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About Frank Viola
Frank Viola is a best-selling author, blogger, speaker, and consultant to authors and writers. His mission is to help serious followers of Jesus know their Lord more deeply so they can experience real transformation and make a lasting impact. To learn more about Frank and his work, go to 20 Years of Projects. To invite Frank to speak at your event, go to his Speaking Page. Due to a new problem with persistent spam that we haven’t figured out how to control, comments are closed for the present time. To contact Frank, use the “Contact” page in the top menu.
Frank, I so appreciate your insight and inspiration to so many of us that have had so many experiences in the fundamental church community. Unfortunately leaving bad memories causing our children to be scattered everywhere but in a good local church! Bless you brother! Keep the blogs coming! I am in hopes of finding an organic church! Not gonna give up! Have a blessed. Week! :-).
Thx. Chances are very slim that you will find such a church. Better to start your own group. Many so-called “organic churches” today are more fundamentalist than what you see in the denominations. See my answer to the question, “how do I find an organic church” at
It’s really the wrong question.
The Problem with Pain was very well-written and comforting (although it raise a lot of questions for me). A Grief Observed was definitely unsettling when I first read it. I think it was because I was looking for CS Lewis to provide some meaning to the grief I was feeling at the time or to answer why we have to experience grief as he has so eloquently done with other difficult topics. However, he does not provide meaning or answers. He just identifies the thoughts and feelings he was having while grieving. When I read this book a third time and understood that Lewis was just sharing his experience with grief and not trying to answer any questions, I found the book encouraging because I was able to identify with the feelings and thoughts of a person I consider to be a great man. Lewis became a real person beyond his brilliant writing. Someone I could identify with and relate to on a personal level.
Also, when I think of tragedies, I can not think of a greater tragedy than the crucifixion of Christ. The God of the universe allowed his enemies to kill His son in this most brutal way known to man. Yet, allowing this tragedy has resulted in salvation and new life for us all. Somehow, I suspect, all tragedies we experience during this time of redemptive history will work to our good and God’s glory.
When we get to heaven it will all make sense.
Thank you, so many times I find the things I have been talking about and saying showing up on your blogs and podcast.
With the illustration above about living between pages 300-400 you have put in a much needed condensed version of many conversation I have been involved in.
Thank you my brother.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this post. It makes sense, and in some circles Christians are taught that God doesn’t make sense (at least to the world), so we seem to take up that idea and apply it to ourselves. I loved your answer “I DON’T KNOW! How unique and honest. Thank you Frank for being REAL!
Excellent thoughts as usual, Frank.
I have found the book of Habakkuk especially relevant to this topic of evil and suffering. God is always at work, even when we don’t understand the how or the why. He calls us to live by faith (2:4), and he is our salvation and strength when life comes crashing down (3:17-19)
Philip Yancey’s “The Question that Never Goes Away” is another valuable resource on the question of evil and suffering.
So Good. Great articulation of the defeat of the cross being the ultimate victory. There will be a day when the questions of why that surround our suffering, though not fully answered, will become inconsequential compared to being in the presence of the crucified and risen One.