Originally published December 2020.
Welcome to another Thursday UNFILTERED blog post, the only blog that stands up and cheers whenever someone posts about the gospel of the kingdom on social media.
First, a “thank you” for subscribing to my Thursday UNFILTERED emails and allowing me to serve you each week.
We’re all still trying to navigate this minefield called 2020. But it will be over soon (applause).
I still haven’t selected my word for 2021. (Something I do each year.)
Here are some important updates:
- I’ll be taking a break from writing these Thursday articles from now until sometime in 2021. I’m not sure when I’ll resume. But I will DEFINATELY resume as I have some important articles in the queue. So stay subscribed.
- The break is due to creation overload. I have a new manuscript that’s due to my publisher in the coming days. I also finally plan to revise and expand The Untold Story of the New Testament Church. (If you don’t have a copy, please do not buy it. Wait for the new version to come out. We expect it to release in a few years.)
- I will be resuming The Insurgence Podcast on Tuesday, January 12, 2021 (God willing). Make sure you’re subscribed here so you don’t miss out (and catch up if you need to). This is the primary way I’ll be communicating with you until I resume the Thursday articles. Also, we will be using a new rhythm for the podcast. A new episode is scheduled to release every two weeks.
- The degree of pain and suffering that many of you have been experiencing this year has been incalculable and inexplicable. For this reason, my next book is about how to survive the worst things that life can throw at you and come out on the other side as 2.0 version of yourself. You don’t want to miss it. It will include a special bonus for email subscribers. The book releases the Summer of 2021.
- Since December 1st, I’ve been in (MRM) Mental Reboot Mode. And I’m having AWESOME results. If you haven’t tried it, you may want to give it a shot in 2021.
- If you’re a YouTube user, you can view our YouTube videos. There are presently over 140 videos on the channel. We plan to post more in 2021.
Here are 5 questions I’ve recently been asked along with my answers:
1) I just found your blog over the last six months. Your articles have helped me so much. Are your past articles available? If so, how can I read them?
Thanks and yes. Just go to the blog – frankviola.org and scroll down. The articles appear from the most recent to the oldest. You can also use the green category buttons at the top to read them by category.
2) I’ve read all of your books and listen to your three podcasts. How are you so prolific, and how can I be more productive next year?
I unveil all of this in my PROLIFIC course.
3) Tell me more about your training for authors. I’ve written a book already but it doesn’t sell well. I also have a new book I want to write. Will your training help me?
Yes. I created this live training for both aspiring authors and accomplished authors (like yourself). It’s called SCRIBE. The next SCRIBE training is in April 2021. Join the wait list here as soon as you can, the page contains the dates and location. You’ll receive the registration page by email until it fills up.
4) Do I have your permission to share your articles?
We encourage sharing the articles by using the social media share buttons that appear below every article on the blog. Or by putting the article link on your social media feed or blog.
But please don’t copy and paste the article on social media or on your blog. This always creates problems and hurts the blog in the search engines.
5) I’ve noticed that unlike so many Christian leaders today, you never ask for donations. Does this mean you are not in need of money?
No, it doesn’t. In fact, right now, we have family members who have serious medical issues that require large sums of money (the issues aren’t covered by insurance).
I’ve never felt comfortable asking those who follow my work to give a donation, even though it’s standard for ministries today.
Interestingly, I was sharing some of these needs with a friend who is a well-known author, and he encouraged me to ask a one-time donation from my email subscribers.
That said, occasionally (though rarely), someone who appreciates my work and who is doing well financially will ask how they can donate to my work. We never turn away such requests and are enormously thankful for them. We simply send them this Donation Page.
Okay, that’s it.
Many blessings to you and yours for the remainder of this disaster saga called “2020” along with hopes for a WONDERFUL 2021.
I’ll see you on the podcast when we resume in January. And I’ll send you my next article sometime in 2021.
Onward and upward,
P.S. If you’re not subscribed to my Thursday UNFILTERED updates, you can subscribe here. It’s free and comes with a dozen Super Fire Hot Wings … the kind you can only eat after you sign a set of release forms.