If you are alive, you’ve noticed. But perhaps this article will provide language for it.
We live in a day where there is profound intolerance exercised in the name of tolerance. I call it “the new tolerance.”
It goes something like this.
“If you don’t agree with my beliefs and my value system, then you’re intolerant.”
Which being interpreted means: “In the name of tolerance, I’m intolerant of everyone who doesn’t bow to my values and beliefs.”
“I’m intolerant of everyone except those who agree with me, and in the name of tolerance, I will brand them intolerant.”
What is tolerance?
True tolerance doesn’t force people to adopt a belief system, whatever it may be.
True tolerance can “agree to disagree” and go on with one’s life in peace without ever entering into a social media beat down over politics, ethics, or theology.
True tolerance values all mortals as made in God’s image, and therefore, regards them worthy of love. At the same time, it points out areas of disagreement and even condemns beliefs and actions that violate God’s will.
Disagreeing with a person’s habits, values, or ideas isn’t the equivalent of hating, fearing, despising, or wishing them ill.
Loving a person doesn’t mean approving their practices or beliefs.
Love and approval aren’t the same thing.
Even God doesn’t always approve those whom He loves.
Jesus, who is the human face of God, said so much:
“He is kind to the ungrateful and wicked.”
~ Luke 6:35
By contrast, the new tolerance says, “I will tolerate everything except those who disagree with me.”
That, dear friends, is an extremely intolerant tolerance.
Let it not be so among the people of God.
Freedom of speech has very few friends, for an obvious reason: it means freedom to disagree with me.
Yet, freedom is freedom and it has a value of its own to the entire Creation. Namely, freedom reflects the sovereignty of God. Therefore freedom – too – has a sertain scent of holiness in it.
We live in a very intolerant age.
Like the brother said, I must also evaluate my own attitudes and motives.
God show us all mercy !!
The funny/odd thing is, those who walk in the ‘new tolerance’ can’t see themselves honestly at all! Or they do and don’t care …
Thanks Frank.
Well said and right on.
Excellent and thought provoking as always, Frank. I need to examine my own motives more deeply regarding this topic. Praying for your short respite to be a wonderful one!
Excellent work Frank–so well put.
Is it possible to re-blog your posts on my WordPress site?
Thx. Please don’t copy and paste the posts. As stated on the “About” page, this violates Google’s policy and it ends up hurting the blog in the search engines. Just post a short excerpt and then link to the blog post so readers can read the whole article and can comment (as you have) and I can interact with their questions and remarks.
A much needed message to be grasped, thank you Frank.
Great post Frank! In the UK we have the same, we also have liberal thinking, which in the light of this post I understand to be the New Liberal Thinking, as it is intolerant of anyone who disagrees with it. Appreciate all your work.
Love your books and writing.