Recently, someone asked me, “Frank, the other day I heard someone say that you’ve changed your views on the church since writing Pagan Christianity. I’ve read your blog since you started it, and I’ve never read or heard you say that. I even remember you saying that you have NOT changed your views on the church. Can you clarify this?”
My answer: You are correct on both counts. My views on the church have not changed since I wrote Pagan Christianity with George Barna. And yes, I’ve repeated that more than once on the blog. So I’m not sure where this idea came from. My only guess is that the person who made that remark hasn’t really read my work, but rather skimmed it, and came away with a misunderstanding.
The only things that have changed are:
- I no longer use the term “organic church” because it’s been hijacked so many times that it’s now meaningless. (Also, while many people use “house church” and “organic church” as synonyms, I do not. A “house church” and “the organic expression of the church” are not the same thing. To my mind, there’s nothing sacred about meeting in a house, thus I’m not an advocate of “house church.” I’ve written and spoken about this many times before.)
- Since 2012, I’ve been in a season where I’m not actively planting organic expressions of the church. Note that it’s a “season,” which means it’s not permanent.
- I’ve not written on ecclesiology (church matters) since 2009. Not because I’ve changed my views — I haven’t. But because I’ve said what I wanted to about the subject, I’ve moved on to those other topics that are aligned with my broader ministry. (My upcoming book, There Must Be More, will have many chapters on church issues, including my memoir on body life. But I wrote those chapters in the past. They just have never been printed before.)
So to repeat it again: I stand by every word I’ve written in Pagan Christianity, Reimagining Church, and Finding Organic Church. In fact, I believe what I wrote in those volumes more strongly today than I did in 2008 and 2009 when each title was released.
Point: Resist the urge to skim written material, especially online articles. Skimming often leads to missing nuance, which leads to misunderstanding, which leads to misrepresentation.
If you’re an author, get used to this.
One more thing. A gentle request, actually. Please don’t copy and paste any of these weekly articles on Facebook or your blog. The reason is that Google penalizes repeat content, and that hurts the blog. Instead, go to the specific article on my blog and use the social media “share buttons” below it to share it on your blog or your personal Facebook page (or Twitter).
I’d also appreciate it if you didn’t share my articles on any “Christian” Facebook groups. These groups are known for their viciousness and blood-letting. I prefer to stay clear of them directly and indirectly.
Thank you.
Past Related Articles
House Church vs. Organic Church
George Barna and I Reflect on PAGAN CHRISTIANITY Years Later
Preface to the New Edition of PAGAN CHRISTIANITY (The Softcover)
Why You Can’t Find an Organic Church
You Can’t Love Christ and Despise His Bride
An Important Lesson from Charles Manson
I am so excited to find this website. I am someone who has been looking for more than what is taught etc in the church today. I am hungry to meet people who are also hungry for more, who want to really know who the Pearl of Great Price is and who are serious about knowing Him through the Word, as well as wanting to please Him by striving to obey His Words. I long to share with others, as well as those who do not know yet, who we are In Christ and Who He says we have become In Him and what we can now accomplish for Him because He is in us and we are in Him. I long to meet people who are as bankrupt as I was and share with them all He has done for them on the Cross and how they can find their joy and deliverance and victory and completeness In Him as they discover the Words of Life through the Word of God. I am tired of playing church where people obviously only know “they are saved and need to go to Church.” I am tired of the Pastors who are satisfied with leaving them in this condition, with no victory over sin, worry, fear, but instead because “God’s grace is supposedly sufficient and God loves them the way they are. I am disturbed and grieved over the lack of Holiness and desire for God’s Holiness in their lives. I hope to find some answers to my longing for more of the truth for me and for others..