Welcome to another Thursday UNFILTERED blog post, the only blog for abnormal Christians who know there’s got to be something more.
Episode #149 of the podcast is called “What’s the Deeper Journey?”
In it, I introduce you to a dude named Caleb.
Maybe you are Caleb.
Or perhaps you used to be. Or maybe some generous soul shared this article with you and you will soon become a Caleb (in which case you owe your life to the person who shared it!).
The episode is short.
Only 14 minutes long — so no bellyaching about “I have no time to listen to this 14-minute audio.” Just take a quick pause from binging on your favorite Netflix series. 🙂
I guarantee some of the things you’ll hear on this episode will give you a new take on the story of Jesus and the woman at the well. Things I’ve never shared before.
You can listen to it on ANY podcast app, but here are the three biggies:
Go here for a list of all episodes with their titles and dates.
After you listen, be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss the other episodes that are in the queue.
I’d love to hear your comments, impressions, and insights on the episode.
Next week’s article is called “Is the Church a Whore?” Hmmm … there’s a good reason for this article which I’ll explain.
The article after that is entitled, “A Subtle Indicator of Legalism.”
And there are others in the queue waiting for a future Thursday to drop.
So stay tuned.
Grace and peace,
Christian Stuff That’s Not Boring
Books for Abnormal People – all the published books on one page. These are for “abnormal” people who don’t think like the masses.
The Deeper Christian Life Network – the network equips and connects serious followers of Jesus from all over the world who have embraced the gospel of the kingdom (i.e., the Insurgence). Contains the exclusive Master Classes, Monthly Q & A, Scriptural Game-Changers, Inside Peeks, Prayer Requests, etc.
The Insurgence Podcast – conversations about the explosive gospel of the kingdom. Gratis.
The Christ is All Podcast – over 145 episodes. A new episode drops every other Tuesday. Gratis.
Surviving Your Storm – this new audio course supplements the recent book release Hang On, Let Go: What to Do When Your Dreams Are Shattered and Life Is Falling Apart. The course is highly practical.
How to Live by the Indwelling Life of Christ – this premium discipleship course trains you on how to practically live by the life of Christ, making Galatians 2:20 a walking reality.
Complete Article Archive – over 1,000 blog posts. Just scroll down. Articles move from most recent to least recent. Gratis.
The Deeper Journey YouTube Channel – contains many different playlists. Gratis.
P.S. If someone wanted to change your life and zealously forced this blog post on you, you can appease them and subscribe here. It’s gratis and comes with a dozen Super Fire Hot Wings … the kind you can only eat after you sign a set of release forms. (No lemon suckers please. They won’t understand the humor.)
Just want to thank you for all the books, podcasts, and courses. Many life changing things! Just ordered more Jesus Manifesto copies to give to friends.
Incredible! I just joined the deeper life network. Really impressed with it already.
Episode 149. I never thought of it that way — as Christ being the 7th man (completeness) in John 4, but it makes good sense. Yes, I think many can relate to your Story of Caleb, including me, thank you Frank.
Amazing revelation in episode 149! Thank you!
Wow! That episode was dope! Real revelation. Sharing it with my friends.