As a result of the new book, INSURGENCE: Reclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom, kingdom outposts are being formed all over the world.
The end of the book discusses this concept and gives some suggestions of what do to in your kingdom cell. (Again, these are NOT cell churches. Neither are they “house churches” or Bible studies. Neither are they “organic churches.”)
I explain what a kingdom cell is on pages 329-331 & 432, including a plan on what to do in your cell meetings.
I also discuss it in How to Form a Kingdom Cell (Outpost) Where You Live.
We’ve received many testimonials about people’s experience in forming kingdom cells.
What follows is a small sampling of those reports, enough to encourage others to begin their own.
Testimonial from Paul
About 6 weeks ago we began meeting as a kingdom cell. The way ours started: A few months ago, I heard that two friends were meeting together once a week before work to discuss what God was doing in their lives. I asked if I could join them. I was reading Insurgence at the time. God was working in my own heart and life through that book, and so I found myself mentioning kingdom-related things most weeks. One of the other men got the book, started reading it, and he too began bringing up kingdom themes in our conversations. Since we were all interested in the kingdom of God, we decided to make reading and discussing the book a part of our time together each week. There are currently four of us and we meet at a nearby Panera every Friday morning. We’re all fired up about the kingdom of God, and asking God for direction on how to better disentangle ourselves from the world system. One of the men in our kingdom cell is the pastor of the church I’m a part of, and we have started a sermon series on the kingdom of God.
Testimonial from Jason
Insurgence changed my life, so I bought a bunch of copies for my friends using the bulk discount. Some of my friends got fired up by the book, so I invited them to my house on Monday nights for a kingdom cell gathering. We’re doing what you outlined at the end of the book, sharing our stories, spending time in the Lord’s presence, discussing ways to care for each other, and plotting good in our city. It’s been amazing. There are six of us currently.
Testimonial from Justin
Our kingdom cell started by me. I just asked several of my friends to join a book study group on Insurgence. There are currently four of us regularly meeting, and another six in our “extended circle.” Right now, we are in Part IV of Insurgence. We are meeting weekly, reading about 30 pages a week, doing the taking action assignments together (we do them before the meeting and then share the results in the group). We also are learning how to be conscious of the Lord’s presence in our daily walk and in our meetings, and we’ll often share things the Lord showed us that week in our individual fellowship. We will also listen to 1 – 2 of Frank’s audio messages during the week that fit with the topic. We’re also getting in Scripture during the week and asking the Lord to reveal more of Himself. Those insights are brought to the group and shared. Already, God has done some pretty significant work in our hearts and it’s happening as a group, which is awesome. As we get into the later chapters, the activities will become more practical and action-focused. For example, when we get to the part about making the letters and burning them, we’ll do that as a group, and when we get to the part about showing the fruit of the kingdom, we’re going to seek the Lord together about what type of good works or service we can do as a group.
Testimonial from Katie
I was a missionary in Panama, and while there, I found one of your books lying on a table. From there I started reading everything I could by you and came back to the States to study more with other like-minded people. I talked so much about what I was learning (because I was so excited) that a group of people started gathering to learn more about it. We currently have about 8 adults meeting in our kingdom cell, plus a couple of kids.
Testimonial from Landon
My group was started by a friend who was blown away by Insurgence. He bought a case to hand out to his mutuals and invited everyone who was interested to his house on Sunday nights to discuss the book, get to know each other, and talk about how we can help each other implement what we’re reading. The kingdom cell has been better than any church I’ve ever attended. There are 6 of us right now.
Testimonial from Kathy
I met the in-laws of a friend when they moved to my city from interstate earlier this year. The wife and I met for a coffee and we decided to meet regularly (mostly weekly). It’s just us two at present. We go to a large park – first to the cafe for morning tea and a chat (catch up). Then we go outside and sit under a tree for our “fellowship” time. This may last one to two hours and includes some of the following: Sharing personal history details regarding our relationship with the Lord, listening to one of Frank’s audio messages, singing a worship song, and sometimes we share a Scripture. We then pray together.
INSURGENCE: Reclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom (discounted on Amazon)
How to Form a Kingdom Cell (Outpost) Where You Live
5 Ways to Spread the Insurgence
Greg Boyd Interviews Frank Viola on the Gospel of the Kingdom
Are you in ministry?
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