This post has been revised and is part of Frank’s new book, Hang On, Let Go: What to Do When Your Dreams Are Shattered and Life Is Falling Apart.
Category: Rethinking
About Frank Viola
Frank Viola is a best-selling author, blogger, speaker, and consultant to authors and writers. His mission is to help serious followers of Jesus know their Lord more deeply so they can experience real transformation and make a lasting impact. To learn more about Frank and his work, go to 20 Years of Projects. To invite Frank to speak at your event, go to his Speaking Page. Due to a new problem with persistent spam that we haven’t figured out how to control, comments are closed for the present time. To contact Frank, use the “Contact” page in the top menu.
Larry Wayne Jones
I too have been deeply impacted by T. Austin-Sparks writings for nearly half-a- century. One outstanding thing about him was how he never created an elaborate marketing campaign…yet by the sovereign hand of the Lord his works have impacted many around the world. Without fanfare or humanly-devised machinery, boxes of his writings were found by his family after his passing and given (not sold) to others that printed them. In keeping with his wishes of not turning his works into a money-making enterprise, they are now available
worldwide…even on the world-wide web…at no cost to hungry hearts…
Among many other things that the Lord is teaching me through Sparks’ writings is that everything lasting can only be produced by the Lord’s grace, which always weakens US…lest any man should boast!
Especially in tribulations and fiery trials we must never forget that our “Lord’s strength” is made perfect in “our weakness”. True ministry cannot happen through our ability, but by His and His alone. Therefore, in order for His life to be known in resurrection glory, ours must be CROSSED OUT! I must decrease, in order for Him to increase…