Welcome to another Thursday UNFILTERED blog post, the only blog that knows you cannot please all the people all the time. And every Thursday, all those people read this blog.
Before I share the updates, I want to say something that’s on my heart.
Jesus made crystal clear that there is one thing that fulfills the entire Law and the Prophets. It’s this simple word of His:
“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.”
~ Matthew 7:12
That being translated means, treat other people the exact same way you want to be treated in every situation.
For example: DeLisa is in trouble. She reaches out to you for aid. You have the power to stop the bleeding immediately, but you don’t.
If the seats were reversed, you’d want DeLisa to act on your behalf without haste.
Or if it was your spouse, or your parent, or your child who was in the same predicament, you wouldn’t think twice to alleviate their problem speedily.
Ah, but it’s not you nor someone related to you by blood who is in trouble.
Even though you profess to love God and follow Jesus, and maybe you’ve been a Christian for many years, if you don’t treat DeLisa just as you would if it were you or a relative in the same situation, you’ve failed to love. You’ve violated the will of God. And therefore, your professions of love for God are pretty empty.
The Bible puts an even higher premium on this word of Jesus in the book of 1 John where the author says that if we don’t love our brethren in Christ – which means treating our spiritual siblings the same way we want to be treated in every situation – our profession of faith is suspect.
That’s the raw meaning of Matthew 7:12.
Consider it. And more, let’s actively apply it.
Here are three important updates:
Update 1: My signature book Insurgence: Reclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom is still only $1.99 on Kindle, Nook, Apple, etc. (If you live outside the USA, hold your fire. I have no idea if the publisher’s discount applies.)
Update 2: My next book (published by Tyndale) releases in October. It’s a book about God’s power. (By the way, it’s not a book about how to zap demons or “do signs, wonders, and eat cucumbers” (as an old friend used to put it).
There are more than enough books available on the miraculous.
This is a book about divine power in ministry, which covers far more than the miraculous.
All subscribers to this email list will receive a special bonus when it releases. I’ll let you know about it in October. You don’t want to miss it, especially if you’re involved in ministry.
(Of course, if you unsubscribe before then, I’m afraid it’s “No bonus for you!” — says the Bonus Nazi.)
For those of who you run a podcast, I’m currently accepting podcast interview requests on the book for October, November, and December.
Just holler at me if you want to book an interview.
Update 3: The revision and expansion of The Untold Story of the New Testament continues, but at a snail’s pace.
For those new to my work, The Untold Story is my first professionally published book (2005). It was followed by another very early work of mine, Pagan Christianity with George Barna (2008).
Since that time, I’ve written over 18 other titles. Most of them are about the kingdom, the eternal purpose, the fullness of Christ, and spiritual transformation (not ecclesiology).
But given how immature and flawed the original version of The Untold Story was, it absolutely needs to be updated, expanded, and revised.
What takes so much time is the documentation. This edition will have footnotes (instead of endnotes).
Currently, there are over 700 footnotes in the new revision. The footnotes not only alert the reader to my sources, they also provide further details on the main narrative.
By the time the book is finished, that number will increase.
Your continued prayers are appreciated.
One thing that I’ve noticed as I rewrite this new expanded edition is that the original version from 2005 is full of errors and misspellings that were never caught by the editors.
Hopefully the publisher will bring in better editors for the new edition.
Right now, it’s looking like it won’t release for several years.
Again, if you don’t have the old edition, don’t buy it. The new version will be upgraded, updated, and far superior in every way.
I’ve uncovered a great deal about the first-century saga that didn’t appear in the old edition. Not to mention that the new version will be more user friendly.
My hope is that the Lord would use the book to be the new touchstone for understanding the New Testament.
Incidentally, there’s no agenda in the book to promote a certain form of church. (That’s not what this book is about. My three books from 2008 and 2009 did that.)
The Untold Story (revised and expanded) will exist to help us all understand our New Testaments like never before.
Until next Thursday,
Frank is taking invitations to speak in churches, conferences, seminars, etc. for 2023. If you are interested in inviting him to speak at your event, go to his Speaking page.
To see his …
entire book catalog (all 20 volumes)
all the podcasts (Insurgence, Christ is All, The Deeper Journey)
full archive of articles (over 1,000 articles)
YouTube channel (200+ videos)
online courses (How to Live by the Indwelling Life of Christ, The Day I Met Jesus, etc.)
the deeper life network (Master Classes: Galatians in 3D, Ephesians in 3D, etc.)
Just go to Christian Stuff That’s Not Boring.
P.S. If someone wanted to change your life and zealously forced this blog post on you, you can appease them and subscribe here. It’s gratis and comes with a dozen Super Fire Hot Wings … the kind you can only eat after you sign a set of release forms. (No lemon suckers please. They won’t understand the humor.)
Thanks Frank! Looking forward to your update on the Untold Story 🙂
Hey, brother!
Good morning! I’m writing to express my gratitude for your continued work. I think your ministry is impacting me and helping me abide in Jesus, more and more each day. I’m like a baby pooping its diapers, but little by little I’m learning to receive the Holy Spirit, every day and just be receptive of His grace. Living by the indwelling life of Jesus our Messiah is so simple, yet, my traumatized, mentally ill brain makes it difficult. I’m learning not to live in a defensive posture, but instead to live in the love of God. It’s definitely a marathon, not a sprint.
Just recently, God has plugged me into a new Jesus-loving, disciple-making community that is truly on fire for the Lord. They prayed for me, last weekend, and it was made clear I needed to refocus solely on Jesus and experience his freedom more fully, and to renounce my interest in ufology and my listening to so many bible scholars and researchers. I was reminded, once again, that I’m in the family of God, that I’m precious to him, that he loves me, that he wants me in his family, owns me, and is working in and through me. I see him at work in my marriage and family. I see him at work in the people God has put in our lives. Literal miracles as signposts of the Kingdom of God.
So much more I could say, but I just wanted to say thank you for your labors of love and being used by the Lord Jesus to see God reach so many people including myself. I deeply want to give way more than I take and to just abide in Jesus, 24/7/365.
I pray God’s best for you and your wife and family. Take care. Peace and wellbeing be with you and yours!
– Jon
Shalom Bro FV, I live in India and got “Insurgence” for approx $1.99 from Amazon last week! Thanks!
Great. We can thank the publisher. They control the discounts.
What book or source would you recommend to learn about all the influences, mainly in praxis, leadership, church structure, that happened under Constantine !
I have read Pagan Christianity, it’s the book that started this journey about 8-9 yrs ago and it was so good !
Just thought if there’s something out there that would go into even more detail of all the things he influenced !
Hi Joel. Your question is way outside of my interest and focus, so I’m not the person to ask. (Remember, Pagan C. was written over 13 years ago, and I’ve since moved on from ecclesiology long ago.)
The only historical work I’ve written since is ReGrace which is about the shocking beliefs of the great Christians and how that information (which is fascinating) can help Christians get along today despite their differences.
I wish every Christian who ever read Pagan Christianity would read ReGrace. If the message was embraced, we’d see a revolution in how God’s people treat one another, and the witness to the world and to angels would be incredible.