Welcome to another Thursday UNFILTERED blog post, the only blog that observes how everyone was suddenly an “expert” in viral diseases in 2019, and now in 2022, they are suddenly “experts” in constitutional law.
If the short video I’m featuring today doesn’t make you cry, you might have ice water in your veins.
What I’m speaking about in the heading is a video of a kingdom community performing an innovative song in an innovative way.
The 5-minute video – which I find amazing — has been long lost, but it’s just been recovered.
The video creatively tells the story of God’s eternal purpose in 5 minutes.
I dare you to check it out.
And I double dog dare you to see if you can watch/listen without having a watery eye.
If you can, you just might be composed of ice.
Okay, that’s a bit much, but seriously, if the Spirit of God dwells in you, you’ll be blessed by it.
GO HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO (lyrics included).
Comments will be open for the next 10 days, so feel free to share your reactions there.
Until next Thursday,
P.S. Today is the last day to get my signature book, INSURGENCE: RECLAIMING THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM for $1.99 in all digital formats.
P.S.S. If someone wanted to change your life and zealously forced this blog post on you, you can appease them and subscribe here. It’s gratis and comes with a dozen Super Fire Hot Wings … the kind you can only eat after you sign a set of release forms. (No lemon suckers please. They won’t understand the humor.)
Thank you. This is powerful.