Welcome to another Thursday UNFILTERED blog post, the only blog that pretends to like your new haircut.
First, thanks for all the insightful comments on last Thursday’s article What Was Jesus’ Central Message on the blog.
Since the holidays are just around the corner, I’d like to remind you that many people – including scores of Christians – are suffering right now.
The holidays are a time when emotional pain is particularly acute.
As I glance at my social media feeds, I see many of my friends struggling with a relational trial, a health trial, and/or a financial trial.
This being the case, I’d like to alert you that we now have three videos (all gratis) on the Hang On, Let Go landing page.
If you – or someone you know – is going through a personal storm right now, these videos may be a lifeline for them.
Check out all three at HangOnLetGo.com. (Make sure you “refresh” the screen if you’ve visited the site in the past.)
To wrap up this past year, here are all the articles that were published on the blog. All of them were sent to you by email from the time you subscribed.
You can read them all on a single page at the bottom.
What Was Jesus’ Central Message?
A Ten-Year Commitment
My Feelings on Spiritual Fathers
What’s a Miracle, Really?
Jesus Was Not an Aristotelian
Dull of Hearing
Can Genuine Christians Learn from the Pagans?
Deconversion From Christianity
Personal Prophesies, Bitterness, and Dismay
My Philosophy of Money
Where Are the Workers?
Straining at Gnats
A Farewell to Prayer
How to Pray for Hopeless People
Will the Revolution Be Televised?
My New Book
Read them all ON THIS PAGE.
Note also that we now have 148 episodes on the Christ is All podcast and we’ll be dropping episode 100 of The Insurgence Podcast on Tuesday.
Every blessing,
Christian Stuff That’s Not Boring
Books for Abnormal People – all the published books on one page. These are for “abnormal” people who don’t think like the masses.
The Deeper Christian Life Network – the network equips and connects serious followers of Jesus from all over the world who have embraced the gospel of the kingdom (i.e., the Insurgence). Contains the exclusive Master Classes, Monthly Q & A, Scriptural Game-Changers, Inside Peeks, Prayer Requests, etc.
The Insurgence Podcast – conversations about the explosive gospel of the kingdom. A new episode releases every other Tuesday. Gratis.
The Christ is All Podcast – over 145 episodes. A new episode drops every other Tuesday. Gratis.
Surviving Your Storm – this new audio course supplements the recent book release Hang On, Let Go: What to Do When Your Dreams Are Shattered and Life Is Falling Apart. The course is highly practical.
How to Live by the Indwelling Life of Christ – this premium discipleship course trains you on how to practically live by the life of Christ, making Galatians 2:20 a walking reality.
Complete Article Archive – over 1,000 blog posts. Just scroll down. Articles move from most recent to least recent. Gratis.
The Deeper Journey YouTube Channel – contains many different playlists. Gratis.
P.S. If someone wanted to change your life and zealously forced this blog post on you, you can appease them and subscribe here. It’s gratis and comes with a dozen Super Fire Hot Wings … the kind you can only eat after you sign a set of release forms. (No lemon suckers please. They won’t understand the humor.)
What an amazing library of content! Love it. Sharing!