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Thanks Frank!
Blessing, Frank, from up here in Canada. I hope you’re doing well down in Florida. It’s so interesting which relationships come up out of the woodwork. I’ve tried to reach out to people I thought would care about hearing how my family is coping, but there has been little to no response from most of them. But who sends me emails? One who I suggested should attend Celebrate Recovery years ago, and now she’s attending, succeeding and thinks of me. Another who is a beloved friend from college and I haven’t seen in years. It helps me to think of where my time and interests should be invested.
This was a great article Frank! Thank-you!:)
Great article! Loved the humor too.
I like this sort of framework for thinking about this. We’re familiar with physical immunity issues, of course. But there’s also psychological immunity and spiritual immunity. I would say our weakest immune system is the physical level. Our most powerful immunity is spiritual. So we need to ask ourselves, “How can I gear up my psychological immunity (thinking, emoting, etc) and my spiritual immunity as well (scripture, meditation, prayer, worship, journaling, online connectivity with the Body of Christ – Zoom).” Thanks for the post! Great pragmatic advice as well.
Great read! Thanks Frank! Looking forward to your next article!
Frank, I’ve always been drawn to your tone and style as well as your content. These are extraordinary times. And you’re right on 2 major points. Our Greatest Ally IS right there with us and the opportunity for tremendous creativity if we can work through our fears and turn down the background music of DOOM. Thanks for the chance to laugh and think.
Thanks Frank for the love and humor imparted, plus all the effort in bringing it to us. Already shared, thanks again, God bless us all.
I made it through from beginning to end and now await my shipment of TP. 🙂
“currently unavailable” … “out of stock” … “temporarily unavailable”…
New to you! Would love to get your work. Love your style and humor. Wisdom too of course.
great article–sensible, encouraging, humorous, touches on material & spiritual life (if there’s a difference). Peace and Goodwill,
I am a nurse, thankfully I have a position that allows me to work from home. I was in emergency service for over 20 years and just recently started my new position. I would like to add, gloves are useless if you don’t remember or understand cross contamination. In addition, gloves are like a Petri dish, microbes love a dark, warm moist environment and proliferate exponentially in that environment. So don’t use gloves continuously and don’t forget about cross contamination.
Secondly, I have several articles available from reliable sources that do not support the NSAIDS (Motrin, Advil etc) making the virus worse. NSAIDS are not the preferred choice for fever management and do have side effects, suck as renal toxicity and increased risk for intestinal bleeding. But the report that they are making COVID-19 worse, was initially reported by the French Minister of Health and was a premature statement based on a couple patients that he was aware of. It was later shown that there was no correlation between NSAIDS and COVID-19.
What the person posted previously about slowing the fever to remain, as it’s the body’s way to fight the virus is true. We recommend our patients not to take Tylenol unless they have a fever of 101 or greater. After that temperature, it is okay to manage fever with Tylenol (first choice) or Motrin (second choice and you don’t have risk factors that prevents you from taking). Managing the fever doesn’t totally stop the fever and it’s benefits. Only keeps it at a tolerable level. Children, especially need to have their fevers managed and not remain at the 104 or higher levels.
God ordains our steps and our stops, this is a stop. God is moving and giving people the opportunity to reevaluate life and priorities, including the church. I have found it interesting how much some Christians are so attached to the sacred cow of the church building, so much so they neglect the scripture about obeying authority. I keep hearing in my spirit, everything that can be shaken, will be, including the sacred idols of the church. It has also been encouraging to see Christians start to think outside the box of their building. God is moving and it’s exciting to see and so grateful to be able to trust the loving God of heaven during times like these.
Blessings to you
Thx. I plan to address “the church” issue in next Thursday’s article.
Thank you for a thorough and logical article. So much to read now, so many opinions. Yours was refreshing and informative.
Thank you Frank.
