about it, “Christianity”, and the “Church” has probably spilled more bloodshed in world history in the “name of Christ.” than anyone or anything.
I think your points are mostly valid. However, I think you may be taking Christ’s words a little out of context. True we should love our neighbors. That means we should treat them they way we would want to be treated. However, when the Scriptures talk of “non-resistance” it is in the context of persecution for our Faith in Him. When they come to imprison you, decapitate you, et al because you love Christ, we are to follow His example in the garden that night they came for Him. Just like the Apostles who did not resist in their persecution. If someone tries to kill you just because (meaning not because you are a Christian), there is nothing in the scriptures that states you should just lay there and let them kill you, rape you, take your children, etc.
Many believe the teaching of “turn the other cheek” is related to physical altercation. The context of that Scripture is that when someone wrongs you, you should not seek revenge. That revenge belongs to the Lord. So if someone wrongs you, you should take the high road and turn the other cheek. In other words, turn away.
Like you, I do not believe Christians should be calling for war. But war is not the topic here.
Nee’s word “abuse” should be kept in mind. It does not preclude “virtuous use” of technology for Scripture based self defense.
As regards turning the other cheek, there’s a reason Jesus specified the right cheek.
Never needed a gun. God never needed a gun. Jesus may have said to get a sword, but that has been misinterpreted to mean be prepared to fight. My Lord didn’t carry a weapon. I shall follow his example and do likewise.
Guns – technology for killing. As a carnivore, I have to accept killing as a part of life that is important to my health. However, as we move into technology from human strength and skills (spear, atlatl, bow, gun) we have a tendency to become further removed from the act of killing. As we get further removed from the act of killing and further from respect for the person or animal that is killed we tend to begin losing our humanity.
There were hundreds of people at the Naval facility in DC who wished they had guns to protect themselves and others, but 12 are gone because no one had a “gun” except the killer. Until we are protected, we should be able to protect ourselves and others at all times, and in all places. Obviously, this individual (killer) was known to have serious problems, but no one protected those folks from him. Shame on those who did not protect them.
Amen. I agree, Mr. Cooper.
There was a “test” a number of years ago in a city in Florida. They gave free gun training to women. Many women joined and learned how to handle a weapon.
Crimes against women DRASTICALLY dropped in that city immediately following this program. None of the women had to actually use their weapons against someone else.
Guns….we applaud man’s giant strides in both the medical field and technology, yet war machinery is taboo. Especially in the Christian circle. I come from a very military family here in Canada and I can say I am proud to be Canadian. My greatest desire growing up was to be an Air Force pilot. FA18 Hornet! The big guns you could say. Because I uncooperative eye sight both that dream and the dream to be a police officer were let go. My point is partially that our opinions often come from our backgrounds and our culture. In Canada we are free to not have to think about guns, military, and threat if we really want to. However the reality doesn’t go away. Guns were made by brilliant people that God created no different then the people that cure cancer. And scripture says there is a time for everyone under the sun. War and peace. Whether that is in our own houses, neighborhoods, or cities, or overseas. On this side of heaven guns are a reality and a need. Just as god made the people that make the guns, he makes the people that use them. There is a brain and a heart on the trigger of that gun. So maybe the monologue shouldn’t be about an inanimate object but in the state of the human race that holds the gun. Our heart and intention and sense of duty, as well as human brokenness and sin and depravity.
The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is with a good guy with a gun.
That is why our God has instituted the civil government to bear the sword to protect the innocent; it is not a function or authority He gave the Church, nor the individuals of the Body, ie; the Christian. You cannot serve two masters.
Brother Brett,
Our faith and reliance should be in God Who defends and protects, not the state. One can make an idol out of the state too. I have observed some interpretations of Romans 13 to be overly simplistic to the point of idolatrous support for the evil empire of the military industrial complex.
I would also caution against standing in judgment of other Christians who walk in liberty and practice self defense firmly based on their understanding of Scripture. The accusation of serving two masters in matters of liberty is not disagreeing respectfully IMHO.
In this regard, from Frank’s “Best 100 Academic Christian Books” list I respectfully recommend “Anarchy and Christianity” by Jacques Ellul.
Love, peace, joy.
