Welcome to another Thursday UNFILTERED blog post, the only blog that is read by more Millennials than any book written by Joe Rogan.
So I’m late to the party … again.
Recently, I noticed that there is now a softer, gentler version of all three volumes in the Jesus trilogy that I wrote with Lynyrd Skynryd (a.k.a. Leonard Sweet):
Jesus Manifesto
Jesus: A Theography
Jesus Speaks
All of them are now in soft cover (paperback).
This usually means that the hardcover editions will soon join the Tyrannosaurus and become extinct. And you’ll only be able to grab used copies on eBay (for ridiculously high prices).
Of course, the advantage of the soft cover edition is that it’s less hazardous.
When you come across a sentence that boils your blood, you’ll be less likely to take someone’s eye out when you fling the hardcover across the room.
Yes, the softer, gentler edition is less dangerous. It’s less costly too because it could spare you a lawsuit from inflicting eye-damage on another mortal.
You can check them all out on the new Jesus Trilogy page which contains interviews and gratis sample chapters (the latter is for the both of you who are allergic to buying books).
In fact, the newest episode of the Christ is All podcast features me reading some chapters from Jesus Speaks and sharing behind-the-scenes info about it.
Speaking of “softer, gentler, and safer,” check out these tame, non-threatening messages.
Next Thursday will be a full-blown article.
Talk to you then.
Your brother,
To see Frank’s entire book catalog, his podcasts, full archive of articles, YouTube channel, online courses, etc. just go to Christian Stuff That’s Not Boring.
P.S. If someone wanted to change your life and zealously forced this blog post on you, you can appease them and subscribe here. It’s gratis and comes with a dozen Super Fire Hot Wings … the kind you can only eat after you sign a set of release forms. (No lemon suckers please. They won’t understand the humor.)
I am now reading Jesus a Theography v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y I might add and finding it phenomenal. Thanks for the work you guys did on this. I find if one reads this very slowly and prayerfully, there are fathomless depths of the riches and treasures of Christ. Thanks!
Love the humor! Great books. Have your entire catalog, looking forward to the next one.
I found Insurgence, like the Jesus Trilogy, to be just as soft, gentle, and safe since it’s also in paperback. Thanks for keeping your writing as potent as the flavor in La Croix water 😉