2019 is just around the corner and I’d like to motive you to break a pattern that you may not even be aware of. A pattern that’s killing your life and making you useless to the kingdom of God and to the Insurgence.
I call it living on “Someday Isle.”
It goes like this …
1) “Someday I’ll start a kingdom outpost where I live.”
2) “Someday I’ll write a book that will really help people.”
3) “Someday I’ll figure out what my mission in life is and be more productive.”
4) “Someday I’ll start a blog and reach thousands of people with my message.”
The truth is, most people who say to themselves “Someday I’ll …” DON’T.
And they never will.
How do I know this? Because I’ve heard people utter the “Someday I’ll” line most of my adult life, and in virtually every case, they never follow through.
So may I give you a bit of inspiration? Because so many people are content to live on Someday Isle, I’ve created a time-tested solution for each one of them.
The fact is, we need more men and women – a lot more – who will be bold enough to do something about spreading the Insurgence and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, instead of continuing to parrot the religious and political talking points of the Progressive Left or the Conservative Right.
- Hard Truth: You will never start a kingdom cell unless you make a quality decision to do so and you are proactive about it. Here are simple instructions on how to get started.
- Hard Truth: You’ll never write that book. Not without the right training. That’s been my observation over the last two decades. And we need (very much) books that deal with different aspects of the gospel of the kingdom from those who have joined the Insurgence. That’s where my annual training for writers comes in (SCRIBE 2019). 98% of those who attended the SCRIBE training finished their book in a year. We still have spots left to register. Join the wait list immediately and you’ll be contacted by email with the registration information.
- Hard Truth: Without the right training, you’ll continue to flounder on your specific mission and you’ll remain unproductive. That’s why I created the PROLIFIC audio program – which teaches you my own proven methods of goal-setting, finding your specific mission, and being scarily productive.
- Hard Truth: You’ll never start a successful blog without the right training. Right now is the best time to start a blog. The reason? Because most of the great blogs have folded, so the space is wide open for new voices to appear. And we NEED (desperately) more voices who have joined the Insurgence and are declaring the gospel of the kingdom. (Aside from my blog, I’m not aware of any other blog that is completely dedicated to the topic – as of December 2018.) My team and I created the Buzz Seminar Master Course to teach you how to start and maintain a blog that more people will read beyond your mother and best friend.
So there you have it. Four resources that are proven to get you off Someday Isle. You can stay in a rut and only wish to be a change-agent for the Insurgence or you can make a difference.
2019 awaits … the choice is yours.