Today’s podcast episode is a spoken message I delivered at a conference in Toronto, Canada in 2009. It’s the first part of a series of talks on “the first relationship” which will be part of an upcoming course, “A Deeper Journey into God’s Eternal Purpose.”
A women who heard this message live was in tears when I finished. She kept repeating, “It’s so simple. It’s so simple. It’s so simple.”
I’d be interested to hear what effect it has on you as well.
In short, it takes some complex theological ideas (what the ancient Christians called the perichoresis, the Divine and eternal dance between the Father, Son, and Spirit) and turns it into a simple narrative.
Listen to the episode HERE.
Made me cry.
Amen! Praise God for His love and grace! Words cannot describe how thankful I am to God!
Great message Frank. Just to know that God doesn’t want to do anything but dance with us is so freeing, so simple, so loving, so inviting, so changing.
Wow!!! Amazing talk.