Welcome to another Thursday UNFILTERED blog post, the only blog that offers proof that God is infinitely patient, forgiving, and long-suffering. He has read EVERY social media post on EVERY social media platform and hasn’t exterminated humanity..
A heartfelt “Thank You” to each of you who got a copy of my brand new book, The Untold Story of the New Testament Church: Revised and Expanded (white cover with brushstrokes).
For those of you who haven’t yet, why are you still on this email list!? Just kidding!
Seriously, just a reminder that the 7 exclusive bonuses I’m giving away are still valid if you get the book now. But that offer will end March 16 – in 3 days.
Just head over to TheUntoldStory.net for instructions on how to order the book and how to claim your bonuses. They are all valuable.
I appreciate all the feedback on how the book is impacting so many of you so far.
Someone asked, “If I find a typo in the book, should I send it to you?”
The answer is YES! Please send typos with the page number to my email. Given the size and scope of the book, it’s likely that the proofers missed some mistakes. But if we know what and where they are, they will be fixed for future printings.
Also: At the bottom of the landing page, you will see a few new things:
*A new option to order the book in bulk at a discount. This is ideal for churches, Bible studies, fellowships, small groups, Bible colleges, discipleship schools, and seminary classes.
*There are now two creative “Unboxing” videos. (If you have a sense of humor, you’ll want to check those out.)
*There are currently two new interviews (they don’t repeat each other).
And as promised, here is the feature of today’s article. It’s a brand new spoken message called BURN THAT CANDLE: Unlocking the New Testament Story.
LISTEN TO IT BELOW. It begins and ends with a short music trailer
Next Thursday I will write on a completely different topic. So stay tuned.
Your brother,
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