From time to time, people ask me to mentor them. In this post, I want to address that topic.
Jesus gave us a particular model for ministry.
1. One tier of His ministry was to the masses wherein He gave general ministry to the multitudes.
2. Another tier of His ministry was to 70 disciple who He sent out on a special mission.
3. A third tier of His ministry was to the Twelve. Jesus shared the mysteries of the kingdom with the Twelve and some women who Luke refers to as “The Women.”
4. Beyond that, there was the smallest tier of all. Peter, James, and John — three of the Twelve whom Jesus included in special cases.
Note that the 70, the Twelve, and the three (Peter, James, and John) were all present when Jesus ministered to the multitudes, but they received special ministry beyond what He gave to the masses.
I’ve reflected on the Lord’s four-tiered ministry model for many years.
Taking that as my model of ministry, here are four ways that I mentor people presently.
If you’re one of the people who has requested mentoring, you’ll want to avail yourself of all four:
1. Mentoring for the Masses.
My books are for every Christian who wishes to have my best thinking on a topic.
In like manner, my blog posts are supplemental to my books, often dealing with current issues.
My blogs and books don’t duplicate each other. The content is different but complimentary, except when I will occasionally post an excerpt from a book.
2. Mentoring for the 70.
My discipleship courses and podcasts are more personal. As Maya Angelou once said, “Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning.”
In my podcast, I speak on heavy and controversial issues that I don’t address anywhere else.
My weekly UNFILTERED emails are also more personal.
3. Mentoring for the Twelve.
My main mentoring resource is The Deeper Christian Life Network.
In addition to that, each year I hold a mentoring mastermind for Christian preachers and teachers called The Insurgence Experience.
4. Mentoring for the three.
Out of the above group, I plan to assemble a small ministry team in the future.
It will probably consist of more than 3 people, but it will follow the same principle of Peter, James, and John.
Those who will be part of this team are those who have read my books, listened to my podcast episodes, and have gone through my courses. And they are ready to delve deeper.
Frank, you have been one of the strongest mentors in my life, through all of your materials that I have chewed on, taught, bought many, many books to give away, etc. So whether I’m picked to be in the group or not…I want to thank you for everything you’ve done to enlarge our capacity to see from a Kingdom perspective … His eternal purpose and ours here on earth.
HI Frank
Fan of your teacher 🙂 and thus your teaching.
I have one slight problem:- I don’t do (to be read as WANT) any thing Apple. Don’t ask why, couldn’t tell you rationally. Does this mean I’m excluded by default?
May God continue to bless you and feed your ministry.
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Hi Frank,
Two questions:
1. What can we do concerning your Podcasts if we don’t have iTunes or an iPhone? I thought the posts are part of your regular blog posts with a link to listen to it on the web.
2. Your “3” ministry team, is going to be APEST based or something different. If you don’t know or don’t wish to reveal it, no worries, just curious.
You can subscribe to iTunes on any computer or smart phone. See
APEST is jargon that comes from a few people. I don’t use it or think in those terms. Here’s my take on what the New Testament refers to as “the ascension gifts”
In answer to your question, the “team” would consist of people who are serious about going deeper in Jesus Christ and who are interested in being part of a team that I’d assemble in the future who resonate with my particular message for the body of Christ, e.g., — people out of the masses, the 70, and the 12, so to speak. 🙂
This sounds great, Frank. Good clarification and focus. I hope to be a part of the 12 or maybe even the 3. 😉
Hi Frank, This is a great post as it helps to see where I fit in and how to effectively engage. It also doesn’t express an “all in” or “all out” approach that I feel from other ministries — such as I sometimes felt from my previous church experience. I appreciate your ministry and have learned much from it. Keep up the great work!