Regret . . . it’s a horrible thing.
In a moment of stupidity or practical insanity, you do something for which you want to kick yourself, slap yourself, or give yourself an atomic knee drop.
You wish it were a bad dream, a nightmare, but it really happened . . . and you can’t do anything about it.
When I was in my 20s, the Lord would often speak to me through dreams.
Today, only on rare occasion will I receive a dream that I believe is from the Lord.
This morning, I received such a dream. In it, I was supposed to write a blog post on a topic that I’ve never written on or given much thought to.
So I’m doing that now.
This has particular application for my sisters and brothers in the Lord who are young and single.
The message is very simple, but it’s one that I believe is going to spare some of you from monumental regret.
Here it is: When you attend a party, be very conscious that you don’t drink too much.
In the dream, I was to make this bulleted list.
Keep in mind that when you consume too much alcohol it lowers your inhibitions and throws your judgment and spiritual instincts out of the window.
If you drink too much, these things can happen to you (and they have happened to many).
* you can end up having an unwanted pregnancy.
* if you get behind the wheel, you can be arrested and have your license revoked (DUI).
* you can end up cheating on someone’s boyfriend or girlfriend or spouse.
* if you’re a virgin, you can end up losing it to someone you don’t even like.
* you can do or say something so boneheaded that you end up making a fool of yourself and even lose friends.
* you can end up in a fight.
* you can even die due to alcohol poisoning.
Don’t kid yourself. Christians aren’t immune to any of these things.
And yes, we all know about them. But sometimes “a word spoken in due season” is needed to warn us before we drive over a cliff.
Like I said, I don’t normally write about stuff like this. But I received a dream to do so, and thus I believe there’s someone reading this — perhaps many — who will be spared a lot of pain and heartache because of it.
If you feel inclined, share this post directly via Facebook message or email with any young single friends you have.
They may thank you some day.
See also How to Stop Agonizing Over Finding God’s Will For Your Life
Great article. One thing that I’d like to say about alcohol and the Christian walk is that we need to be extremely careful. As a former heavy drinker I’d have to say that we need to be very cognizant as to the amount of alcohol that is consumed and in what setting. We need to be aware of the definition of drunkenness because to many it may be defined differently. Is it staggering drunk or a slight buzz? Anything that is consumed and has the ability to alter the way you think I try to stay away from. Although I gave up drinking alcohol I wouldn’t say that I think alcohol should be off limits. But that’s something that has to be dealt with on a personal level between the person and God. I’ve seen people make a lot of poor decisions that cost them a lot because of alcohol, that includes me. God bless you Brother Frank.
Good word. When I was young and dumb, God sent me a warning dream for me personally related to some of your points (not about drinking, since I didn’t drink). I ignored it and messed up. I sure wish I had listened.
As with all of God’s ‘rules,’ the ones warning against drunkeness and sex sin are for our protection because he loves us.
I often am lousy at self-regulation. I guess I’m a real, full blown sinner.
No…I don’t drink to excess…but I surely eat too much. And I wish I had a dollar for every opportunity I had to help someone, but didn’t.
Sins of omission are every bit as damning as sins of commission.
But the good news is…the really good news is…that I have a Savior. One who has taken upon Himself ALL of my sins. Past, present, and future.
As a young Christian, I got into excessive drinking and the result being I got High Blood Pressure and other heart problems. The final result being that now I take a huge amount of tablets every day just to keep me alive, So Please, PLEASE, PLEASE young people heed this warning Abuse of alcohol and even food can kill you!
Thank you, Frank, for this.
I find it interesting though, that the message was not do not drink at all, but merely do not drink to much.
Alcohol in general continues to spark debates between christians, even though the BIble clearly do not speak against moderate alcohol use. I emphasize moderate, as in not getting drunk and loosing control. On the contractary, the Bible seem to asume alcohol, in particual wine, as a natural and integral part of the culture.
This might be a bit on the side Frank, but I have often wondered where you, as a teacher I highly and deeply respect, stand on this, both theologicaly and personally. Feel free to comment if you deem it appropriate to do so 🙂
There is nothing in Scripture that forbids drinking alcohol. It condemns drunkenness or making a person stumble who has a conscience issue with it. In the OT, wine is encouraged as a blessing from God. Jesus clearly drank wine — real wine, not grape juice. This is a settled issue in biblical scholarship, so I see no need to discuss it.
Of course, a person is free not to drink if they so choose, and in some settings, it’s probably wise not to drink. But putting that on every one else as law is clearly wrong and it doesn’t have the support of the Bible. Having traveled the world, Christians in other cultures think that the idea that it’s wrong for a Christian to drink wine, beer, etc. is silly at best and strange at worst. All things in moderation.
Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. I completely agree:)
I would add to this list: If you get behind the wheel, you may accidentally kill someone else and/or yourself. I have a friend whose fiancee was killed by a marine who was driving while drunk. Not only did the female marine kill my friend’s fiancee — she also died in the collision. A decision to drive while intoxicated can literally destroy lives.
You are so right! I don’t drink, but that does not mean I am immune from being a jerk at times with my discussions.
I’m sure many of your readers have first hand experience of some of these consequences. I have. Another bullet for your gun would be that drugs (alcohol especially) also open you up to direct spiritual attack from the enemy. The Scriptures set “being filled with wine” and “being filled with the Spirit” as mutually exclusive – or at least competing propositions.
As a new covenant believer, I am free because of what Jesus did, and does, for me. But freedom isn’t free. It is actually harder than living by rules and restrictions. It requires a higher sense of awareness, introspection and responsibility than I ever imagined.
I am free to drink as much as I want. God will not love me any less. But, as you point out, behavior, especially in the landscape of complete freedom, has consequences.
Thank God I have a new heart that seeks by its nature to do God’s will (Ez 36), coupked with the Holy Spirit living in me. Together they provide me with internal self-regulation that is beyond my own will and my own thinking. All I have to do is ask.