Welcome to another Thursday UNFILTERED blog post, the only blog that doesn’t mind insulting dictators.
So many leaders are struggling with conflicts with other leaders. (By “leader,” I mean anyone with influence. That would include people who are part of churches that operate by consensus as well as pastors and their staff, elders, ministry teams, etc.)
In episode #157 of the Christ is All podcast — which dropped on Tuesday — I speak directly to leaders who are having a conflict. In fact, what I say applies to any believer who is in conflict with another believer.
Give it a listen below.
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Right on target! Lord help us all to walk in the heart of serving one another!
Just when I was hoping you’d give us some ammo to go flame those idiots causing conflict all around us, you recommend something so Jesus-like! Hahaha. I was encouraged because I have experienced rejection and conflict within a mission agency during the last 3 years, and by His empowering, I was made able to obey the Lord’s instruction to wait and let Him work it out. No defending myself; no seeking alternative solutions; no finger-pointing; just wait. And it was a long wait…at least it felt like one. In the end, He did bring an opportunity along that far exceeded my feeble imagination’s ability to conceive and we find ourselves joyfully moving ahead at this very moment. He is good. He can be trusted. He will lift up the one who humbles themselves and waits on Him. Thanks, Frank!
The audio is outstanding! Thank you. Prayers for your work on the revised book.
Amazing insight! Thanks for sharing this with us. I love the podcast. Always fresh and innovative.