Welcome to another Thursday UNFILTERED blog post, the only blog that accurately predicts what’s going on in your mind.
This year, I’ve been working with a group of kingdom leaders who are part of The Insurgence Experience.
Most are pastors in their 30s.
Recently, I shared a 8-minute riff with them called “Orange Berries, Addictions, and Seeing Christ.”
I thought it would benefit many of you who subscribe to the blog, hence why I’m making it public and sharing it with you.
Two texts to keep in mind as you listen.
In your struggle against sin, you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood.
~ Hebrews 12:4
Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because whoever suffers in the body is done with sin. As a result, they do not live the rest of their earthly lives for evil human desires, but rather for the will of God.
~ 1 Peter 4:1-2
There are two kinds of people in the Christian fold.
1.Those who yield to the slightest temptation. They fold under pressure. They are willing to tolerate that which is poisonous to their souls and spirits.
2. Those who have suffered for the Name in the struggle. They can show you their scars. They have drawn blood. They would rather die than to yield.[1]
Perhaps you’ve been the first kind of person. I hope this audio strengthens and inspires you to become the second.
Listen to the 8-minute talk on our YouTube channel below.
If you wish to comment on the audio, post it in the comment section below.
Finally, if you’re a kingdom leader and you’re interested in the next Insurgence Experience, apply HERE.
Your brother in the Insurgence,
Related: Tolerate Nothing: Episode #85 of the Insurgence podcast.
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P.S. If someone wanted to change your life and zealously forced this blog post on you, you can appease them and subscribe here. It’s gratis and comes with a dozen Super Fire Hot Wings … the kind you can only eat after you sign a set of release forms. (No lemon suckers please. They won’t understand the humor.)
[1] The Holy Spirit offers us His power to mortify the deeds of the body (Romans 8:13). But this doesn’t mean that resisting temptation doesn’t involve suffering and struggle as Hebrews 12 and 1 Peter make plain. In Insurgence, I discuss breaking addictions practically (including a step-by-step supplemental article).
Thanks so much for that powerful illustration. It is so helpful. What makes this mail more interesting is the timeliness. A sister approached me with a question on addiction and breaking addictions. I was going to forward the addendum from Insurgence when something said why not read this article first. And then I listened to the clip. It was the perfect answer to me and to her.
Be blessed Frank.
Thank you for the video. I was touched along with the others who commented.
Thanks for posting. I have found addictions stem from unhealed hurts, unmet needs and unresolved issues. The soul looks for solace in unhealthy things.
When Jesus comes in and heals the soul, addictions lose their power.
And thanks for reminding us all to be self aware to catch these little foxes.
Thank you for this very important message!
Thank you so much Frankie V, for continuing to be a trusted pipeline to wise teaching from our living Lord.
What a brilliant metaphor. I’m a lead pastor who is 37. I just signed up for your insurgence experience.
Thank you for resending this. The email was in my promotions folder. Your video really spoke to me, I’ll be sharing it.
Wow! Thanks for sharing this. The audio is so good and hit home.
Frank, thanks for this very powerful message and for all the other powerful messages you’ve shared this year. This really helped me. At 32, my mind keeps getting blown!
Thank you for this timely message…may God continue to bless you!
Hi Frank,
Thank you for releasing this clip. It is helpful and reaffirming for me.
This past weekend, Friday-Sunday, my daughter and I decided to press into the Kingdom and we followed your steps in the article that you wrote about being free from an addiction. Thank you for the practical advice in that article.
And, thank you again for this clip, yet another encouragement to keep pressing in!
Great stuff, non condemnational, non threatening, invitational, hopeful.
God Bless
Florida pastor
Frank, that 7 minute video was so powerful. I’m sharing it with all my friends. The section on addictions in your book “Insurgence” helped me so much when I read it, especially the free article you linked to.
I have a question. What is your definition of a “leader” and “ministry”?
I’m a lead pastor in my 30s and will be applying to your Insurgence experience. If the video is any reflection and your Insurgence book, I’m totally in!
Thanks Jeremy. I appreciate this.
Leader = a person who has influence and that people look to for guidance. All Christians are leaders in some arena. In spiritual things, a leader is someone who turns around and sees people following their words and/or example. It’s as simple as that.
Ministry = spiritual service. The IXP focuses on those who minister in preaching and/or teaching (spoken ministry or “the ministry of the Word”). However, ministry is any kind of spiritual service. That’s how the New Testament defines it.
Thanks Frank. I am ridding myself of the orange berries, that’s hard enough, I realise the cure is seeing Jesus again in His beauty. Starting on that now. I often have thought that fasting would help open a door, now you convinced me … Love, P.
Your orange berry analogy is super powerful, it hit me harder than anything I can remember.
Amazing! My boyfriend needs to hear this. I’ll be playing it for him tonight. I think a lot of guys need to listen to it.
Powerful video! Got a lot out of it. Sharing with my friends.
Wow! this hit me hard. Just what I needed. Really a lot of insight. Thank you.