Frank Viola is a best-selling author, blogger, speaker, and consultant to authors and writers. His mission is to help serious followers of Jesus know their Lord more deeply so they can experience real transformation and make a lasting impact. To learn more about Frank and his work, go to 20 Years of Projects. To invite Frank to speak at your event, go to his Speaking Page. Due to a new problem with persistent spam that we haven’t figured out how to control, comments are closed for the present time. To contact Frank, use the “Contact” page in the top menu.
Acting. You can still love cats without having a possible serious mental health issue. That video would appear fine on cat-Harmony. It reminded me of an episode Everybody loves Raymond where Ray saw Roberts girlfriend eat a blowfly from the table because she was obsessed with frogs and Robert thought his brother was “cuckoo”….until later. Thanks for the laugh Frank!
A few years from now we’re going to hear about this woman having 150 cats removed from her home.
It’s hilarious but not real. Her real name is Cara Hartmann and the video was intended to do what it did… Go Viral. She also sold it to Mashable. Quite a success.
Jess @Priscasvoice
I read about this when it first came out…she’s an actress. It is hilarious though, and I must say, I’m glad she was acting. It’s better that way, because otherwise I would be concerned for her mental health!
Thanks for the laugh; I needed it! I’m thinking this poor girl has a good chance of not getting her purrfect match and actually becoming the “cat lady” she apparently longs to be.
I have to thank you Frank for a laughing addition to my day. If this is real…I would steer clear of this for sure. If not, I will still steer clear. I can stand cats. LOL
HHHAhha!!! this brightened up my day! i feel lighter just from laughing! I love the songfied version, now i know why she loves cats so much! i am gonna watch it again and run away… L.O.L! Yikes! 😀
Okay…at first I thought she was serious. . and just a crier like myself. .However,…this HAS to be….it just has to be a joke….because it had me cracking up laughing by the end
Acting. You can still love cats without having a possible serious mental health issue. That video would appear fine on cat-Harmony. It reminded me of an episode Everybody loves Raymond where Ray saw Roberts girlfriend eat a blowfly from the table because she was obsessed with frogs and Robert thought his brother was “cuckoo”….until later. Thanks for the laugh Frank!
A few years from now we’re going to hear about this woman having 150 cats removed from her home.
It’s hilarious but not real. Her real name is Cara Hartmann and the video was intended to do what it did… Go Viral. She also sold it to Mashable. Quite a success.
I read about this when it first came out…she’s an actress. It is hilarious though, and I must say, I’m glad she was acting. It’s better that way, because otherwise I would be concerned for her mental health!
Thanks for the laugh; I needed it! I’m thinking this poor girl has a good chance of not getting her purrfect match and actually becoming the “cat lady” she apparently longs to be.
Purrfectly awesome!
Holy feline, Batman. It’s Catwoman, lol
I have to thank you Frank for a laughing addition to my day. If this is real…I would steer clear of this for sure. If not, I will still steer clear. I can stand cats. LOL
HHHAhha!!! this brightened up my day! i feel lighter just from laughing! I love the songfied version, now i know why she loves cats so much! i am gonna watch it again and run away… L.O.L! Yikes! 😀
Okay…at first I thought she was serious. . and just a crier like myself. .However,…this HAS to be….it just has to be a joke….because it had me cracking up laughing by the end