Welcome to another Thursday UNFILTERED blog post, the only blog that sometimes gets trapped in your “promotions” folder (Gmail) and spam/junk folders because “they” don’t want you to read them. 🙂
Paul’s last letter recorded in the New Testament is 2 Timothy. Near the end of the epistle, Paul makes this chilling remark:
“For Demas has forsaken me, having loved this present world …”
~ 2 Timothy 4:10, NKJV
That sentence is haunting.
Namely, because Demas had a unique relationship with Paul.
Demas was with Paul in Rome, while the apostle was imprisoned, and Paul sent greetings from both Demas and Luke to the ekklesia in Colosse (Colossians 4:14).
In Philemon, Paul calls Demas a “fellow laborer” (Philemon 24) along with Aristarchus, Mark, and Luke.
What a privilege and an honor!
Yet when Paul penned 2 Timothy years later, he tells us that Demas has gone AWOL.
He’s out of Paul’s life and out of the lives of the ekklesias.
Because he loved this present world.
“For Demas, in love with this present world, has deserted me …”
~ 2 Timothy 4:10, ESV
I’ve lost count of the number of young Christians who were once in my life who followed the Lord with great zeal, but later went the way of Demas. And for the same reason – they loved the world.
But whether you’re a young believer or a seasoned disciple, no one is immune to this.
All of us are susceptible.
In Insurgence, I gave “the world” the typical Frankie V. treatment, tracing its conception, its birth, its dimensions, its strategies, and its power.
Here is a spoken message that I delivered at a Pastor’s Conference where I talk more about the world.
The message is called “Love the World vs. Love Not the World.”
It’s part of the “conference messages” playlist on our YouTube channel.
I trust both resources strengthen you.
Until next Thursday,
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Wow. That’s powerful. Thank you for the reminder.
Great article. Interesting to read. Hard hitting. I’m new to your list, will listen to that message and get your book.
Thank you!
A sobering warning. As I read the blog, I’m reminded how important it is to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and seek Him. He’s the same yet His riches to discover are limitless!
Both of the linked resources helped me incredibly. I honestly wasn’t clear on any of the things you mentioned regarding the world until reading Insurgence. In my experiences growing up and as a young adult, it was either taught as a list of behaviors to avoid or as just an abstract theological concept.
Getting clear on the world, and asking Him to remove all of it’s malicious facets from me, is a painful yet completely liberating process.
Keep giving us eyes to see, Lord!