Welcome to another Thursday UNFILTERED blog post, the only blog that will never appear in a Hollywood movie, even if it was offered $600 million and two million armadillos.
Last week, I sent you the new podcast episode entitled The Peril of Listening to So Many Voices.
However, the audio quality was horrific, atrocious, and even ghastly in some spots. So I re-recorded it.
It’s much better now.
This particular episode is important, hence why I’m mentioning the revision.
Now for today’s article.
A Tale of Two Missiles
Ballistic missiles know their target and they never change course.
Once a ballistic missile leaves the ground, it’s going to hit the spot at which it is aimed, no matter what.
The problem, however, is that the targets got smart. The targets learned to move while the missile didn’t.
For this reason, cybernetic missiles were invented. A cybernetic missile, once programmed, changes course with the target.
The cybernetic missile constantly calculates and re-calculates, changing course to stay with the target, no matter what.
A cybernetic missile knows its ultimate goal. It has no idea what it must go through, what twists and turns it must take, or what obstacles it must encounter to reach its goal.
All it knows is that it’s committed to make whatever adjustments necessary to reach its object.
Year ago, I wrote about a friend who was stricken with the insidious disease of Alzheimer’s.
My friend changed. Radically so.
But I was just as committed to him and our friendship as I was decades before when we first forged our relationship.
Throughout this whole shooting match called “life,” God has called you to be like a cybernetic missile in many situations.
So no matter what changes in the lives or attitudes of others, remember to always keep the love on.
This article was originally published in There Must Be More.
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Just go to Christian Stuff That’s Not Boring.
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Thanks for this encouragement Frank.
Father, we are grateful for your love in our hearts and which we hope to keep on towards those that we are supposed to love, no matter what it takes.