It was 30 years ago when I officially stepped outside the institutional church to discover ekklesia.
On November 2, 1988, I sent my church an official letter of leaving. (I actually exited a short time before that, but November 2nd is when I made the departure official.)
The reason why I left is simple. I knew there was something more to “church” than what I had experienced in countless churches of all types. No one hurt me and there was no falling out. I left on good terms.
But what I found on the other side in the way of Christ-centered, face-to-face community and every-member functioning wrecked me until this good day.
While I’ve never returned to the institutional form of church, I’ve been invited to speak in such churches on the Lord Jesus Christ, the deeper life, and God’s kingdom. And I’m always happy to do so.
I’ve also attended institutional church services with friends and family over the years. But I can count them on my hands.
Consequently, I’m not an enemy of the institutional form of church. God used it as an instrument for my salvation. It’s just that I’ve found something higher, deeper, or more authentic outside of it (and I’m not talking about “house church” which I don’t advocate.)
What follows are new videos where I discuss the church from various different perspectives. Some of the interviews are brand new. Others are messages I delivered in different cities years ago.
Elizabeth Bletsoe
I am so excited about this direction our Ekklesia are going in. We have come out of a hurtful situation. We are shepherding those coming out and letting Jesus minister to them in his own beautiful way. I would like to join your page and discover more guidance on how to one another each person! Regards Libby