If you are producing fruit for God’s kingdom, people will judge your intentions.
And some of them — tragically — will even be Christians. Two points about this problem:
First: Beware imputing bad motives to the hearts of others, for whenever you do, you simply reveal what’s in your own heart.
The piece of saw dust that you perceive in your sister/brother’s eye came from the telephone pole that sits in your own (Matthew 7:1-4).
Example: Pride is an inward motivation.
Therefore, a person who has pride in their hearts will often assign pride to the motives and actions of others who they’ve never met and do not know.
It’s a case of projection.
Paul talked about it in his letter to Titus when he said,
“To the pure, all things are pure; but to those who are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure…” (Titus 1:15).
By contrast, “love thinks no evil” of others (1 Corinthians 13).
That means, love always thinks the best.
Those who walk in the Spirit think the best of their siblings in Christ and never presume to judge their intentions or read what’s in their hearts.
Second: When someone judges your motives, it’s an opportunity to learn the longsuffering and forbearance of Christ.
Learn not to react, defend, or respond. Give the matter to the Lord and He will gain ground in you.
Featured Book – JESUS SPEAKS: Learning to Recognize & Respond to the Lord’s Voice (Hardcover, Thomas Nelson, 2016). “Arrives before Christmas.” ~ Amazon.