Suggested future one word monologue, “WAR!”
Brett, are you saying it is wrong for Christians to be involved in civil government?? Or the military??
Guns, they are neither good nor evil. I was raised with guns in the home and all we ever did with them was hunt. It is the intent of the person behind the gun that makes the outcome evil or good. As one person stated, “A scalpel in the hands of a murderer kills, but a scalpel in the hands of a surgeon heals.”
Like this. Well said.
Gen 9:1 And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.
Gen 9:2 And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered.
Gen 9:3 Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.
Gen 9:4 But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat.
Gen 9:5 And surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it, and at the hand of man; at the hand of every man’s brother will I require the life of man.
Gen 9:6 Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.
Guns have a purpose. My Dad, His Dad, His Brother, My Grandfater, My Uncles, My Brother, My Husband, My Nephews and even my Niece has a gun, and my husband tells me I have a gun. The purpose of guns, to provide food and I know I certainly have enjoyed venison, duck, even squirrel on my dinner table. I got my first 6 point deer after hunting with my husband for over 20 years; and I didn’t even get Buck fever, that was as good as actually getting my little Buck. History reveals the guns purpose for self defense, and for protecting a nation from radicalism that would try to overtake the liberties of people. There are all types of people that walk with us here, they are different NOT less. Sadly, there are those people who are overwhelmed in their minds and have instability in their minds and have elements of hate within them. They have and most likely will continue to purchase or steal a gun, place their fingers on the trigger and kill innocence. Guns are not a problem, the problem is deranged irresponsible people possessing and using guns.
How could they kill with guns if they could not obtain one?
Hi Pennee, there are not too many people, especially in urban areas that kill to eat. In Australia farmers are allowed guns to shoot pests which destroy fencing and crops etc. You can have a gun to kill snakes. Even then licensing laws are very strict. We have gun clubs which shoot targets for enthusiasts. No-one in Australia can just go buy a gun without background checks etc. consequently we don’t have the constant fear that someone might shoot us or that we might have to draw a gun and shoot someone else to protect ourselves. Of course that can happen as there are always those who will obtain guns illegally, but it is not common. And of course violence isn’t limited to guns. Since the Port Arthur massacre in Tasmania – the gun laws have tightened immensely in Australia. Personally I am glad that is the case. Recently there was a travel warning in Australia against going to the USA as you are much more likely to be shot there. That’s pretty sad. Having said that, I have visited the USA and didn’t feel unsafe, but it was disconcerting to think that just about everyone sports a concealed weapon.
The tighter gun laws in Australia do not allow for the existence of hundreds of thousands of unregistered guns in the country. Most of these are probably held by those who could not get a license (crims), so the safety is just an illusion…
“The church can never bless war or weapons. The Christian can never take part in an unjust war. If a Christian takes to the sword, he will daily pray to God for forgiveness of the sin and pray for peace.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
This is the same Bonhoeffer who was “involved in plans by members of the Abwehr (the German Military Intelligence Office) to assassinate Adolf Hitler.” – Wikipedia
Bonhoeffer made it clear that he believed his involvement was wrong and was a sin. And ironically the failure of the attempt only served to strengthen Hitler’s belief that he was doing God’s will and was thus protected by God.
You’re quite right. He said it was a willful sin on his part.
A tool that’s used for sport or protection, or abused by killing.
Went through this subject on another forum a few months ago. It got pretty heated with comments from both sides. I am not even sure how to comment.
I believe it is a good thing to have/carry a gun for protection. I believe I will hold off on further explanations until there are others commenting. It is easier to answer or reply to comments than state my whole opinions in one post.
God Bless you all.
I would say carry Jesus in our hearts for protection. Just think of the eternal darkness we would have all been in if Jesus would have pulled a gun and killed all of his persecutors . We all together as believers need to be having the mind of Christ in this body of Christ. When we fear death to that extent the first thing we will grab onto will be a gun for protection. This is our power in such an evil world we tell ourselves. The truth is the ruler of this fallen world uses fear and the lack of faith in God so that we are doing Satins work by getting ourselves ready to kill another living soul. With fear and anger in heart and gun in hand the very meekest of us can easily kill. My two bits. A very nasty problem these guns. We all love them too much maybe?