I’m grateful that this ministry has impacted thousands of Christians in their 20s, 30s, and 40s.
To help this audience even more, I’m conducting some new research for this age group.
So in this post, I want to specifically ask a question to only those of you who are in your 20s, 30s, or 40s.
Just place your answer in the comments section at the bottom. Then take a look at the new Network below (via the banner).
- What’s your exact age?
- What is the greatest challenge or problem your generation of Christians faces? (By “your generation,” I mean those Christians in your age bracket, i.e., your Christian peers.)
As stated on the blog post, none of the comments are showing publicly. This is intentional.
We will have an analysis of the results in 2 weeks … subscribe to the blog so you don’t miss it. https://www.frankviola.org/subscribe – it’s going to be insightful.