Frank Viola is a best-selling author, blogger, speaker, and consultant to authors and writers. His mission is to help serious followers of Jesus know their Lord more deeply so they can experience real transformation and make a lasting impact. To learn more about Frank and his work, go to 20 Years of Projects. To invite Frank to speak at your event, go to his Speaking Page. Due to a new problem with persistent spam that we haven’t figured out how to control, comments are closed for the present time. To contact Frank, use the “Contact” page in the top menu.
I have been edified entertained, and educated by your blog and podcasts many times. But this one I found extremely frustrating.
My local expression is right now focused on the eternal purpose of God and I’m in the dark.
I totally hear that this is an introduction and didn’t expect it to carry more water than that. I also hear that it’s such a big subject and you don’t want to cheapen it.
Nevertheless, I’m looking forward to more installments that are less introductory and more illuninating.
There’s a great deal more in this book: http:// – the course with the rest of the talks and tons more will be released in 2015. There is a strong challenge in this first message. One that’s necessary to “get down” before anything else makes sense, so to speak.
Jeff & Jen
Frank, my wife and I listened to this message and it’s so powerful. We’re sharing it with three friends like you asked and I just rated the podcast with 5 stars in itunes.
The last episode with the guy who was thrown out of the buffet was entertaining. My wife and I enjoyed it and felt so bad for the guy. Keep doing those phone calls. It’s just another thing that makes your podcast unique from every other one.
You asked for comments, Frank! 🙂
I have been edified entertained, and educated by your blog and podcasts many times. But this one I found extremely frustrating.
My local expression is right now focused on the eternal purpose of God and I’m in the dark.
I totally hear that this is an introduction and didn’t expect it to carry more water than that. I also hear that it’s such a big subject and you don’t want to cheapen it.
Nevertheless, I’m looking forward to more installments that are less introductory and more illuninating.
There’s a great deal more in this book: http:// – the course with the rest of the talks and tons more will be released in 2015. There is a strong challenge in this first message. One that’s necessary to “get down” before anything else makes sense, so to speak.
Frank, my wife and I listened to this message and it’s so powerful. We’re sharing it with three friends like you asked and I just rated the podcast with 5 stars in itunes.
The last episode with the guy who was thrown out of the buffet was entertaining. My wife and I enjoyed it and felt so bad for the guy. Keep doing those phone calls. It’s just another thing that makes your podcast unique from every other one.