Many years ago I heard an old preacher give a sermon about how people really don’t change. He argued that transformation is a myth. At the time, I didn’t buy his argument.
Today, I’m even more convinced that he was wrong.
The old preacher was a case in point.
Decades ago, he was a different man than when I first met him. In his youth, he was utterly committed to his Lord, had a tender heart, and God used him mightily.
By the time I met him, however, his spiritual arteries had hardened, he became corrupt and mean-spirited, and he turned into a full-blown Saul — jealous and malicious.
People DO change. Sometimes for the better. Sometimes for the worse.
Countless innocent men have gone to prison only to come out hardened and violent. Some have entered the political arena with noble intentions only to come out duplicitous.
I’m not the same man I was when I was in my twenties. Among other things, I knew far more than I do now!
Yes, people do change.
For that reason, be careful not to compromise — even in the smallest matters. If you do, you may find yourself becoming someone you no longer recognize. (This word is for some of you who are being lured to compromise for some thrill.)
For those of you who have compromised, the good news is that there’s still time to change because transformation is not a myth.
The kingdom of God is in need of those who will invite the Spirit’s transforming work into their lives. And that begins with believing that He actually can change you. (If you’re looking for a footnote, you can find it in Paul. See Romans 12.)