Welcome to another Thursday UNFILTERED blog post, the only blog that used to be a paper boy. Which means, it had the choice between driving to 2,000 houses or two dumpsters.
Before I get to today’s feature, I’ll be taking a break from sending out these Thursday articles until January 12th due to the fact that the holidays tend to suck all the oxygen out of most readers.
BUT … I’ll be resuming THE INSURGENCE PODCAST near the end of the month. So make sure you’re subscribed (it’s on all podcast platforms).
That brings me to today’s feature.
Recently on the Christ is All podcast, we dropped three episodes that feature a number of raw interviews I did on my new book 48 Laws of Spiritual Power.
Again, the book is NOT just for people in professional or full-time ministry.
It’s for EVERY believer because (1) all Christians are called to serve the Lord in some capacity, and (2) we all need God’s power to live the Christian life.
The three interviews do NOT repeat what’s in the book. They expand and supplement it.
And in some cases, they march off the map of what’s normally talked about.
What follows are some of the topics I discuss in the interviews spread out over the three videos.
To listen, go to 48Laws.com and scroll down. You’ll see all three interviews, plus an episode that includes two chapters from the book.
(We plan to release more interviews on the subject of spiritual power in the future.)
Here are some of the questions I address in the interviews:
1) How would you define spiritual power?
2) How do you address the power to overcome temptation?
3) Which law (principle) from the book do you think is the most neglected?
4) What would you say to a leader who has experienced the abuse of power from another leader and the turmoil that comes from it?
5) Why do you think the balance between caring for others and caring for yourself is so tricky?
6) What do you see are some common traps in ministry today that Christians fall into and how can they avoid them?
7) Can you share about brokenness and success?
8) You have a chapter about celebrity ministry. Are you willing to share some of your thoughts on the megachurch system and mega church pastors?
9) Which law has been particularly challenging to follow in your own life?
10) What’s one law that has particular significance for Christians in their 20s, 30s, and early 40s?
11) What’s one practice or principle that you would leave our listeners with about reforming the discipleship efforts we have today both in the institutional church and outside of it?
12) A lot of people think that if you lift their eyes off the pages of Scripture, they will go off into error. What do you have to say about this?
13) What laws apply to how to build and maintain Christian community?
14) What is the difference between God’s supernatural power and His miraculous power?
15) Talk about a law of God’s power that we don’t know much about today.
16) Talk about the dangers of chasing God’s power and the consequences of it.
17) Talk about God entrusting His power to people with corrupt characters.
18) Can you give us a practical tip on how to overcome discouragement when it’s upon us?
19) Tell us about one of the Codas (extra chapters) at the end of your book where you addresses Christian leaders and musicians who deconstruct and depart from the faith.
20) In the book you say that “if you’re in Christ, your whole life is a mission trip.” Can you expand that statement, please?
To listen to all three interviews, go to 48Laws.com and scroll down. You’ll see the videos on the page near the bottom.
I’ll see you on THE INSURGENCE PODCAST at the end of the month and in your inbox on January 12th.
Every blessing,
* I continue to completely rewrite, revise, and expand my very old — and deeply flawed – book The Untold Story of the New Testament Church. If you don’t have the old version, DO NOT buy it. Wait until the new version comes out (several years from now). Go here for the details. It will answer your questions about the project. I’ve been working on the revised edition virtually every day since November 2021.
* My Vision for a Ministry Dream Team – this article is to be shared with people who fit the criteria. The criteria appears at the bottom of the article. Be sure to read that part. Read the article here.
* Christian Stuff That’s Not Boring – this page contains all my resources which are for those who know in their bones that there must be more.
P.S. If someone wanted to change your life and zealously forced this blog post on you, you can appease them and subscribe here. It’s gratis and comes with a dozen Super Fire Hot Wings … the kind you can only eat after you sign a set of release forms. (No lemon suckers please. They won’t understand the humor.)
Interesting! Can’t wait to see your answers.