This article has renewed our confidence in Jesus during this moment of despair in Africa and especially in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Cereal Christians are best served in a bowl of milk, sprinkled with sugar. 🙂
Awesome article Frank. I’m somewhat skeptical of the Advil/Ibuprofen claims, however. From what I’ve read, there’s no definitive evidence it’s true. It’s simply a tested hypothesis. Still, it doesn’t hurt to be cautious.
I love that you listed Amazon twice, but it could be my 20/20 eyesight!
Ha! Amazon was listed 3x.
I get your point. But it strikes me as odd that nobody is dying from their health issues that they had before. If they get sick it gets automatically labeled as death from the virus. Nothing more, nothing less. I am not saying it is not a serious issue. However, I do find that odd. And I am one of the few who have used this time to share different scriptures during this time because it is a lack of God that brought us here.
Yes. I believe Elvis said the same thing. So I’ve heard …
Another fun remix: “Is anyone among you sick? Let him call, text, or email the elders of the church, and let them pray for him remotely as they anoint themselves with sanitizer in the name of the Lord.” – James 5:14
Thank you for your encouraging words…and humor, brother. Balm for the soul. Love you.
Great read! “Cereal Christians (the flakes, fruits, and nuts)” cracked me up. I am using this time to spend more time with God via Bible reading, sermons on Youtube and websites/podcasts such as yours. Investing in real relationships, I haven’t been on Facebook for over 6 months….so peaceful! No drama! Lol! I am also expanding my online business. I have been in the process of implementing a new healthy eating, exercise and creativity regimen even before this virus nonsense. So this just motivates me more. So your post was very timely. Thank you!
I am an essential worker who is not allowed to wear gloves or mask. Against protest i am forced to take temperature screenings of the few that must enter our facility. Husband is out of work. Not sure what is trickier at this point- going to work or being out of work. God is my shield and buckler. When man won’t help, God is my refuge and hides me in Him. Thank You Lord for protection! On Him we rely.
Lifting you and your family up in prayer Lisa. God is indeed your refuge. Bless you.
*Do not treat viral fever – which helps body to increase innate cells to fight initial viral invasion.
Fever also helps decrease the viral replication especially in the first 24hrs of exposure or onset of fever starting.
Many people take tylenol or advil to reduce fever too prematurely. Fever helps body to sleep and allowing body to make antibodies. With the first sign of cold or flu, resting and letting fever run its course (even up to 104°F) cuts the duration of cold/flu to a day or two. Our immune system should work the same way with corona virus. So if you are healthy and feel something coming up such as itchy throat or slight fever please rest well. For that is how God created our bodies to fight the germs.
The article addressed Advil … you may not have read it (no TP for you!, lol). The problem is FAR worst than what you suggested.
Great comments , keep ppl me in the loop.
Next article elaborates on the promised themes. But ppl must subscribe to get it.
Very helpful and appreciated, Frank. I’ve been unwrapping packages outside the front door and taking the outer package directly to the trash, then washing hands. I only bring the content/product inside. I’m also taking a pen to the store with me to press the buttons at checkout, then disinfect the pen. Or use something disposable like a popsicle stick if you have them around and just toss it in the trash outside the store.
Some of these things have been promoted in the news or online as low risk, but they really don’t have enough information yet to say that for sure, so caution is advised. For example, they are beginning to change recommendations on people who have no symptoms using masks when out in public.
And my personal rule has helped me: don’t panic until it’s really time to panic. 🙂
Yours is the best read of the week outside of God’s Word. Home Run. Since baseball is cancelled, you hit it out of the park and I caught the homer out here.
Thx. It will be interested to see how many people share it with their friends. 95% of my readers don’t do that. Not sure why. Only takes 1 second to click a share button.
Thank you for taking the time and care in writing this article. I pray that during these challenging times, it inspires all who read it to keep their eye on Christ and His Kingdom!
Thanks Frankster! Good stuff, as per usual. Keep it up, bro!