This post has been revised and is part of Frank’s new book, Hang On, Let Go: What to Do When Your Dreams Are Shattered and Life Is Falling Apart.
Category: Spirituality
About Frank Viola
Frank Viola is a best-selling author, blogger, speaker, and consultant to authors and writers. His mission is to help serious followers of Jesus know their Lord more deeply so they can experience real transformation and make a lasting impact. To learn more about Frank and his work, go to 20 Years of Projects. To invite Frank to speak at your event, go to his Speaking Page. Due to a new problem with persistent spam that we haven’t figured out how to control, comments are closed for the present time. To contact Frank, use the “Contact” page in the top menu.
Your critical insight goal moved my spirit when you talked how important that peace which indicates faith is so critical to God because it allows him to do his job and that’s to be our God. We are so tempted to be God in our lives. Lord grant me that peace which passes all understanding!
larry nevenhoven
I’ve been using a system like your “card system for worries” for over twenty-five years now. I just write it down on a piece of paper, addressed to the Lord, and call it a covenant between Him and me. Then, when doubts hit me, I go to to “my covenant” and remind the Lord of it.
Like your card system, it works for me.
I love the idea of outsourcing worry. What a great way to think about the problem. Thanks for sharing!
“On one level, you still care about the situation. But on a higher level, you no longer care because you’ve transferred your care over to God. For this reason, a worry-free person appears to not care. Consequently, there’s great liberty and freedom in outsourcing your worry to God.”
I appreciate the way you put this.
I worry lots but when I experience the presence of God and walk close to Him I feel care free, actually I feel totally free! God is quite capable of handling things and he will use me when He sees fit. I’ll know.
I often have a hard time sharing that with others, to them I appear not to care about everything that’s going on in the world.
I now have a better way of putting this into words.
Thank you.
Ed G.
God’s timing is perfect! I’ve been a businessman for many years and God has blessed us in amazing ways. Because I am driven I don’t live in gratitude at times and become anxious and worried about pursuing the the future even though God has never, never failed to provide for our family and our employees. When my inward anxiety surfaces it effects everyone around me. God used my son yesterday to boldly point out what he has seen for a long time. I surrender! God brought Philp. 4:6-7 and Ps 46:10 to my heart. “Be anxious for nothing – Cease striving and know that I am God”. Thank You Frank and others who have commented!
I must say that this came at the right time for me.I have been worrying about my studies and what encouraged me the most was what you wrote about in “Rethinking the Will of God,” that because He is all knowing and all powerful He allow things to happen. And now I will put everything into God’s hands. Thanks Frank this was very helpful.
Peter Brimson
Grace is powerful in gentleness. Thank you for sharing and reminding me. An uncomplicated reminder that came at a Kairos moment.
Thanks Frank. The best part of this post for me is this:
“On one level, you still care about the situation. But on a higher level, you no longer care because you’ve transferred your care over to God. For this reason, a worry-free person appears to not care.”
Really we can (and we should) recognize both “levels”. Yes, with Christ it HAS to be different in every sense, in every situation.
I really appreciate the idea of outsourcing worry and cares. I found it helpful to read about the system that you use to tangibly show the outsourcing has been completed. I have found trying to outsource some of the concerns without the tangible sends the worry workflow right back to where it was. I’m looking forward to trying this!
Thank you very much. This is helpful. But what should I do when the worry is about a decision I make myself? I don’t know what is good to do, it affects my life and that of others.. I think and worry because I don’t know what my choice will bring: good or bad.
Frank Viola
I address this in “Rethinking the Will of God” which is a free download on the site.
Rueben Molale
Hi Frank,
Thanks for sharing! I appreciate the use of a tangible symbol to remind yourself that you’ve outsourced your worry to God. That is profound!
Carol Bell
Just returned from spending a week with my son and his family. They are missionaries in Honduras, taking boys off the street who are homeless and caring for them. They have also adopted two children, who are now two years old and a handful. The last two years have taken a tole on them physically and emotionally (too much to go into). I was seeing and sensing so much as I was with them and it was not a time to talk about anything, since they were all sick with Zika virus. I have sort of prided myself on giving things over to God but by the end of the week, I was almost physically sick and knew God was speaking to me about letting go as much as He was speaking to me about them. I realized that I must release and let go and trust Him to do His work in all of us. So I really thank you for sharing this about worry, it so spoke to me. I realized, as well, the connection that our emotions play on our physical body as that my concern and distress was playing out in my physical body by the end of the week. I had spent a lot of time with the grandchildren listening to the Frozen song, ‘Let it Go’ all week and God spoke to me that I might want to do that over this situation, give it over to Him. Also, reminded me of the scripture that a man should leave his father and mother and cling to his wife – so for be to be careful, as a mom and not get out of the boundaries God has set for me with my married son.
Jennifer Bischoff
Really helpful. Being at work, I have made a small, cardboard box and have written the quoted text and all the references used on the sides – inside and out. I have written my worries (now past tense) on paper and dropped them into this small box. I have prayed over this, submitting to God, telling Him what it is I need done, cast my worries on Him and stepped back, knowing that these are now in God’s hands. There can never be any place better, for He cares for me – despite my weaknesses and wrongs.
Thank you so much! I have worried about each of these with growing vigour – and now they are in God’s hands! Jenny Bischoff
Durscherl Holloway
Thank you! This has been my problem almost all my life and it is so encouraging that you have learned how not to worry. It encouraged me and I will try your way with God’s guidance …
Frank Viola
I’d rather say that I’ve learned to battle it effectively. The temptation doesn’t go away.
Great message Frank representing Christ and his sovereignty. The message you shared I take it in its completeness – nothing I see as not fitting the purpose.
Further to the message, I am very must encouraged by Ephesians 2:1-5, especially the change of tone in verse 4…But God (NKJV)…by grace we have been saved! The mystery that He now lives in our hearts is another word of truth and encouragement. He is All in All…what more do I want or scared of.
Thank you for all your contribution in forming Christ in me and those who receive and eat of your work.
The fact that you admitted that you also struggled with worry, made me realize that it’s something most people do have and that using a strategy like you did helps me to realize I too can conquer worry. Thank you.